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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I've already posted mine, down from 17st 2&1/2, to 16st7&1/2 in a week. Don't really understand the point of the half marks, weightwatchers use em just for the sake of being awkward. I'll be back to class on Tuesday so i'll find out how much i've put on, haha
  2. ooOooo bad weather here, the electricity flickered on and off! Its windy as hell! I also went to the gym earlier and did 3k rowing and 3k cycling. I'm exhausted
  3. I still know a lot of people who would give me a look of terror if I suggested that they install anything. o_o Why is the EU being so difficult! Its just provided for the simple fact that people don't have a clue. Surely once you work out what's happening, you can download an alternative to suit your needs. This only provides people like me with a ton of computer illiterate friends. X( @ shorty, actually that's a good point.... :/
  4. Yay! Happy birthday Nathan ^___^
  5. Why does a fringe have to have a "point"?
  6. Put me on the more likely than not list, whereever that falls The date is still the same as the OP, ne?
  7. Have a good one flinkeh!
  8. I'll probs be able to work out the details for this come April(ish) I can only book leave on the tax year of the time in question, and I'll needs to see about funding as well (probably wont be an issue!) I might take a week and amuse myself about London for a while, see the sights or whatever. Seeing as i'm travelling over anyway, might as well make it a holiday..
  9. HDs don't usually have cooling by default. They especially don't need them externally, as they aren't surrounded by lots of hot components. Icy boxes are awesome!
  10. Its strange how you still look damn hot even covered in green!
  11. This sums up pretty much how I (and probably a lot of women feel) no need to backlash a man for being nice and opening a door for you, its kindness! Anything that's blatantly unfair is good to fight, but the same goes for the guys, we all have equal rights, both women and men
  12. Awwwh your cats are lovely ReZ!!
  13. haha, you disgust even me, that's really something. Well done.
  14. Mooglez- I thought you were sitting on the left not the right? Or was the orgy after I left?! If so - Damn you all.
  15. Yeah religion threads are sick. I can't believe I missed the Hamster/Tennant loves! I think I died a little inside.
  16. get to it mooglez, one day you might need some blood! *points* I'd love to be able to give blood, but you can't when you are on regular medication, sadly!
  17. Aw dante does look great when he smiles! ^^;
  18. I thought Ben might actually DO SOMETHING. God he's so boring. To think I used to have a major crush on him, not anymoreee!!
  19. I'm afraid it is. The complete volumes are like 3 sets of dvds in one. You can pay upwards of £20 for one of the smaller sets in HMV.
  20. Good job I'm not an active lesbian then, isn't it?! My haircut was based on Sarah's hair. I just loves how she's really adventurous with her hair. <3
  21. oooh same sex crushes, interesting. I love all different kinds of men, but where women are concerned...
  22. Cats are so much more awesome than dogs. Anyone who thinks dogs (or cats) don't smell are kidding themselves. When you have a dog (or cat - perhaps moreso one that's housebound, but a cat all the same-) in the house your nose gets accustomed to it and you don't know its there.
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