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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Karma has finally given back to me... We were due a payment rebate from work due to trust merging.. I got mine this month in my paycheck. I got £650 (on top of my wage), and that's after tax. OHHH YES :D
  2. Early nineties I think. Started on the AOL chat rooms, and it all went downhill from there Its hard to think that was nearly 20 years ago! CE/RE/NE is probably the site I've been on the longest (except maybe faceparty, but its gone to shit these days)
  3. Quoted from the info on the link I posted above:
  4. I'm not really... scared of needles or anything... But that shit is crazy. That's taking body mods to the extreme... X(
  5. No takers for Skip Beat? Loves it. @ Hellfire: You say that like Maase ever makes sense... Think about it
  6. Last year I also posted an interview with a friend who’d play pierced a spinal needle through his ribcage so that it was resting on his heart and twitching to the beat ...... Holy. Crap.
  7. I fell asleep in work. That was the height of my day. My mother thinks I'm going to do myself in, she said some weird stuff and hugged me after I got home from work. Weird. XD
  8. *nods* I hate wireless keyboards! Wireless mice are only worth it when you put a decent amount of money into them, and get said dock/charger =)
  9. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiidens!!!!!!!1 Have a good one dude.
  10. If anything Bleach is more like Harry Potter...imo.
  11. I might post my pc/gamez setup when my room is actually tidy..lol. I got a custom made corner desk, its sexual =)
  12. Hmm, I'm moving to a new office soon, it'll be desk share with the urgent care service so we wont be allowed fun things on our desk!
  13. I've done what now? I KNEW that would be taken out of context the minute I posted it, but you know what i don't careeeee!
  14. Any wonder us girls don't open up too often when we doom all threads
  15. Yeah, I don't think that sorta thing should be something one is ashamed of.. Obviously I won't go round in public screaming "I MASTURBATE!!11 WOOOO!" but I won't deny it when asked. I found a lot of girls I knew were all ashamed of it.. Maybe its a regional thing, maybe it was the people I hung around with... I'm not sure. Exploring your body should never be a bad thing, and I think it makes you a better sexual partner, knowing how to touch and stuff like that. ^^;
  16. I would agree with Innne about the girls talking thing. Maybe it happens in certain social circles, but its not a thing with any of my female friends. One night, my best friend, her boyfriend, and myself were talking about it (probably only initiated by him) and I did admit to masturbation. My friend flat out denied it and was in absolute shock that I did admit to it.
  17. I feel like a chemical factory, already taken 3 pills today, and injected myself last night.. rawrrrr x( Other than that its just a normal Sunday of doing very little ^___^ Must resist ebay!
  18. I thought the same thing I must admit!
  19. Bloody hell letty what did you do?! You somehow look totally different! I like all your various ear piercings!
  20. Niiiiiiiice buy Villan! FMA is rockin. Funnily enough I was eyeing up the very same dvd in HMV!
  21. o well I never would have thought it would be there, but so it is! Thanks for the heads up odders! ^__^
  22. Bolded and quoted for truthery. I use windows vista firewall and it does the job perfectly!
  23. Should be a relatively simple question... Is there a startup manager for vista or do I need to install a 3rd party app?
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