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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I had my first driving lesson today ^____^ (and I didn't kill anyone - weeeee!) She was impressed at my turning and gear changing skills :awesome: I just cannot get into the whole biting point thing, my feet seize up horribly (thanks arthritis) and I conked out the car twice =(
  2. Happy happy. Enjoy it guys! ^^;
  3. I also agree. How could they do that to defenseless animals, even more so cats </3
  4. Call centre high five!! Best thing was it was a bad word My boss is a legend. Probably because we are only 5 FTE (full time equivalent) staff so he hasn't got too many problems to deal with. I would imagine it may be different in your case.. You guys can all tut and laugh, but yeah, working in a call centre is sinfully boring, and you find amusement in the most unbelievably stupid things. At least we enjoy life even when its shit. Ner!
  5. Little amuses people that work in a call centre. Change the keys on the keyboard around. That ones a killer, my boss did that on us all once.
  6. Me toooooo! Any theme in mind, or just whatever?
  7. *nods* The only colour I've ever got done at a hairdressers is going from white to brown, something I wasn't really sure how to attempt tbh. Stung me £70 at the time. I just buy my colours and bleaches in bulk off the internetz. Works out a lot cheaper!
  8. Our PE was split up, girls did hockey and netball, guys did footie and rugby. I hattteeed PE. Being 60% covered in a skin condition does get a fair few stares/laughs/whispers/taunts in the changing room. Having arthritis, and no depth perception (I was smacked in the face more time than I could count) just made me utterly fail at any kind of sport. =(
  9. Am I not considered as a female anymore I meant to post in here anyways.. Unfortunately I wont be able to attend.. Battlez of leave in the workplace have commenced, and two people already have stuff booked and paid for. Sozzles! =(
  10. Two consecutive Friday the 13ths this year, and another one in November. I think its an omen *hides* I don't really follow any superstitions tbh. I'd rather walk under a ladder than walk on the road and get run over by a car
  11. I thought this was a spongebob thread ;( Nevertheless happy birthday mr Razzz =D
  12. Gender roles aren't set in stone, but I agree with Moogle when he says they tend to be typical. No harm in going with what's instinct if you aren't against it. On the other hand, you wouldn't persecute a mother for wanting to be the breadwinner. Or a father wanting to have a more care based role with a family. But at least that family would have both a mother and a father in their life, with a little role reversal. Not forgetting that, on occasion, a mother or father is lost, and the remaining parent has to be both a mother and a father to the child(ren). I personally don't believe in same sex couples having children. Its not for me and I'd rather have children naturally. Not to say I hate on same sex couples.
  13. *high fives* I won't be surprised if I hit 23 and not have gotten a single Valentines day card. I feel a little bit sown sometimes, but I soon wise up and pick myself up again... And realise that its only "grass is greener" syndrome. ^__^
  14. Most of the CCTV's I've seen are around police stations (pretty commonplace in northern Ireland - they are still like fortresses from the troubles) and in shops. Afaik, the police can gain info like that, but not willy nilly, they have to get warrants for that kind of info, just like they need to search someone's house. I'd be more worried about hacks, if the database/server that the info was stored on wasn't secured enough.
  15. Why do you want to update your drivers anyway? Unless you have a problem its usually not that necessary. If you have vista the drivers download through Updates and you have the option of installing or not installing them. XP you go to the Device Manager (iirc - right click on my computer > manage > device manager) and update through that. If you need a driver from scratch (Ie you've just formatted and installed) then go to the website for the hardware and get it from there. I only update my drivers when vista wants to or when I have to. I've had more than enough problems upgrading drivers, which then don't work. If it ain't broke I tend to not fix it.
  16. I'm Hannah Linton.. =D I'm in the Northern Ireland network and N-E group. I also have a blue computer pic thing as my D.P so feel free to add me ^__^
  17. Wear a helmet for gods sake. Someone could hit you at 30MPH in a car (and that really is no speed considering) and you'd be instantly dead without a helmet. My aunt doesn't wear a helmet. And it's for the silliest damn reason; she thinks it ruins her hair.... P.S - that's pretty awful Pantsu man! =( I fell off my bike (went over handlebars) and smashed my elbow. It doubled in size and I couldn't move it for a week. X( I lost pretty much all confidence on a bike since then.
  18. lessonnn buddy =D We are so going on road trips!
  19. Wow. The first time I'm glad I live away from everyone in N.Ireland I haven't got any cards yet. I must have got so many that the postie won't deliver them ZOMG WHY AREN'T THE SMILIES WORKING ANYMOREEEE
  20. lol... I dread to think what you meant by that :P I think he (as in a boy ) was about 9 or 10 as well.
  21. Actually I remember my friend saying she lost her virginity when she was 9. I don't think she even had her period by then..
  22. noooooooooooooooooo spoilarrr *also must resist* Its gotten too sad for my gentle heart =( P.S DMC is the shit. Watch it or Krauser II will EAT YOUR SOULLL. Mwahaha. But really its freakin' awesome
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