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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. at the *very* least 1000 for solicitor. (costs increase with value of house) I had very few moving costs, moved everything bar big goods in my own car, hired a man in a van to do one single big lift, was 50 quid. You may have mortgage fees but some banks will incorporate that into mortgage. May need a few hundred for general maintenance stuff. Depending on what you have and if the stuff in the place you pick exists/works. Whatever way the heating works, chimney sweep/boiler check is ESSENTIAL. My boiler wasn't run for over a year and had dangerous material wrapped around the pipes -_-
  2. ask her out, if she found your interactions awkward she would have avoided you like the plague. She sounds at least interested in being friends, if not more! Also you deserve some happiness after all the work youve done! Just don't let it go to shit like I did when I got a boyfriend lol. I'm trying to crack a tough nut, i think hes one of these guys that needs to be hit round the head with an obvious stick before he does anything about an interest.... Good job I'm pretty forward
  3. Hannah as a forename isn't very common here. But Hanna is a common surname (like I said above) so i'm sure that's where the confusion comes from.
  4. well put it this way, my electricity bill never goes over £20 a month. It's a refridgeration type unit, probably takes a bit to run over hours but its not got heater like consumption.
  5. Get a dehumidifier, its far far far superior. http://www.argos.co.uk/product/4020237 its a lot of money at 120 but its a real investment. Small ones are a waste of time (from experience) I cannot tell you how many times its saved my ass. From mould growing in my flat, to drying out my car when i left the window open on a very wet night. I usually use my tumble dryer for most things but stuff like jeans i hang on a airer (i have a 6ft tall one) and fire on the DH, you really cannot beat it.
  6. my name is Hannah. There aren't that many in my circle (also Hannah isn't a really common nick here as we have Hanna as a surname, I was named after a Margaret Hanna). I believe its more common in Wales, Scot & England I get H from my dad, Han from my close friends, nerk from my sister (long story), Hannah from anyone else. And nearly EVERY FUCKER ON THIS PLANET spells my forename Hanna NO YOU MONSTERS. Sending a work email with my name on it numerous times [email protected] and theyre like alright Hanna thanks NO NO NO JUST NO. It makes me rage so hard. Why can't you see whats in front of your face its so bloody unprofessional!!!
  7. I've got back into the weight training recently. Doing a 5x5 session. 4 sessions a week rotating between 5x5 squats / 5x5 strict ohp / 5x5 deadlifts / 5x5 cleans. A chopped down version of SL (loving the SL love people!). Thought I pulled a muscle in my back but turns out i have inflammed & infected kidneys... and i continued to push through the pain o___o possibly not the best idea.
  8. Might be late to the party but generally no... the combi's are not a good idea. More expensive to buy and fix, and you can't use both at the same time. If ones broke generally they both are. You can't have space for both? I only have room for one machine in my kitchen... but i have a condensing dryer in the spare room. (i have to keep the window open when i use it as it gets a bit condensated lol) And a dehumidifier which I could NOT do without. Would be the best method of drying asides an actual tumble dryer.
  9. I have a kidney infection again... no uti symptoms at all, just bam, swollen kidneys which are agonisingly painful. Likely going to have to go to docs to get a blood workup done. Fed up.
  10. lolyea my dad installed my oven, i ripped out my electrics for my electric heater. Its only a legal issue when you're talking about somewhere where you may be employing people, then you need to have strict safety regs. Even landlords generally don't give a shit (even though they should)
  11. I was a bit meh when i finally got my keys too, mostly because of the panic and EVERYTHING that had to be done (moving wise, notice for rent blah blah blah) and all that after the stress of the messing around legally. Glad you got your house though, it WILL hit you and you will be excited soon!
  12. >___< RIP little birdy Now go get a cover sorted for your chimney lol
  13. Awk poor girl i hope she is ok :-( You have to watch with the food thing because you can attract unwanted animals too, its better to have things that smell like her outside. I really really really hope she comes back soon. I know the pain of not knowing and its nearly worse than the truth. Sending you lots of hope and good vibes @Eenuh My cats are doing well with each other at the moment. Got to take them to vet as sparkys tum not too happy with his meds. I want to get freddy checked out too as I'm pretty sure hes deaf as a post lol.
  14. I'm up there with you, paying a plumber to fix my oil tank.... #theyseemerollin
  15. Just breathe and be patient. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I didn't think so at the time but everything worked out!
  16. Well you've managed to implement it into your life, I think thats the biggest part of making it work. Your gains have been incredible Daft!
  17. Jeez my move would have been a disaster. Thankfully it was a no chain sale and i was patient. My rental contract was just month to month. Everyone I knew said they would have pulled out long before it finalised. Ended up taking 6 months
  18. good luck miss, got my fingers crossed for ya xo
  19. goafer is that a real log burning stove or electric / gas?
  20. Its incredibly sad. I've got a *lot* of devastated female friends right now. One who was victimised by a neighbour for their relationship (shes married to a TG (female to male)) and it feels like another attack on them when the majority voted for someone so anti LGQBT (regardless of their feelings on it, voting knowing how he feels isn't exactly supportive). Hillary wasn't perfect and they could have picked someone better to run against him but I would have much preferred her.
  21. having been a sufferer of anxiety myself, you'd be doing her no favours. If its at a point where its restricting her life she needs to talk to someone, and get some help (be it meds or therapy). Best thing I ever did was grabbing life by the balls and DOING things rather than hide from them in fear of some unknown nothing.
  22. jeekers rough times in kneetown. Lots of love @nightwolf x
  23. more than likely water retention The current methods of reading bodyfat are not the most reliable
  24. the real agent gibbs wouldn't take any of that nonsense in maccies
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