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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. According to samknowsbroadband - "You are approximately 0 metres from the exchange. Note that this is the straight line distance - the actual cable length will be longer!" I AM the exchange....! The guy at plusnet compared the speeds at my old address and what I was to expect at new. Old was 15mb give or take, that was pretty dead on (about a mile from the BIG exchange in ballymena) He said "oh youll get BETTER speeds at your new address" and i was like nah mate wise up @nekunando has terrible internet! but yeah turns out i have approx 20mb. I could have got fibre in ballymena, but not here. But TBH 20mb is enough for me just on my own... i'm not huge on downloading etc.
  2. Was having a chinwag with my mum yesterday when we took my old oven to the tip. I was like yknow most women couldn't do what we just did (we carried a massive integrated oven to the dump) and my mum said to me that she has always been told shes strong, shes a strong swimmer, has powerful grip etc. So between that and my powerhouse father its any little wonder i became as strong as an ox. There's definitely a lot to be said about genetics in strength. I really miss lifting but at the moment i just have too much to dedicate to other energy requiring jobs to be planning workouts
  3. Was having a chinwag with my mum yesterday when we took my old oven to the tip. I was like yknow most women couldn't do what we just did (we carried a massive integrated oven to the dump) and my mum said to me that she has always been told shes strong, shes a strong swimmer, has powerful grip etc. So between that and my powerhouse father its any little wonder i became as strong as an ox. There's definitely a lot to be said about genetics in strength. I really miss lifting but at the moment i just have too much to dedicate to other energy requiring jobs to be planning workouts
  4. I agree with you but it is what is happening, the very few racists out there think that all the leavers think the way they do, and its given them what they feel is an opening to behave that way. Never said it was right. I have no hate against anyone, & I didn't bring age into it?
  5. I would say if any individual person looked into the projects the EU funded in their community they would be very surprised. Am really so sad, and I worry for my european friends who think this means something against them. Its not that the 52% are racist, its that the racists believe 52% of people support them! And why we are seeing these vicious events unfold where people are being told to "go home" and all this nonsense.
  6. All I can say is that putting up border control between the north and south is going to be fun (considering the northern irish didn't even *want* to leave) Yaaaaay.
  7. I am a bit concerned but not overly worried. I'm in for 5 years anyway. I fear it may have a bit more of an effect here as there is a lot of fear in the troubles kicking off again with talks of a referendum for a united ireland. So y'know it doesn't affect the english much, but could have a massive impact here. Certain areas could see their values drop like a stone if they have an increased crime rate. Oh also: i tested my internet and its better out here than it was in the town. Because i'm closer to a smaller exchange.
  8. Yeah I actually find I cannot cope eating a "normal" routine at all. I feel shit and I hate it. My fasting schedule varies a lot.. I've done full day fasts (they're damn hard to start), 24 hour fasts (eg 5pm tues start 5pm wed finish) and now i'm doing a bit like the leangains protocol where I'm having a 5pm-10pm eating window on weekdays. I do think change is a good thing, I get tired of the same routine (like I had been doing for over 2 months) and went a bit weeehhhhhhh crazy. So I'm trying to adjust it rather than giving up. I never feel as good when I'm fasting, ever. Wholeheartedly believe whatever scientific theory they have about health being improved for some people on IF. Even if I give up eating any kind of healthy-ness, I'm holding onto fasting at least 3 times a week in some shape or form. I started my antibiotics today, and i'm already feeling like total shit so im pretty sure i'm going to see any shape of healthy eating, or TRYING in any shape or form going bye bye. Couldnt even carry a big tub of paint to the car without my joints crying (i'm a bloody weightlifter for crying out loud)
  9. I'm prepping my new living room to paint it (im bloody sick of magnolia from the past 2 years of renting). So going round filling holes etc. Someone put holes for what i assume are curtain tie hooks within millimeters of the window frame... ok not only is that a really stupid place to put them, but hey you're risking half of the plaster falling apart... which of course it did. Not only that, the renters in this place put filler in holes with a knife you use to eat with... ridiculous. So sanded it all down and added copious amounts of filler and hopefully just repeat that and you wont even see... like magic.....
  10. i have not faired too well lately with diet, think i've come to the inevitable blow out. Have decided to try and maintain my weight loss for a while, im really pleased with how far ive come (thats 2.5 stone lost) so maintenance will be ok til i ride out the crazy must eat everything thing. Probably hormones, pizotifen, and a raging infection i'm fighting at the moment.
  11. I'm officially exhausted. Just about everything is in place, & now typing this on my PC, with internet, in my house! And the TV on in the background. Had a guy out sorting out my TV, sky dish needed wired to my tv, he rooted it through the attic (as my tv is not on an outside wall) and we made a discovery..... LOADS of rubbish in the attic. Absolute fuckers.... UGHHHHHHHHH
  12. 100% remain. Lots of leave votes from people i've spoken to but to be honest I think a lot of it is based on an awful lot of ignorant racism.... Still a bloody problem in this country....
  13. Yeah I wouldn't take much into the "lack" of emotional response there, he's probably trying to let you know he still cares without opening wounds too much. I have a great relationship with my Dad, him & I are very alike, I was always a daddy's girl. Yet we don't have huge emotional things. I moved into a house I just purchased recently, and we were all working like mad to get stuff done, which resulted in all of us being a bit ratty - I was doing some DIY and my dad took over a little bit, and I got cross then he did too. But I dropped him a text to say sorry and he said the same, and that was it. We don't really do emotion. But we still have a really good relationship. I guess I get my emotional support more from my mum, sister or friends..
  14. My mum is a garden expert, she says its a larve of some kind, reasonably common. Not harmful.
  15. Did this once with a 24 kg kettlebell, but I didn't do it to strict time. sets of 10, got to 380. Absolute killer!
  16. Yep solicitor got me a list of fixtures etc too. Although mine was pretty much as is, as it was a rental, and renters had left. Have had no internet at new house, and poor signal to even try logging on on mobile! (am currently at parents house acquiring their fibreoptic) Got keys a week today, everything is crazy! Pretty much moved in, and waiting on internet & phone, and getting someone out to sort out my TV connection on Wednesday. Had a moment like @Shorty said the first morning I woke up in MY HOUSE. Scary and exciting!
  17. Keeeeeeyyyysssss I have a migraine and i'm extremely tired, this is only the beginning. Week of chaos ahoy!
  18. Went to decathalon in belfast today, was a bit disappointed in their weights section! They had no olympic plates at all... Hmph!
  19. Lost another tiny bit of weight, worked out to half a pound. Still going in a positive direction!
  20. Yep I got a massive 6 foot tall dryer (a minky, its very good) and a 4xline that goes over the bath. Hate it. And I just CANNOT live on tumble drying, it just goes against everything in me, 1 for cost and 2 for environment. I do see the benefit of having them for emergency use or to just get the last of the wet out of stuff you've had to pull in, but I wouldn't rely on it. Might get a combo when I need to replace my washing machine. Have a big T bar in my garden and bought another small airer from ikea to go outside for smaller things that I can keep away from neighbours eyes (ie underwear lol). I just can't bloody wait! The novelty of washing will probably wear off I got an email saying the money from bank would be through on monday 6th. And I'm hoping my payment has reached my solicitor now. Was on the phone looking him today but he wasn't about. Will be trying again tomorrow lol. Crossing my fingers that they let me have the keys on monday!
  21. Had a creep round the back garden, and met one of my future neighbours! The garden is small but bigger than i remember (i've got awful depth perception lol) and i've got a washing line... how exciting!!! (have been living in a flat for over 18 months with no dryer or outside space)
  22. The only real way of solving it is by getting better heating really. Oil wouldn't be practical with 8 flats, in the space of 2 semi detached houses without a garden. (no room for tanks) and gas isn't piped here. So in other words, deal with eeet. I gave my notice today so I won't be putting up with it anymore...yaaaay.
  23. I love forums, and dislike facebook groups. Guess it is an age thing.
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