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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I'm a luscious big piece of the whitest of white chocolate hahah I know what you mean about the losing weight thing, there are some people end up even more self concious for losing the weight when they're left with loose skin, and a mindset that keeps thinking they are still fat etc. Its not just a battle with the lbs, its a battle with the mindset. One day at a time
  2. I like your lifting plan @Fierce_LiNk I will probably adopt something similar, stronglifts is a brilliant brilliant workout. I did it for months and ended up squatting 75kg for 5x5 easily, got my deadlift up HUGELY, and just got seriously strong. I HATE bench though. With a passion. I think because I have shoulder instabilities. The most i've ever been able to bench is 45kg and I *think* that was assisted (one of those jumpy spotters that just want to help lol) But yeah I think Flink's advice is top notch. Also @Daft.... bro...... : peace: @Animal you are a gorgeous, gold hearted, big piece of chocolate. Why anyone wouldn't want you based on looks is BEYOND me. I know you've got confidence issues but just think about what you would say if it was a friend in your position. you would tell them they are awesome and to just go for it!
  3. @Animal - How are you not fighting off all the wimmens? (and maybe even some men!) I'm currently doing a calorie controlled intermittent fasting regime. During the weekend i'm just calorie controlled, during the week I eat from 5pm to 9pm. Wasn't losing weight doing uncontrolled IF, probably cause I'm not lifting yet (and therefore have no muscle advantage). Already lost 10lb this week wapooowwwww
  4. If a guy has a ginger beard that's pretty much it for me, I cant think of anything better lol I'm not sure about the black girl thing, there are very few people in this town that look like theyve been remotely near the sunshine.... And thats including the tango orange ones...
  5. I dunno if you have or not yet but you should also get referred for the gender stuff. Maybe go online n check out some support sites about it too, talk to some people in the same situation. One of our former regulars is going through the transition too. I spoke to her there n she said to feel free to speak to her on facebook if you need any support: https://www.facebook.com/georgia.drew.35 Even if you do or don't decide to transition the gender clinic should be able to help you.
  6. Yeah I think it is cheaper than most because my car is a very very simple wee petrol car, none of this new fangled diesel tech with a million computers on board. Yeah that was the problem, my dealer/mechanic said the clutch is slipping out which is causing the loss of power. He reckons its safe enough to drive but its going like a dog (like a limping 1 litre engine...!!!) and i dont even want to drive it at the moment lol Just a bit inconvenient in timing with me buying a house, isnt it always the way...
  7. Talking of which i'm STILL WAITING ON MY HOUSE. Its week fecking 12 with the solicitors. They say its been with Land Registry for just over 2 weeks now, but what the heck were they doing prior to that ??? These things are supposed to take 6-8 weeks! My sisters took 3! Especially given that the house i'm buying was not that long ago sold to her, that should make it even easier... but of course someone didn't play by the books in that transaction
  8. Left car in this morning as it was in limp home mode... mentioned before somewhere here.... me n mum had plans to travel up to shop in Newtownabbey but fell through. Had to go to my sister's as she had run out of heating oil. Had to wait in. Was told specifically 10:50. Didn't come to 4pm. Spent all day in her big freezing cold house. the oil man came, sat at the oil tank while it was pumping, sat on an unturned bucket with his head in his hands. My mum went over to check if he was ok. Apparently he had a really bad day, the company sending them out with faulty tanks, someone got more than they should, screwing up the rest of their orders, getting abuse from customers etc. So everyone having a good day in my life so far. Think my mums depressed but she's the sort to not think depression is real or exists, well she thinks depression is only caused by bad times and not something you can have if you have a good life like she does. Shes just given up on everything. Me n her are both troubled with weight problems and she's just not handling it at all. Usually im the one completely out of control and not her :/ Then after all that I go back to the mechanic after a freezing cold and shitty day and my car is not fixed. Booked in for a weeks time to get a new fucking clutch. At £400 cost.
  9. yeah its just not going like i'd expect it to, only putting on the revs gets her going. (itsa manual) No warning lights. Had something similar before and it was the oxygen sensor, but that occasion did alert me to a generic engine failure. Absolutely nothing wrong with it apart from the lack of go, pedals, gear changes all normal, engine sounds normal. its a yaris 2001, gets serviced every year (sept 15 was last time)
  10. My car is broken, well its driving, just not well. Pull off as normal and its not going with the same power. Having to rev up the rpms to get it to go anywhere and its not one bit happy. Have it booked into the mechanic on thursday... Gonna be an expense i don't need in the middle of buying a house but hey ho
  11. @Animal your smile just says it all, so cute! You've worked really hard for this so enjoy it!
  12. @Jimbob, you are no longer welcome in the club, you are too happy, get out But seriously thats great news mate!
  13. Take the money, take the money, take the money!
  14. were you visiting the old peoples home again @martinist
  15. Holy shit @Animal you look amazing! You can even see that the weight has dropped off your face and everything!
  16. Yeah I know what you mean, you cant really forfeit that. There is a possibility she may change her mind later on down the line, especially into their 30s as female hormones kick in and they get the whole biological clock ticking thing. You're kinda having to bank on something that may never happen though.
  17. Can you specify the differences? If its fundamental stuff then no, if its stuff that might change later maybe you should think about it?
  18. Happiness levels of 8/10 or more can GTFO My sister got engaged yesterday and all of a sudden I feel old and alone lol (as I am 2 years her senior)
  19. My sister came round last night, with an announcement. Handed me a box with the most gorgeous ring in it, her boyfriend bought it for her this weekend while they were over in Birmingham. I cried, she cried, and I think even he shed a wee tear lol Very very very happy moment and so needed lately
  20. Eastenders!
  21. This is too good
  22. I really feel for you, I went through an awful breakup. I hung onto that person, we stayed friends, but really it would never work. IMO you're just better parting ways in nearly every breakup. I wish you all the luck in the world finding someone new, don't lose hope in yourself just yet! :-)
  23. Brilliant @Shorty so very excited for you!! You'll not regret doing it by yourself, you get to make ALL the decisions, its brilliant I got my mortgage offer through in mid January (which meant only waiting on the legal stuff) and I'm still waiting.
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