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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Life sucks lol
  2. From this: To this: 6 months ago I adopted Sparky, he was an "unadoptable" aggressive cat, who attacked everyone. A few people had witness him going for me while i was sitting nowhere near him and not even touching him. I was getting attacked every day, sometimes more than once.. in fact i'm still physically scarred from that picture above. With a bloody lot of patience & hard work on my part he slowly started coming around, attacks went from daily, to weekly, to monthly. Now hes a precious loving wee guy that always gives me a wee singsong when I get home from work and to be honest he has kept me sane over the past couple of months.
  3. I'm seeing my dr on wednesday for a checkup and hopefully if i get the go ahead i can start training again :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
  4. It lasts 3 years yes, but many many people get them taken out before then (and its only effective in situ as it gradually releases hormones, not a one shot there you go 3 years jobby). I do think its totally within a woman's right to do what she likes in terms of temporary contraceptives... Probably a discussion and/or reassurance that is indeed completely reversible might have been wise....I've seen men assume stupider things about contraceptives before now...!
  5. Yeah, you definitely don't wanna mess up the relationship you're in. A big chunk of me still misses my ex, the one that had a breakdown, and finished with me to go sort himself out. Still hasn't and for a while he got back with his ex. I could have seen myself getting back with him until the ex was brought into the picture, oh and when I found out he started shagging round himself after he broke up with me. But, yes I agree that exs are exs for a reason. On a slightly unrelated topic, I had him on the phone not that long ago, apparently his ex wife was on that webcam embarrassing bodies clinic TV show, talking about how her hubby (at the time) had a giant penis.... and she didn't tell him... Now everyone knows he has a large penis and he HATES it. Who knew, a lot of men with large penises actually aren't that confident about it!
  6. I'm absolutely in love with those little footsie socks lol :-)
  7. High pulls are awful and I hate them with a passion They're a big part of oly training, usually the weakest part of anyones clean and snatch as the muscles tend to get underused if you have a lifestyle of sitting down a lot. They also are the worst for doms EVER because they are so hard to stretch out. Usually involves bending yourself in ways you would not want to do in public lol Ahhh I'm so excited for you flinkeeehh. Lift dem weights br0! Those big ones look awesome
  8. My OHP is weak as, I think I could do 35kg max. Even my bench was better and I was bad at it, (45kg). I use the lame excuse of being a woman =P I once watched a man do a 60kg strict press for 5x5 and I fell in love lol
  9. Yes the rubber smelllll oh the rubber It does go eventually! So excited for you, its like CHRISTMAS. 5x5 is an extremely solid powerlifting plan. I loved loved loved it. Was when I made my best gainz. I was also a member of the inner circle for a while. Squatting 3/4x a week, man its tough sometimes lol. I swear one morning at 6am I was like give me damn strength i cant do 25 squats today........... OHP grip should be just a little over shoulder width or thereabouts. (also make sure its strict, no lower body movement) Before I got ill i did SL, got my squat up to 75kg, the bros in the gym did not know what to make of me. There with my deadlifts n chalk and heavy ass squats. And the olympic lifts i did, they all tried to copy... my personal trainer said hey they been imitating you, doing really bad reverse bicep curls : peace: It was fun though, being in a gym with bros cheering you on to hit your deadlift 1rm. Wouldn't have got the 120kg i did without it. Something nice about the camaraderie if you get a real good gym.
  10. Have you tried Nexium?
  11. I think I'd scare the wimmens in the flamingo to be honest Didn't know R left! I'd recommend whatever fitness first is called nowadays... edit: lifestyle fitness, its only 20 a month
  12. Yeah its just the bar and the 5s. 10+5 is fine, because the 10s are alot tougher, and the force is shared between them. I think 5s typically have a short warrantee for damage too. I can't imagine you would be throwing them from overhead too often? If you got a home gym I'd be more worried about damaging the floor than the weights =P
  13. I got my fractional weights from that company. And bumpers I have are very very alike if not the same make. Just don't go banging the 5s on the ground with any force and it'll be grand. £75 for a barbell is a great deal too. Eeeek I really want the eleiko weights (they use them in the olympics) but they are ABSURDLY expensive. Have seen some sets on at 10 grand....
  14. what gym do you go to?
  16. you guys n your gym stories........ i miss lifting... :-(
  17. Sooooootsy <3 muh cat a few days ago enjoying the sunshine - I put a piece of table protector on my windowsill as its looking really tired... and its got a slight leather effect surface which holes the heat. Sparky LUBS it
  18. Well maybe if you weren't in such a rush @gaggle64....
  19. I saw his car today, for the first time since it happened. He had a non specific "accident" that damaged the front of his car.... HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Wondering if a criminal damage charge is worth the relief? If i had a baseball bat at the time someone would have had to hold me back.. Honestly though I felt a little bit of my heart being ripped out from seeing that fucking car. :-(
  20. I did "leg day" every day, and it only hurt like that now n again. Maybe once a week. My training was heavy olympic stuff, it is kinda tough on your legs
  21. wee soots looks so ruffled lol My cat sparky having a snooze <3
  22. I have my doubts, they're only a recent invention on the grand scheme of things - same with medications, you don't gather information until they're truly "tested" on humans. If we get 40/50 years in the future and we're not seeing a huge jump in e-cig related illness then i will shut the hell up, sure! :-) In the mean time people can feck off and not use e-cigs near me, they should be treated exactly the same as cigs and are being done so in many corporate and medical settings :-)
  23. I LOVE FATS <3
  24. @Jon Internet hubby, why aren't you my real hubby? I made 'nana cake
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