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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Ragequit. Gonna be a crazy cat lady. ex ex is crying on my shoulder about the ex he pretty much dumped me for. Fucking class.
  2. It was the most awful thing I ever had to do & part of me hates myself for doing it, but I couldn't be in a relationship going nowhere.. :/
  3. In the past 3 months I have spent all but £500 of my savings..... (probably about £4000) Moved out of parents house. New bed, cooker, fridge, freezer, washing machine, sofa, dining room table and chairs, and all the random shit you don't realise you need until you're like HEY I HAVE PIZZA AND NO PIZZA CUTTER lol..... Life is expensive! And I have POWER TOOLS yayayay
  4. Back in singledom again... woooooo... I'm a disaster, right? 2 failed relationships in a year AHAHAH. I ended this one though, he was a nice person, but we just had nothing in common, whatsoever. (and our sex drives were poles apart, which really didn't help matters) I'm having complicated feelings for a friend, someone who I met online 10+ years ago, and only met in person very recently. He initiated the meeting, and diverted his course of work to stop in with me, so it was a secret from his girlfriend. I was a bit reluctant but let it happen as I knew I was not letting anything sexual happen & its not my place to get involved in what he does with his girlfriend. Bah, people are complicated
  5. Dunno if this helps, but I started renting in a place & they quoted no fibre availability. Got an internet connection installed and magically I now can get fibre. Fibres attached to your cabinet/exchange so it doesn't apply to individual homes persay. on that note - good thing for me, I'm less than a mile away from the main cabinet in Ballymena, & i'm getting 15mb broadband... yeeehoooo.
  6. So this month has been expensive... Rent & deposit - £780 Bed £300 Fridge, Microwave - £200 Freezer, cooker, washing machine £800 Car - £800 Curtains - £50 So many things - at least a couple of hundred £... well over 3 grand spent in a week
  7. With any luck I'll be fit to move into my new place tomorrow Waiting on a bed delivery, and cooker/freezer/washing machine. Spent. so. much. money.
  8. Saw a place to rent online, had a viewing, signed papers, and will have officially moved in, in the space of approximately 2 weeks. Super organisation skills GO. Also why I've been somewhat absent lately.
  9. We found a kitten, about 3/4 weeks ago. Was abandoned at the local castle grounds (which is nowhere near any houses) and it was tiny and starving. Had dug a wee hole in the ground, and seemed to be living in there. We brought it home because we know the wee thing would have died, especially given in the next few days there was really bad, cold, windy weather. She was an absolute wee darlin. Purred her little head off when you gave her a cuddle. In the pictures she's 4 months old but barely looks 3 cause she's so little. We couldn't keep her as our other female cat was getting very stressed, but we managed to get her a home through a vets. Heartbreaking that we had to let her go She was only in our lives for a week, but we all fell in love with her
  10. Yeah it really was. Way to lose my virginity as well lol XD He was a sex maniac, as am I, we had sex pretty much as often as we could... I definitely gave him everything he wanted sexually. I enjoyed his kinks, and accepted that he was different in his lifestyle (crossdressing). The last time I stayed over with him he told me all the abuse stuff and he couldn't hold my hand or even tolerate sitting beside me. And told me so, as well as admitting that he had no notion for sex or anything. But then later on he stood up, I was sitting on the sofa, and he told me to stand up and he looked at me VERY intently, almost studying my face. Then he said something along the lines of, "no just forget everything I said, I'm kidding" and he pretty much forced himself on me. And we had the most emotionless sex possible. The only thing I can think of is... a train wreck like he is thrives on disaster. I was secure, loving, everything he needed, supported him no matter what, and loved him like no one else ever had. Think he simply got bored... maybe? Now he's back with his skank druggie ex girlfriend (with no morals) and he's welcome to her to be honest!
  11. lo do you even know me at all, I am innocent :P

  12. Danced with a stone bollard and the bollard won
  13. Goaf love, I said 8.5 inches, not cm ahahah you got in there quickly thats what she said
  14. Approx £1000 worth of car maintenance.... £262 insurance £600 damage repairs ~£200 service/premot. (if nothing is falling off/needs replaced lol) Balls. (all in one month!!)
  15. massive massive twatbag who thinks he can do anything cause he has an 8.5 inch dick. I'm doing great without him!
  16. I think you may all remember my ex from last year, the abuse victim, etc. Well, towards the end of that relationship his ex had been sniffing around while I was still on the scene. After the breakup we decided to be friends. Get a message on facebook from him saying that he is now in a relationship with said ex.... After all the bullshit saying he could never love anyone and never have sex, that even the thought of watching porn was a complete turn off. After all I did for that fucker. When I cried my eyes out as he told me he had to be alone and the first thing I said was - "you're going to get back with her, aren't you?" So I told him to go fuck himself and did a block/delete. Talked to our close mutual friend and told him the WHOLE story. He thought I was a mental jealous ex. (but realised that i'm not after the explanation) Thing is I actually DO NOT want him back, I'm happy with my new boyfriend. I just couldn't get over how he has stabbed me in the back over the whole thing. When he couldn't even hug me, or sit next to me, and hold my hand. Our friend told me that he was having sex with random people every other day almost as soon as we had broke up. I finally have closure
  17. LOL squat as in the weightlifting squat with him on my back
  18. hahaha :D i'm not too bad, how are you? :)

  19. I've got raynaud's syndrome, so I can't do the ice bukkit challenge, but I did donate to the Raynauds Association and MND.
  20. I heard that Martin wants to do stuffs with yer ma?

  21. Martinnnnnniiiiiii <3

  22. My ex's life seems to be taking more of a downturn... I'm worried for him but at the same time I'm kinda glad i'm out of that... Seeing someone who is relatively normal, is a really nice thing. I'm surprised at how much I enjoy the normal things, absent with the ex, even though I thought it never bothered me? Things like holding hands and having NORMAL conversations that don't involve me being a psychologist.... (I really think I missed my calling) Also since I'm seeing one soag's roomie/best friend, I get to see her, Ivy (daughter) and Luna (kitty!!!!) lots
  23. Heyyy :D I saw yer reply on the Relationship thread, but its gone a few extra pages over so I'll reply here. I was lifting until the start of this year, sadly i had to stop due to various health problems :( I miss it a lot!

  24. Its a decision that only you can make. Either you find a way to get some balance in your life, or continue as you are and accept that you're not likely to ever have a lasting relationship. No one would or should ever have to compromise in that way in a relationship. You can't just fall off the face of the earth for weeks/months at a time and expect the person to still be there waiting for you. I've been in a situation not dissimilar to what you mean (though for very different reasons) and the distance tore me apart. My illnesses flared up dramatically and I ended up becoming very ill and isolated (i stopped posting on here, deactivated facebook, stopped making any kind of social contact, and I ended up with kidney stones and a huge immune flare up). I would never ever wish that on anyone. No matter how much you love someone, that will ALWAYS be rejection, and it will tear them apart. No one deserves to be treated that way.
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