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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. still losing weight, about 10kg down now I have a feeling that intermittent fasting is REALLY good for my overall health. My arthritis is a lot lot lot lot lot better lately. Now yes, that could be down to me losing weight, but i've been a LOT lighter than this weight and suffered arthritis worse than even the bad patch recently. There seems to be some evidence, though nothing iron clad, that suggests people w/ inflammatory conditions can see great improvement in their symptoms by doing I.F. Every time I have I've had a reduction in most of the symptoms of the various conditions I have. I'm hopefully going to be able to find some money to purchase a small rig setup for my 2nd bedroom, so I can get started on lifting again. Yessss.
  2. if its at all feasible and you want to put roots down, i would buy. Know a lot of friends who have settled in nice rentals and had them pulled from under their feet at a moments notice. But if you want to float around and decide where you want to live renting is the best at least in the shortish term. I rented before I bought and I definitely learnt a bit more about what i wanted as opposed to what I thought was important.
  3. i genuinely hope I don't have to deal with them again for a very long time, they get paid far too much for the amount of sheer faffing around they do!
  4. Sorry late to the party, but yeah ive been waiting 14 weeks for the solicitors to sort out their shit. Very very frustrating when your sisters was 3 weeks lol
  5. I'm in a really rotten rotten place. Everything is overwhelming for no reason at all and I just want to dig a hole and hide in it til the cloud over my head floats away edit: i have a doctors appointment tomorrow to talk about going back on the anti depressants too.
  6. I do love stronglifts, you really can't fault it for a simple solid workout. And you can eat like a horse with all those squats lol
  7. I've lived in my rental accommodation for well over 1.5 years and i still have shit at my parents in boxes. Don't pretend like you'll ever unpack them lol Absolutely. The rates are just waiting to go up. I would have crippled myself buying any more than I have. Just going to pour my money into this mortgage and hopefully it will give me power to upgrade in 10/15 years. Maybe.
  8. My weight just WOULD NOT shift when I jumped into serious weight training. My body cried for food and I fed it. Slowly but surely my body changed. Its maybe not as simple as "muscle growth br0" but along those lines. I'd say it takes a gooood 8-12 months for your body to settle from the initial gain stage into something more steady. You also lose your n00b lifting gains, and you struggle for every extra kilo on that bar.
  9. Definitely definitely. Dunno if you have a working fireplace or not (they're a lot more common in n.ireland) but its worth having it cleaned and checked now and again anyway. I'm ripping out the shit electric fire and hopefully getting a fireplace or log burner put in depending on state of chimney and whats there. Cannot wait for a lovely fire!!! Shitty economy 7 here at the moment!! Ahhhh right. Wee bees, dont kill the beeees
  10. Yeah I've been hassling him a lot, and the agent has been great too, they've been hassling the vendors solicitor too. Someone fucked up somewhere though Ahh flip thats crazy, half a mil in mortgage terms, jesus. And if you didnt have a fixed rate and rates went up you would be crippled. Like you would have to quite literally sell a leg to pay the mortgage lol I got a phone call today, apparently the Land Registry have acknowledged the recpt of the application. Which means shit all. Gaaaaah
  11. I'd love to come, maybe in a few years when money isn't quite as tight! I still haven't recovered from the last one, Mr Odders' driving is some craic...
  12. Its funny, I noticed the place died down a lot in the past few years. I remember years earlier when I had to come here nearly every day to not have 4/5 pages of threads to catch up on...
  13. If you don't have one already you might want to get a cover for the top of your chimney so you don't get any birds in.
  14. QTF! I'm over 20 stone, freakishly tall and wide for a female, and I get plenty of attention. I'm not AT ALL typically attractive. I'd have no problems at all getting many dates if I didn't have absurdly high standards. FYI @Shorty - I would talk to the girl and ask. Regrets from things you never did are a million times worse than the regrets from what you did. Because at least when you did you tried your damn best. You're obv wanting more and you shouldn't forget about your needs because you think its your only chance. You are awesome and any woman would be lucky to have you. **** In my love life, I'm getting a bit too close again to my ex, probably not recommended. But I'm okay with it because he's fucking off to Oz soon enough. He's finally got around to being ok again after the 2 year crazy, and it really REALLY hits me that he is that person that I fell in love with those nearly 3 years ago... BLAH.
  15. A house buying thread/thrip would be awesome! Have you had an appt for a mortgage yet? Talking of mortgages, mines due to expire in early july and THEYVE STILL NOT SORTED IT OUT YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT :blank::blank::blank::blank:
  16. Sometimes it really is a matter of getting lucky. I've seen 3 bed houses go here for 40k, in good enough nick, but is highly possible you'd get knifed if you went out at night lol
  17. Yeah you wanna try and do it ethically. If it was a wasps nest I would tell you to kill them all lol
  18. Jeeeesus..... I live in a town in northern ireland. You would literally have your pick of any house (4 bed or less) in Ballymena for 250k. I'm paying 70k for a good sized 2 bed bungalow (well 1 + a tiny bed) and a garden. In a good area. 120 would get you most "family homes" here. My sister paid 105 for hers, 3 bed, huge kitchen, garage and good garden. My mum and dad requested to be posted to northern ireland for that very reason
  19. Cover it up immediately, lots of bee stings can be fatal. Get onto your local pest control. (you might be able to find a local bee removal service if you search for it online)
  20. Why are you dredging this up again? You can't change the past, just learn from it and move on to better things
  21. The irish accent would grate your brains after a while, its a novelty for a few days then you wanna throttle them lol (especially that belfast accent @soag)
  22. @soag made me join in June 2005. I'm not really that big of a gamer either..... Still love this place though!
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