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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I've discovered that my knee problems are not down to injury, but arthritis. Was off my meds for 3 weeks because of an infection and had a huge flare up of my psoriasis and all my joint pain... which has now gone after a single injection. Happy now but now its a big bummer, im gonna be a cripple when im old lol
  2. Let her go @stuwii, its not good for you or her hanging on to this.
  3. I sliced my finger with a very sharp knife and hit bone........agh! Might need stitches... managed to get the blood to stop anyway... ill wing it lol
  4. I am not at all squeamish or pain sensitive, but NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. So how does that work, is your liver like, immune to poisoning?
  5. ^^^ Exactly what Moogle said. You can be 22 and ready to settle down, or 40 and still wanting to party and have fun.
  6. My house purchase has been delayed...... The person who sold it to the person I'm buying off broke the law and didn't have the house registered with the Land Registry. Which means it has to be done now (hopefully not at my cost) Very very annoying. I should have been in by now, but currently the solicitor reckons I shouldn't hold my breath for it going through before Easter!!!
  7. Bit late to the party, but you don't wanna get reliant on sweetner, it is really bad for you. I believe there's been research in the link between it and insulin resistance (which is essentially the precursor to T2 Diabetes). Million times better having sugar in moderation than a lot of sweetner in place of all sugar, sweetner's just as addictive as sugar. The only sweetner I have these days is sugar free dilute squash. If I want something sweet, no amount of sweetner helps & I found I just ate the junk anyway, so I just cut out the middleman. Lately I've been doing the Leangains version of fasting throughout the week, I'm having a 5 hour eating window. Weekends are just eating anytime. Dunno if ive lost weight as I packed up my scales but I certainly feel better for it. There is research into it re health benefits, & fasting just makes me feel good in a way i cant describe. If anything I wont gain weight until the chaos going on in my life settles and i can get back into a routine of working out.
  8. I lent my sister my laptop, she gave it back a while ago but I hadn't been using it as I have a PC. Ive had my computer packed up for a couple of weeks, house purchase delayed and decided to get this out rather than piece my computer together.... Well its full of viruses.... cheers sis.
  9. This is the BEST advice. But be a bolder you, but don't be what you're not. Keep trying, do it differently every time! You'll find your feet! No one is good at talking to the opposite sex it takes embarrassing moments and learning what not to do/say. Being down on yourself and saying you're never gonna meet anyone is not the way... you have to believe in yourself...... dattebayooooo also @Shorty dude, so many props to you, I cant imagine how difficult your situation has been getting back into dating!
  10. I love ncis, wind your neck in Oh agent McGee you beautiful man
  11. ohmygod @Shorty!!!!! So excited for you!!!! So many of N-Europe is growing up LOL
  12. Urgh I am having such a bad day.... Raynauds is killing me cause they turned down the thermostat at work. Migraines are going full rampage on my head and i can't lean over without vomiting from the pressure in my head.... AND triptans are making it worse I've got ZERO signal on my mobile at work... which means my solicitor for house sale won't be able to get me. And I can't skip through the internet or facebook (on my breaks of course lol) Just having a real shit day, and now im probably going to go watch reruns of ncis and fall into a coma on the sofa...! oh yeah and my dermatology appointments have changed meaning a whole fucking load of red tape including what is basically a weigh and shame appointment.... "youve put on weight since i last saw you" well yes i fuckin did because glandular fever fucked up my sorry ass and looks like its gonna be a permanent feature in my life. I put on probably 4 stone since you saw me last, wehn i was in the best damn shape of my life...ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH
  13. I'm having chronic migraines at the moment, not only am i not working out, I've been on pizotifen which is giving me an appetite the size of this planet... :-( I agree with this... while i was my fittest and strongest at regularily going 4+ times a weak, my joints were starting to suffer and i was nearly always knackered lol
  14. I found it helped me more just getting the extra protein in, all I had was 1 shake on active days. I could say it helped with recovery but there are more factors than just that. You have to be careful with protein shakes as well, they are tough on your kidneys, so don't consume stupid amounts and always drink lots and lots of water!
  15. Depends on the exercise but generally Daft's advice is pretty dead on. Olympic stuff (cleans, jerks, snatches) tend to be the exception to the rule
  16. I get it. I only just managed it on my own. And I've bought a small 2 bed bungalow. I'm on just under 20k. Being on your own already and paying rent makes it a lot lot harder to save the deposit (like i'm sure a lot of people here are facing). I also had about half of my deposit given to me by my parents (4k). It took me a year to save over 3000 but i had to cut out EVERY single luxury out of my life for that year. Thankfully this flat im in was completely unfurnished so i have everything i need even down to fridge/freezer oven etc. Which is now something I don't have to buy. Most banks ask for a minimum of 10%, you can get deals with certain banks but a lot of them ask that you've been their customer for a certain amount of time and its also credit scored. At least a couple of banks (nationwide/halifax that i know of) are doing 5% but you need to save with them for your purchase. You can get slightly better base rates (depending on bank) for bigger deposits More likely to get approved for the money you put on the house (if you want to pay more than its "worth" you NEED the extra) Smaller your mortgaged amount the less interest you pay over the term (maybe not initially important but saves you money over the years or save your ass when the interest rates inevitably go sky high lol)
  17. If its 7ft long its 20kg, if its 6ft its 15kg. Male/female bar. Female bars often do not have knurling (that grip stuff) in the middle of the bar. I would say the chances are they're probably the standard 20kg male bars as they fit on squat racks and are cheaper (making something smaller but equally as strong = £££££) And unless its a serious olympic training gym it'll not have female bars
  18. My initial bid was 63. Apparently 10% lower than the asking price is as far as you should push it. Then I heard nothing for ages n rang up and offered 65 to see if the owner would take the bait, they didn't. Then someone offered 68. Then I went to 69. They went 69.5. The owner still said no, and my 69 at the time was my maximum. By this point a month or so had gone by and I'd managed to get a bit more saved, so I then offered 70k on the basis that it was taken off the market for further bids, and they accepted. Low price houses (<80k) in reasonable nick are often fought over here. Had another one that got into a bidding war too. I really don't know if i'd ever offer the asking price unless i knew for certain i could afford it (like if it was well under budget) or i really liked it. You also have to be cautious that (especially with a low deposit) that the house is actually WORTH the money they're asking for it. If I had offered 70k and the banks survey said it was only worth 65k, i would have had to come up with the 5k on top of whatever deposit was needed. So don't get baited into a bidding war that takes you over the asking price.
  19. That's the problem with London, you have to be super rich to own anything property wise. Most people own outside of the area and commute... not an option? My parentals got a 100% mortgage but that was for 47k, and when banks were giving out mortgages to anyone that would ask for one. I had the option of going with a 5% deposit but I didn't purely because it would have costed me a whole lot more in interest. Halifax has started a good ISA savings account specifically for buying, with 4% interest which is pretty damn good. My Save To Buy ISA is only on 2% with nationwide. House prices are very low in Northern Ireland, but cost of living is slightly higher, and jobs are not as well payed or easy to come by. My job at 19.5k is considered quite good (and i didn't need a degree for it) You can get a medium sized 3bed semi detached with drive for about 100k here. 200k and there's very little you couldn't afford. But then again you've got most employees on min wage or a good job with massive commuting costs.... so there's that
  20. Goooood luck Shorteh!!!! My sister spent three years looking, I spent 3 months. She thinks I'm a jammy f*ck lol. But then im on my own, so I dont have to compromise on what I want with anyone. Any my sister had very very specific requirements! Mine wasn't in a chain and neither am i, just got really really lucky. (also not gonna lie, i did end up going a little bit higher than I wanted to pay, was kinda looking at houses at 65, and paid 70 for this one) I've already moved out of parentals and have my own stuff so its just crowded in my one bed flat lol. My sister did the same as you, her bedroom is still full of sh*te shes not collected yet. You'll probably get yours before me. My solicitor seems to be useless. I've no idea what hes doing yet. Rang on wed AM and this evening before close, still not heard back from him. Just need to know that its in hand and he knows its to be done! Went for another viewing again to get some measurements... need curtains. And want to replace the sink (and probably taps) in the kitchen so I can fit my countertop dishwasher, which also means replacing the kitchen top.
  21. My survey has come back alllll good. So in 4-8 weeks i will be a homeowner!!! :awesome:
  22. the only way you'll improve is by keeping a record... I usually roughly know and plan what i want to do, perhaps following a set plan (like SL for example) and have it written out so all i need to do is write in the weight and tick the reps. I'm very bad at remembering what to do, or what i've done if i don't take a record!
  23. Ye friggin culchies... lol. I'm just hoping that cause im on the main street i'll be very close to the exchange and ill get the best speed it has, at least. I could cope with a good 2 or 3mb yeah you can imagine how i felt moving here. Also nothings pronounced like you'd expect
  24. Ahoghill. My parents in galgorm are on ballymena's exchange, regular BB is slow but they have fibre, I'm pretty sure ahoghill's exchange won't support fibre. I'm renting IN the town (i can see the fairhill from my window) but while the internet is good the area does have its downsides, like parking and noise. So its definitely something you need to weigh up if you're buying.
  25. I've got 4 N's in my name, o hell no.....
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