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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Wooooooooow one to avoid then lol. Dating is frikkin awful. I either get shit like this or no replies. I'm having an interesting dalliance with a previous FWB and his new girlfriend. Also what really irritates the crap out of me, people who don't fill in their about me bit, even if its just SOMETHING. I'm going in blind here!! And then they have the cheek to message and ask me things that ARE CLEARLY ON MY PROFILE. PLEASE GO AWAY NOW.
  2. Keep ringing them. I was never off the phone to mine, don't care if it annoyed them because they all had their fingers up their arses instead of actually sorting out my issues!!!
  3. I have all but one side of one door replaced now, down to painting. Which is going to take forever. I am sore & my living room is covered in sawdust... lol It can be a helpful thing that I have adhd, but otoh, jobs general get done to 95% completion. Real life example, the edges of my living room walls are the white from the ceiling and not the yellow they should be.....I am however determined to get this job done, and will do the living room when im painting around the door. I am just hurting all over today, and have a metric ton of pebbles arriving tomorrow which i have to move from front of house to back as there is no back garden vehicle access... i am a sad han..... :-(
  4. have been off keto since friday night (its now sunday evening) and i am actually horrified at how bad I feel. I haven't slept well since, I'm waking up in chronic pain again, and im just so tired. I didn't realise how much crazy energy I had on keto til it was gone. Am having a chippy with parentals & sister tomorrow so after that im back on board the keto train. Am surprised at how much im not enjoying eating chocolate/junk now. Like I'm just not getting any kind of dopamine etc rush from eating like I used to and it now just feels unneccesary. Hmph. I've put on 4kg since I stopped keto too, but thats all water weight
  5. Thought it would be a good idea to rip off all of my doorframes today.......... i am in a world of hurt lol I have relatively ornate large wood ones which i bloody hate, in such a small house they take over. My hallway has 5 doors (its like a long corridor) and with them being wood and with big frames its all too much. Painting all the doors white as well as replacing the frames. And realised my hallway is not magnolia but some sort of weird murky beige (behind the doorframes was actual magnolia...) so that will all have to be painted.
  6. Go live in an igloo then @Happenstance lol I'm feeling crap, not much compared to other peoples suffering in this thread like, but i'm just sore and damn pissed off. My hip is irritated to the point where its going to dislocate, and my skin is so bad its actually breaking through my enormous tolerance level... (you get that kind of tolerance when you've been 70% covered in raw sores) My mum is being a dickhead, and my sister & I are getting the brunt of it. And my poor kitty is poorly again and will likely have to get the remainder of his teeth out. Here i am still hanging on by a thread... may not be after my visit to ikea tomorrow...if you hear of a murderous rampage in Ikea Belfast, you know who it was lol
  7. I have lost just over 10kg, since the 1st may... But my joints are fcked. Getting to the point where I am noticing it on a daily basis. My general health is pretty poor, especially since I had glandular fever (i think that was just the straw that broke the camels back) but I kinda hoped losing weight would put it on the backseat for a while. Least the docs can't blame it solely on my weight as they usually do.... hurrah. I was actually almost pain free when i weighed my heaviest?! If this is my thirties I dread to think what my forties will bring...
  8. membrane won't work, you can use concrete underneath, that's the only thing that will reduce it enough for any length of time, however: 1 that's a lot of work and expense 2 your garden can flood as there's no gaps to drain water, and 3 weeds can and do grow through almost anything (concrete included). I used to have a concreted path around the edge of garden, and grass (the grass was slightly raised above the level of the path). It flooded, all the fckin time. My house was getting damp. I still had weeds. I got paving put in on top of what i believe to be a sand mix of some description. everrrr so slightly sloped with a drain. Never floods. I do have weeds but its just a job i do every few weeks to keep on top of it. Cheap knife is all you need.
  9. bythebyyy putting a new load of flagstones down won't necessarily stop weeds growing through, i had mine done end of last year and the weeds are already back lol
  10. So sorry ashmon </3 My great uncle (the closest thing I had to a grandad) passed away with cancer nearly 10 years ago now, he luckily passed away very peacefully sitting on his chair. its horrid for the people left behind when it happens suddenly like that but its better than it being dragged out and painful for the person dying. His wife was more annoyed that he never got to drink the cuppa she was away making when he passed (we can laugh now, but it was just sad at the time) but I guess it was just the shock at the time!
  11. mwuahah i just hit a new low weight this morning after a carb up. Winning.
  12. I don't really understand why you'd take a baby to the cinema...... The noise is nearly guaranteed to upset him/her resulting in you missing half the movie when you have to leave...
  13. mate totally understandable. "keto flu" usually hits you straight away and is worse the more water you drink - as you are flushing the elctrolytes out, so need to replenish with more. It can happen on day 1 or day 100. Try to keep to your diet and exercise as much as you can. It wont feel worth doing anything but the exercise will help your mood, and you'll only regret giving up completely. You don't have to be 100% and thats ok.
  14. oh crap i'm sorry I really should come here more often. Yeah apparently you really don't wanna mix keto with drinking.... I've always carbed up for that very reason. I'm not generally a huge drinker between hemachromatosis & the fact it *really* flares up the arthritis/iron fist. Drop me a PM if you want, I post on twitter and the book of face a fair amount if you're ever needing a chat/advice/keto bants, and I don't mind adding ya. (as I see you seem to have been through a fair bit of crap recently ) -- In my keto-life, I have been doing rather well. i did a carb up meal, yesterday evening. Not on purpose, life got in the way and i used it as an experiment. Don't feel too bad, no significant gain on scales (what?!). I am having some digestive issues, as its a bit of a shock to the system after having no carbs for 5 weeks. I didn't get the huge hit of dopamine that I usually get from eating shitloads of junk food, which was EXTREMELY ODD and almost unnerving. Asides the digestion issues I have seamlessly gone back into early stage keto (bad breath metal taste yadeyah) and I feel totally fine. No "keto flu" as i'm good with my electrolytes. I don't feel like I needed it as a "treat" or a "boost" to keep going. I don't want to do it again (unlike in other diets, i've finished my cheat meal and ready to plan the next one lol). I got bloat and a big rush of leptin and i'm feeling good. I started at 127.8kg, down to 119.3kg so that's pretty decent going so far. Kinda hoping to get under 110kg for my holiday mid september.
  15. I bloody loved the film. Was half expecting to be hugely disappointed and to see a weak, crappy film. But it was amazing. Even if the nobends in front of me talked through the quiet parts. Ugh. THIS IS WHY I NEVER GO TO THE CINEMA.
  16. Thats pretty much what I do, lots of meat and at least try to have a portion of veg a day (it helps with toileting difficulties that can occur) You don't *need* fruits in your diet, there are loads of veg that will give you the exact same nutrients. More importantly you must drink lots (you will want to) you need salt, potassium and magnesium in your diet (lots of water flushes all these minerals out and you need to replenish or you can have big problems - "keto flu" being the best, palpitations and passing out being the worst). Potassium & Salt can be found in LoSalt, and don't be scared to be liberal with it. Magnesium from a good health food shop (Holland and barrett for example). You can get some tabs to stick in water, SiS GO are the brand i've been using. You can get them in tesco/asda/even halfords. I dont take them every day, just on days i'm feeling a bit yuck. There are a few facebook groups on keto, and a few decent reddit pages, if you don't mind that there are a few elitist nobends floating around you'll be alright lol -- On a slightly related note: most of my clothes are falling off, but the scales are being totally cray. I'm going to start working out when the initial keto weakness passes. (tomorrow puts me at 3 weeks down).
  17. Ahhhhhhhh My OCD is very happy right now!!! I have all my CDs and DVDs in big wallets too.
  18. i wouldn't say no to a piece of him
  19. It is uberlow carbs, moderate protein, and high fats. https://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ is the calculator we all use at /r/keto. Carbs are a LIMIT. Protein is a goal (ie get as close to as possible, not under and not too much over). Fat is variable. If you're wanting to create a calorie deficit you don't have to eat all of the fat allowance. I just lazy keto, the only thing I strictly count is carbs. But then i'm trying to lose weight so that works. I might count macros more strictly if I feel I need to. One note: keep on top of your electrolytes. Lots of salt and potassium (lo salt) and magnesium (supplement/electrolyte drinks) If you feel tired and shit its usually the cause. And expect your performance to drop slightly until your body becomes "fat adapted" ie used to using fat for energy. (takes a month or two) I'm already accustomed to IF, its actually a million times easier on keto. I'm doing strict keto until my holiday in sept, then ill likely be off for holiday, and I think I might either go back to keto or try cyclic keto. I got a set of squat stands from a lovely guy on gumtree, 80 quid for a real quality set. Yeeehoooo.
  20. YES YES YES. I'm so ridiculously anti clutter. I emptied all my DS game boxes and put all the carts in my ds case (i'm sure a lot of you are screaming internally) but I just can't bear lots of STUFF. I never used to be like this and hoarded everything but since I bought my own home its like nah i don't want all this crap lol
  21. Have been out of the game too fucking long and my body is suffering so badly Never felt as good as when I did SL, exactly as its "prescribed" no changes or mods. Every time I pull something I'm always like shheeeeet i did it this time lol And the back is the worst too - i have arthritis in my neck and lower back so i have to be uber careful. Despite the risk i usually find squatting/dl's give me a strong as hell back and reduces all my pain too... so theres that
  22. mmmmmrrrrpppppppp. I'm looking into getting myself some squat stands and starting SL again. Dem gains. Although my spare room is packed with junk........
  23. Yeah of course its going to be weird. I kinda felt that way in high school when we lost one of our classmates (fuck he was like 13, it was a dreadful thing) but like.... I didn't really know him that well, didn't really care for him but it was awfully sad at the same time. There was the biggest bitches in the school crying over him like they were devastated and I was like really, REALLY. You hated him. Don't be fake. Go to the funeral if you want to, or don't. Feel sad, or don't. Forcing yourself to feel something, or feeling guilty, won't make it better or easier for anyone else, including you. Life is a very short precious thing, and i know you are a positive person that will bounce back from this @Animal.
  24. If you have hyperflexible joints/muscles anywhere i would advise against stretching them. i have a lot of hyperflex and i made the mistake of wasting half an hour stretching these parts, all they need is a good strong blood flow and a warm up set which you seem to be doing right. (my coach always got me to do 2 sets of 10 kettlebell swings - with a 24kg bell for me) If i recall the general consensus in the stronglifts IC was doing 5 sets, start with bar, & increasing in 10s or 20s (depending on how heavy you went, anything above 60kg you generally go for 20s or you'd be there all day. If my weight was 62.5kg, i would do bar x5, 40kg x5, then working weight 5x5.) --- I have been on ketoIF for 11 days and i've lost 4.7kg (just over 10lbs!) although i fully expect to start hitting the wall. Once i get my imminent holiday done and dusted and back on ketoIF I want to start getting into SL properly myself. Need to get squat stands though. This year has been the biggest bag of shit (lost my lovely kitty and my 61 year old dad is hanging on by a thread) so I really need to get some positive mojo my way
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