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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Funny I went to my family's house for a BBQ today too (its a bank holiday weekend in NI so we always do that). Having that change of scenery was definitely nice!
  2. as one of your closest friends for the better part of 20 years............ lol
  3. I think all the sub forums in Gen got merged due to inactivity. I remember one particular mafia game where i hoodwinked you all mwahahahahahahahhaha (i also did not realise you were Dazz/animal either lol)
  4. This place was a huge social hub for me for a good 5 years of my life. @soag made me join in the days of CE (2005ish) and i actually met someone from my own town here @darksnowman who became a good friend of mine, and as a result @My Buttons are Magic! and I are best of friends to this day. And a big shoutout to all the people i met in the Sheffield 2008 meet, and even the friends I have that I've never met. I smashed my kneecap on the escalator on the way home after that meet and only 10 years later did it really heal lol I have been pestering lots of people to come back and join in and hopefully we can get some conversation going again I think a lot of us joined in our teens/twenties and have grown up and had massive changes in our lives, marriage, kids, etc and found ourselves with less time to fuck around online. I took a min to google and found the thread that offerman posted:
  5. I'm gonna bite the bullet and make a thread and get some conversation going... I was pondering this for a while, since this forum and a few others have really shrunk down in activity over the past... 5/10 years? I also used to go on a diet forum that was even busier than this place in its hayday, and its also pretty destitute now. I think our habits have changed and forums just aren't designed as well to work in the mobile tech space. Things like facebook, twitter etc seem to have taken over the discussion space online... RIP bring back the forum and msn messenger days.... lol Thoughts?
  6. hmmmm less said the better about that lol
  7. I am fairly sure Offerman lost his virginity and posted a massive post about realising the error of his ways and we never saw him again lol
  8. Doing better than others since we are such a sparsely populated country, don't think that means we can get complacent though
  9. I agree, very sad. When i joined transphobia was still very very commonplace, i really hope that has changed for the better now.
  10. Soag says she cant log in anymore
  11. omfg i remember rokhed.... @martinist you absolute pervert
  12. Its super frustrating I get it. Took 7 years for me to get a diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. Keep going, keep pushing and always advocate for your own care even if you're being a "nusiance" because no one else will.
  13. I'm still being diagnosed but ENT has narrowed it down to auto immune related muscle weakness. I've been like this for 2 years, still waiting on neuro and rhematology assessments. covid has punched a hole in the waiting lists for outpatients appts, i was already waiting on a 3 year waiting list, which is now probably 6 years lol
  14. I still talk to my buttons are magic on a regular basis (we met here and are really good friends now). I think darksnowman still comes here. I don't talk to nando much anymore but I'll always say hi and have a chat if i see him at his work. Its very sad to see how quiet the forum has got, I remember in its hayday I logged on every night to at least an entire page of updated threads. The idea of sitting at your computer browsing the web is dead with facebook etc. RIP forum culture.
  15. Social shielding potentially being paused as of 1 Aug in N.Ireland. So i'll be going back to work (in theory). Don't know how i'm going to be able to wear a mask all day, I've had them on for 10/15 minutes at a time going out for absolute essentials, and its so hard on my body. (i have muscle weakness that affects my breathing). I don't know if my work can safely have me in anyway, we haven't even got room to distance everyone in the office without me there. Adding another body wont make that easier. They had a bright idea to cram us in like sardines when they moved us into the new outpatients centre, (the staff floor is three people to a desk) and its now biting them in the ass. My sister is a dental nurse, their work is starting to take patients back in. She is the lead nurse and having to manage everyone's clinical safety, dentistry is the highest non hospital risk area, I cant see her at all. Shes really down and I just want to hug her at this point. Shes supposed to be getting married in September but don't think that'll be happening now. Covid needs to do one already
  16. Waiting lists are monitored by length of time on the waiting list, their time waiting wont be reset. I'm fairly sure that most cons surgeons only book their surgery calendars for a few months at a time, so therefore all those patients will just be cancelled & rebooked later, it isn't like weddings in that sense. But my experience in a patient facing nhs role, there most certainly will be a lot of entitled people complaining either way. I am on a waiting list for rhem & neuro outpatient appts, before all this stuff i was about 1.5 years into a 3y waiting list, i suspect that will easily double now. Which is making an already maddening situation a whole lot worse for me The venue my sister picked had a 2.5 year waiting list so on that assumption they're booked well into 2022. I don't know what she'll do if it gets cancelled.
  17. If hers isn't cancelled... I suspect things definitely wont be back to normal by early September. I assume if a deposit has been made on a date by my sister other couples don't have a leg to stand on?
  18. My sister is getting married in September, hers is all up in the air at the moment.
  19. I AM SO BORED I cant even remember how many weeks in I am now, 4...5? another 2 more months to go.... Its been a bit of a job getting groceries, but at least I've been able to. The vulnerable patient priority thing only applies to England like most things Sat with my neighbours and had coffee in the sunshine, we all sat well over 6ft apart from each other, and it was really nice. I hope we'll all learn to appreciate the simpler things when this is all said and done..
  20. I got paid as normal at the end of march, but it was for the month of march, of which i worked... i don't see until the 28th if i get paid or not lol eek. I asked boss to let me know so i could have as many of my bills delayed or whatever, but i haven't heard back yet. Just gonna have to avoid spending for as long as possible and hope for the best!
  21. My boss has assured me that ill get full pay. I don't know how much i trust that though o_O (i work for the nhs in a service that's still running, but i'm on the at risk register)
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