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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Oh same, it makes me so so mad too. Able-bodied people somehow completely disregard that its not a level playing field. A perfect example - I went for an xray last tuesday, a benign appointment for most people, sit there they take xrays done. But I've been in pain since, to a point where I had to take coedine just to sleep a night, which then truly fucks up my lungs/breathing so I'm barely functional now. I'm still undiagnosed w my breathing problems and they are getting worse again especially when im forced to take what is basically fuckin morphine because nothing else works and ive waited 3 years just to see someone to manage this pain. And realistically I know that I can't just stop working. I know life doesnt work that way. But I don't need it fuckin repeated over and over by people who are my family. A lot of disabled people want to work, accessibility to work is a real problem. And in my experience as a disabled person, you have to double down on your work ethic to "make up" for any needs you might have. And dont even get me started on the PIP process. It makes me so fuckin mad and I just wish people would keep their damn opinions to themselves if they havent got something SUPPORTIVE to say.
  2. My cousin has been very recently diagnosed with (i believe) something very similar as you, and she was told by the surgeon that its inadvisable for her to work full time. And she will not have kids naturally, period. Shes pretty down at the mo. Was talking to my mum and sister and i was so so so ashamed of them. Theyre so ableist "well she will have to work and suck it up they have a mortgage to pay" etc etc. I just don't feel like that sort of commentary on someones personal health and finances are neccesary, even if it is true or has true elements (especially in such a negative way) and it actually made me angry... i could very well be facing similar dilemmas in the years to come, christ, im barely able to function as it is. So its really nice to know how they feel about people claiming disability. im preparing myself to (probably) go back on methotrexate so ill not be able to drink either. Got my xrays done yesterday and my body hurts just from being manipulated into position to get the right angles
  3. i know if you're still nhs shes not legally allowed to tell you before the paperwork has been reviewed by a panel, that could be why. They're super strict about that nowadays.
  4. I have facebook still. i have been on it recently since covid has died down a bit. but while it was a Big Deal I was offline. Tired of seeing ablism, conspiracy nonsense constantly. Exposing yourself to people that would basically see you die rather than wear a damn piece of cloth on your face on the daily is not OK. I still try to ration it so im not just randomly scrolling for hours every day. I have messenger purely because i have friends on there that i literally have no other ability to contact. Without that I'd probably have deleted my account a while ago. Twitter is a hatefest. Don't care much for instagram (always felt like a duplication of facebook for me), snapchat is full of creeps and pervs.
  5. Don't forget theres also the dire lack of job opportunities and The Troubles... all relative lol. I know you wouldnt get a garage for that in london. Contextually you'd be doing well to get £10-12 an hour round here.
  6. Yeah covid has shaken up a lot, lots of job instability that wasnt a thing pre covid. I dont think 5% deals are really a thing anymore, it only happened to be a deal nationwide did at the same, and you had to save all your money with them for the deposit too. Oh and NI market being significantly different to english makes a big difference... my house was only 70k lol
  7. i f*ckin hate work They loaded more work than i can physically do. i do emails for the vast majority of my day. 80% of my day if i DO NOT take a lunch break, 95% if i do). Monthly reports usually split with everyone, but i take probably more than the rest because 1 my skills and 2 im not taking calls so they feel im doing "less work" LOL. So these monthly reports need done every month, and a yearly one end of march. currently working on februarys, which are done early march. But i literally don't think i have the time to do all of the monthly reports before the next months are due... so im literally never going to even get caught up from the backlog let alone keep it running. Then bosses boss (my immediate boss on sick) comes to me and is like oh we need the yearly report for x service by end of week (last week) and im just like.... RIGHT. so I do the report. its done by first thing on thursday.... thursday before lunch she messages me very politely (i think she must be scared of me and has heard of my rep of being slightly too honest lol) asking if they can be done by thursday close so she can check on friday to send. So im like OF COURSE. Sat on my ass for the rest of the day doing emails and nothing else for a damn change. Sent her the stuff at the very last minute lol I sent the report over and she queries a number not adding up (i know why it does but its not my job/cant be arsed/its her job) so i just screenshot the raw data, total it and send it to her as a response. I am not a data analyst. I have been denied the opportunity multiple times. they fuckin think im doing it and not being paid for it they can THINK AGAIN. Think she looked at it for half an hour couldnt get her head around it and just said itll do as it is and took out the total. this is someone thats paid prob close to 40k and is supposed to have data analysis/extraction experience. unreal. And the funniest most hilarious thing? We are no longer short staffed in the office (im working from home) and the rest of the team are sitting twiddling their thumbs.
  8. I legit just went to my building society and was like mortgage plz..! i had a save to buy account with them that gave me great interest at the time, and allowed me to contribute 5% deposit it's very weird this thread coming up, when it started i was mid SCREAM panicking about my legal shit not going through (offer accepted just after december, mortgage arranged new years eve) and it didn't come through til june 14th. I also can NOT believe its been 5 years I am *not* keen to move at all the idea of selling makes my skin crawl also this thread reminded me to go online and look at renewing my term hahah so thanks whoever bumped it kekeke
  9. you both are so cute, and that dress is STUNNING on you
  10. I dont buy the "confusing" argument. I don't buy the "government arent following the rules why should we" arguement. Like really how difficult is it to be sensible. Don't travel, don't see anyone unneccesarily, keep your bubbles small. I havent seen ANYONE except for my parents (medical bubble) and my colleagues (neccesity) in well over a year and have spent the vast majority of the past year in my house alone. I really really am just getting sick to the back teeth of people complaining about having to do 10 days or whatever isolation, because it mildly inconveniences them. I totally appreciate the people who are truly suffering, who have no income etc.... but in my experience so far the ones crying about "mental health" and "people are dying of cancer too" are the ones that are flouting the rules and making this thing longer for all of us.
  11. ugh flegggggs are a sensitive topic in NI lol hard pass. they've better to be discussing right now imo
  12. fuck me you actually asked a manager to do something for the good of the service and they did it? Thats a new one!!!
  13. I've accepted redeployment. They've basically bullied me into it by overloading me with work. theyre gonna lose a foundational member of the team that started it from the ground, and knows the system inside and out, at a high level, and with skillset well above my pay grade. I'm a band 3 (skilled post non management 21k) that knows more than a band 7 (high management 44k) who has worked for the dept the same number of years. I can interpret complex data, make it look meaningful, design reports, fix problems and find even the most obscure piece of data from out of my ass. The band 7, head of service, doesnt know the password for the reporting tool. What i know, and what they don't, gives me licence to fuck around. I told them i had to validate some numbers in a report today (granted they are complex and sometimes do have issues so this is more than believable) but they didnt need any work, i just sat for an hour doing a couple of emails. I've got all of the february backlog to clear through.... I dunno i could probably pull it off in a week...maybe? (which is pretty speedy even for a data analyst) now its gonna be 2.5. This is what happens when you screw someone over that gave their entire career to you and your department. My immediate boss is fuckin MAD. I text him and he told me to ring him straight away... Hes off on sick from stress and this was all done on purpose while he was away. My colleagues know what i contribute and its just pissing them off too. Its all work that will be handed over to them making them even more overwhelmed. Never in nearly 16 years have i regretted my career choice, but im starting to now
  14. I see that you've been really successful with your career, that must be such a boost. AND achieving that despite all that garbage you are suffering. You're one of the gooduns.
  15. I'm sitting on the fence right now in my job. I hae a decision to make very very soon. Every time I think about it, it fills me with anxiety and stress. I could potentially take someone to tribunal for the way ive been treated but she has a way of getting out of these things (i've witnessed her go through at least 3 and somehow she gets to stay in her job despite losing one of the cases). I have to get my union involved. I don't know if i have the energy to do all of that without making myself seriously ill. I could accept ill health redeployment and hope i get somewhere ok (anywhere is going to be an improvement over where I am), and be rid of her. the latter is probably going to be the easier answer for me, but it feels so wrong that she gets off with it time and time again. Should I shoulder the weight and stress of a tribunal, with potentially not enough proof? Should I morally just let it go for her to bully other people..? I really don't know. I'm a very fragile human right now I don't even know if i can handle the decision bit let alone anything else
  16. Generally speaking the admin staff on the lower levels (we are talking non management, maybe lower management) are not bad spuds. Obviously there are the exception to the rule in every dept. But we are basically bound to the rules, bound to systems that DO NOT WORK. Management won't spend money to adequately staff services, fix technical issues, sort out safety issues, or even look at waiting lists. Any time they do anything positive (which is usually too late) they make us feel like we should be grateful for the gift they have bestowed upon us have had several GPs and other medical staff at a loss for words at the position im in, and I don't doubt you are the same. Incidentally we had a suicidal patient on the phone today that no professional wanted to deal with. We are admin staff. We dont have the professional training nor the emotional training to deal with that.
  17. Head of dept is pushing to get rid of me. Implied I don't do a full days work (which is bullshit). we have 3 staff on long term sick, 2 agency people being let go at the end of the month. My occ health interview this month which, i assume, starts proceedings to have me moved.... so they then are down to 3 members of staff out of a total of 9. It's FUCKING INSANITY. She is doing a disservice to the department and the remaining staff who are literally falling apart at the seams. The staff that have been here since day 1 of covid, taken shit tons of abuse from both staff and patients alike. If i fight this redeployment and win, sure i might get to stay, but she will have a target on my back and she'll be watching for a single mistake to have me fired. There are so many laws in place to protect disability. People being able to go part time or have duty changes to suit a disability etc.. but if someone wants rid of you theyll just find another way. I'm a damn hard worker, i have skills and abilities way above my post. All for nothing and completely thankless. I'm worn out. This is a picture of the NHS and how it treats the wellbeing of its staff.
  18. this breaks my heart. If I could, I'd give you my fertility in a heartbeat. So fucking cruel for that to be taken from you both. Love ya girl <3
  19. sounds like pretty typical public service level organisation to me. I'm sure you are more than capable though Haps.
  20. guaranteed when shit goes back to normal they'll go back to the same ableist ways they once adopted too. 2020/1 has been a fuckin eye opener from a disabled persons perspective.
  21. the office situation is a problem at the moment hence why i think they are getting rid of the agency staff. but that doesnt help in the short term. I will be expected to come to work once the restrictions are lifted though. I don't really want to WFH long term. I like the seperation of work and home, because i do spend a LOT of time at home anyway in general. That stress can stay away from my home environment! But its better than doing nothing when there are no other options
  22. I knew i loved you for a reason lol I did some digging and messaged some of my colleagues.... sh*t is going down. We have 8 staff (2 agency, 6 permanent) + 1 manager as standard. Manager is off sick, 2 perm staff are off (one sick and one stuck in Australia) AND they are letting go of the two agency staff because there isn't any money left. All the remaining 4 staff's leave has been cancelled. Legit crisis. I'm only getting to work from home because they need me. I had a feeling of distrust in my bones when i woke up this morning and i wasn't far off the mark.
  23. my work have finally caved. 2 people off sick and they need me to do work. So now i get to work from home. YAAAAAHHHSSSSS thank god!!!
  24. Your dad must be in group 6? I know NI hasn't got anywhere near to the level of mid 50s "healthy" people. My mum is in that category and is waiting anxiously. My dad is 65, i think he falls under group 5, he just had his first vacc last week. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccination-care-home-and-healthcare-settings-posters/covid-19-vaccination-first-phase-priority-groups#fn:1 clinical risk isnt determined by severity of disease or pain unfortunately, its immunology risk. I consider myself fairly significantly disabled now, but 3 years ago i wouldn't have appeared to be at all disabled but still CEV. You should check the criteria and see if you fall under the moderate risk group.
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