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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. ^^ ding ding ding I feel like living standards have got to a crazy crazy high - i'm on my own, i really don't need 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms to clean lol.
  2. yeah i'd avoid a new build like the absolute plague to be honest. built like cardboard boxes on the cheap.
  3. my old workplace is in crisis, and theres been adverse incident reports logged because of people continually fucking up the job i used to do. *cackles*
  4. my boss has covid, so im pretty much doing sweet FA at the moment... cant say im enjoying it though lol. i like being busy the day goes in so much faster.
  5. Annoying that they didnt but at least its all done now. I honestly dont think i could move anytime soon after what i went through with the legal process (and ive been in my house 5 years haha)
  6. yeah i was about 5.5 months in wait, thanks to a fuck up with the vendors solicitor not making sure the house was registered with land registry. between both solicitors and land registry i swear, genuinely agree with @Ashley if i fucked up on that level in my job the best i could expect is a written warning, if not outright fired.
  7. I dont mind the "heat" here (being in NI like, 25c is our "heat") and i did enjoy the vasst majority of our summer over june/july/august. but yesterday sitting at 18c at 9pm with a humidity of 94%, i can do without lol
  8. That's an SAI right there and hopefully is being treated as such
  9. I dont know how to feel about this but im trying to be positive so posting it here, I'm going through the process of applying for a blue badge (for non UK peeps its a driving thing to allow people to use disability spaces) and my GP is in FULL support of me doing so. This is the same GP who in the past has been a bit iffy about my pain, was mildly fat shaming etc. So i'm hopeful that itll be something i can get to help me get out more but then its like... i'm 35 and THAT disabled. But on the other hand im being validated and acknowledged. I had a CT of my lungs last week (still waiting on results) but it wasnt nearly as scary and didnt take much time at all thank goodness! Another thing I'm very conflicted about. Like... I dont want to have something show up on the scan like ILD, but then im like so what actually happens IF nothing comes up. Like we're literally back to the drawing board with no easy answers at all. Also my condition (Psoriatic arthritis) is progressive and does not have a cure. All I can hope for is some level of remission achieved by stacking more drugs on top of my already mildly crazy regime. I dunno im trying to be positive through a pretty tough time, it really means a lot for my GP especially to actually listen and be hugely frustrated on my behalf. It's a very weird place to be in after fighting with people to listen to me for like 20 years lol
  10. Yeah, truthfully, they wouldnt be going through all that process without the $$$$ at the end of it. Take a deep breath and keep calm. Its all a load of red tape but you WILL get there!!! A wise bird once told me that buying a house is one of the most stressful times of your life, and they weren't bloody wrong. Especially first time round when youve never gone through the process!
  11. im very mischevious lol So. theres a thing in the nhs. if you are redeployed (through no fault of your own) and they send you somewhere further from your home than your current post they have to pay your mileage for three or four years. I have known people go through this from departments being closed (and them being given a new post), or moved. So really they cant discriminate when your redeployment is due to disability...... so assume that the same applies. I emailed my current posts manager and asked her who to enquire with regarding mileage payment, and she is playing ignorance "what do you mean has (new manager) advised you have travel with your new post?" and im like. oh. you. Its like you think i am stupid. I havent replied, i shot off an email to my union rep for support. One last little stab before I leave that bitch that made my life hell for 16 years. Hope it comes out of her budget. @EEVILMURRAY I hope your stupid colleague gets a kick up the ass, thats unreal, but not surprising (theres more than one of them in my current dept!) and its the most frustrating thing. When you literally have to do twice your job to catch up their slack.
  12. I am so bloody annoyed. the steroids tapering off caused a massive flare up. GP upped my dose to higher than the initial dose, but it takes a few days to work. Meanwhile my breathing was getting poorer and my pain worse. So he sends me to hospital. They did an xray and were able to identify inflammation. they've given me anti bios. I'm kinda annoyed.. i dont personally believe i have a chest infection. I dont have the death rattle/phelgm that comes with a typical chest infection for me. I hate taking anti bios unneccesarily because with a complex immune system disorder this shit has a limited lifespan before it stops working. But ill be a good patient and take it. Doctor is now currently refusing to let me stop taking the steroids. I went into work today and got chastised by pretty much every colleague and my boss wanted to send me home. But for me its better to be DOING something, ill sit at home and worry if i have to rest lol my lovely wonderful derm nurse specialist got me on the cancellation list for a CT, so im going for that next week! maybe that will hold the answers... because i dunno im basically stuck on steroids for the rest of my life if they cant find an answer lol
  13. eyyy so im being tested for RA/PsA related interstitial lung disease. What a crock load of shit. I feel like some funny fucker up there is just having a laugh at this point. Also - today i VERY NEARLY ran over a dog, i had control of the situation and missed the poor fecker by mere inches (i literally saw him disappear under the view of my bonnet AS my car stopped) but straight after I had a massive panic attack, which has irritated the absolute shite out of my lungs and put me in even more pain. Oh and my GP put me on roidz a few weeks ago which REALLY HELPED, and now hes weaning me off them, and of course theyve stopped working. Fuckssake.
  14. hell yeaaaaa grats @Cube@nightwolf @Ashley fucks sake thats ridiculous
  15. I've been offered a redeployment post thats amazing. A smaller dept, within the mental health sector. All different kinds of duties within the post, some telephone calls but not the extent of my current post's would be. Its a bit more of a drive, but not hugely so (15 miles with no school traffic as opposed to 5 with 3 schools, which doesnt really cost me more time, just more miles on the car). A lot of their overarching protocols and processes are very similar to my current posts (which is the hardest part to grasp) and the fact i demonstrated that really set her mind at ease. Think we both came to that meeting super anxious, and came away feeling much better! redeployments can be awful for both the employee and manager if its a bad fit, but it seems like ive got so so lucky. On friday the 13th of all days lol I'm not starting til Sept because both my current and future line managers are now off on leave til then... but im so excited
  16. Aah. Its a tough call. I'm very much the type that will sit and be quiet and say nothing, just let people think what they like. Even if it goes against everything I believe. Because I just hate confrontation lol
  17. Jesus, odders, thats crazy. If you denounced your faith outwardly would it mean leaving your family? (i've heard things about Mormon faith being intense but I dont want to assume).
  18. I remember in 2016 it was kinda difficult to get a 5% mortgage, the only way i could get one was via a save to buy scheme (i had my deposit savings with the bank that gave me the mortgage). But generally your interest will be higher rate and longer term which adds up cost wise. When i went to my mortgage planning thing they ran the numbers for me and i would have paid substantially more over the long run and would have had a longer term. It was a little bit tight going for me to pull 10% together, admittedly the very annoying legal delay helped me gather enough lol Its not the best investment, BUT if its your only viable solution (not being able to downsize budget, or on a time crunch) its certainly doable. If you do go the 5% route look into how much you can overpay without fees once it starts - even if you pay a small amount consistently every month you can start to chip away on the debt, which **really** helps come renewal time. Any time mortgage discussions come up in my family my mum always retells the time they bought their house in 1996, they were offered a 120% mortgage. They only needed 100, they really hit the hard sales for that 120. Now its like you have to fight to get 90% even with a decent history lol Really bothers me when people are critical of people our age (millenials and younger) not being able to get on the ladder, like, hello... very conveniently forgotten how people in the boomer gen had both secure jobs til retirement and 100%+ mortgages available to them ???
  19. @nekunando grats my dude, must be at least the 3rd now ???
  20. lock ittttt

    1. darksnowman


      and the key??

    2. Raining_again


      throw it away you wont be needing it

    3. darksnowman


      🔐 🗝 🚮

  21. I saw some travel vlogging youtube guy talk about his experience with covid, he did a video a few months after initial recovery, said he had little to no function in his penis to that day. Thats fucking frightening.
  22. Literally all of medicine is basically this. educated trial and error. If you packaged chemotherapy as a new medicine people would be far more horrified, but it is an accepted treatment for more than just cancers in the modern age. Its the nature of the....Beast... lol. They did tonnes of clinical trials, the scientific community wasnt sitting on furlough for any of 2020. Pandemic protocols existed long before patient zero hit the nearest hospital. The medical sector is bound by so much red tape you wouldnt even know where to start (at least in the UK). Complications can happen but that happens with every single vaccine, & medicine. I had a pretty nasty reaction to the swine flu vaccine. I havent been online in a while, but i read your reply about the hearing stuff, and yes that absolutely sucks. I have a vocal impairment so you probably wouldnt hear me anyway, but I would still make every effort to accomodate you if i could. I'd prob be more likely to whip out my phone and write a note (and hold it in front of you) than uncover my face though. Curiosity - Why have you opted not to have your hearing looked into, especially at such a young age? - re the whole vaccine thing.... yes i believe everyone has a right to chose. But I'm glad that most have chosen to come together and do what is in the interest of moving forward. I dont believe we should live in a world where you are forced to have it BUT travel operators, shops, clubs, etc have a right to refuse entry if they feel the risks are not worth entertaining. If someone doesnt want to get it based on a non essential (aka not medical) reason, they have to be prepared to take the potential downsides that come with it. The problem is while there are people out there not getting the vaccine but still being sensible (i actually know a few), there are people that are not because they are downright idiots, and are doing NOTHING to help stop the spread. So sadly all people opting out are going to be tarred with the same brush. If i see someone not wearing a mask, or sanitising, I dont have a right to know they are medically exempt, so i am just going to assume they arent safe to be around. I'm in the very small percentage of the population who can still be very seriously ill after the vaccine, so im taking no chances.
  23. admittedly it does sound like bully tactic marketing ploy! I remember reading in a lot of articles that it was a good idea but not compulsory. i ended up going over my original budget on the place i got now. They didnt ask for an MIP at any stage.
  24. A mortgage in principle is just an outline of what you could potentially spend based on your collective earnings, not legally binding for either you or the bank. You dont need to supply documents that im aware of. I got one with my bank and it took 5 minutes online and i got an instant "decision" None of the estate agents i ever communicated with ever asked for it, even when i got into a bidding war with someone else.
  25. I'm not surprised that there are sceptics, but i AM surprised that there are in the vulnerable category. A family member of a colleague is in the CEV list, got covid, spent 4 months in hospital, and basically had to learn to walk again. Like that aint a life i'm willing to leave to chance. We are the people who are likely to get covid and still get sick even with the vaccine, but even a reduction of risk by 10% is still worth something. Think I read somewhere that only 19% of adults in NI have not had or booked their first vaccine, which is wild, and brilliant. lets go pew pew re the mask thing, i just..... i can't understand it..... have the government not learned? Its literally the EASIEST thing we can all do as a society to keep as many of us safe. No masks arent 100%, no they arent comfortable, but i think we need them right now. If anything the hospitals have stepped up the policy - i went to a hospital recently for OP appt, (one with an ED and wards) and they said we all now have to wear the blue hospital ones, rather than any reusable ones. So i hope people aren't expecting that they can just rock up to appointments now with no masks on, if anything its stricter and rightly so >_> The thought of public transport right now with a bunch of maskless morons brings me out in a sweat.... and its too hot for that shit lol
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