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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Oh no i've heard bad tales of the keto hangover. I'm too scared to try it to be honest! I might give keto a try towards the summer. I have a kitchen full of non keto safe foods so I really need to eat them first. And also this wine i'm drinking is definitely not keto friendly lol also all the keto bbqs yesssss
  2. oly kit is just a million times better quality. Even the cheapest stuff. If you can deadlift 60kg and you aren't wanting to do cleans/snatches (weightlifting) movements, then a regular set of plates is probably fine. Bumpers are designed to (in theory, on the right floor) be dropped from height without doing too much damage to the bar/plates/floor. if i had my time again I'd buy 5/10/15 bumpers and invest in ultra thin metal plates in the 20s. https://www.strengthshop.co.uk/weights-bars/weight-plates/extra-thin-competition-style-steel-plates/20kg-olympic-extra-thin-steel-plate-2719.html not cheap at £80 per plate!!!
  3. jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez either braces have got expensive or i got a bargain. I had the full kaput, top bottom (no teeth removed), ceramic braces, perm retainers (some of them are still left lol) for 1250 gbp. My sister worked in the orthodontist involved though. you're in for a helllllish ride if they use the most solid wire at the end... i felt like pulling my teeth out by the end of it... but here we are 5 years later and im still using my retainers and my teeth haven't moved a mm. I missed corn on the cob the most. Avoid hard taco shells lol (pinged my wire off twice with them) The wax is helpful (the stuff you ball up and put over wires/bits that are creating ulcers I really didn't like the private ceramic retainers.... they just ended up stained and made me look like i had no braces, but dirty looking teeth instead. When i got my braces off I had several dozen people ask me if I had my teeth whitened lol
  4. Was at gym today, first set of squats with 20kg bar, bounced down into the hole and my knee cracked so hard i nearly fell over..... lol #arthritisgains I did go on to fire out 70s for reps so... i guess my knee just wasn't tracking properly
  5. @drahkon apologies dude i haven't been on here in an age Let me start from the beginning, there are two parts to keto - being in a state of "ketosis" (using ketones) and being in a "fat burning state". Former is when you first hit no carbs, hunger drops body begins to use fat as a soure of energy. Latter is when your body adapts properly to fat burning (you get a huge surge of energy, suddenly feel 600 x better). Keto happens within 24 hours. Fat burning within 6 weeks (give or take). Once you're fat burning you can come out of ketosis for a short period of time (usually a meals worth, or an evening) and you will fall back into keto easily without the usual drain, and your body will continue to fat burn. It doesn't do much to your appetite using that method. Any longer than the above stated (ie an entire day) and the fat burning magic is gone. I would probably avoid drinking while in keto, have heard some awful horror stories inc people feeling so bad they feel like theyve been drugged. Alcohol has carbs, and breaking keto with them makes them absorb into your energy source immediately and it fucks you up royally. its not absorbed like it normally would be with other carbs in your system. Of course this is my experience and the parameters can vary but i always suggest going with extreme caution when keto and alcohol is concerned. I'm not really a drinker or a social person in any way shape or form so I can deal with no alcohol
  6. if its anything like Ginger Beer (basically ginger flavoured fizzy pop, not alcoholic) its amazeballs.
  7. I have had a huuuuuuge arthritic flare up. Barely just barely managing stairs. So glad I had the wit to buy a bungalow instead of a house! and this happened. My house smells like burnt plastic. Luckily it was the bathroom or else it could have been interesting
  8. Jeez my christmas stuff was gone by the end of the first week in January... In fairness I don't get a lot of presents (nor do i buy) so I didn't get a LOTTT. I am currently "on the bench" as I have a severe arthritis flare up. When you're struggling to get up stairs lifting anything becomes a problem.
  9. It's poop. I wish I had been able to keep up my fitness. I think I was the only person on the planet who got FATTER with glandular fever. My sister lost 4 stone, nearly starved. I got sepsis, nearly died, but still gained weight because I have extreme tolerance for nausea (that sick life), and the honey i was guzzling by the bottle helped my throat lol. On top of being fit, w/ enormous appetite, but no longer exercising... its a perfect crime for fatnessssss. I'm just glad im well enough to get back to it. Absolutely. I track calories just, and I use cronometer, its very like myfitnesspal, but the paid version is better for tracking fat/carbs/protein. I do spike calorie counting (Russell Branjord's book is an interesting read) high - 1 day of BMR x 3 med - up to 3 days BMR (workout days only) low - at least 3 days BMR-500 though most of the time I stick to 1 high day and 6 low.... maybe a medium thrown in there if I have something planned through the week or am feeling crappy..... and the high day is always the day before I train with my coach as i find that's where i really really need the caloric boooooost. I do intermittent fasting during the week anyway (have done for a long time) so it all works out nicely for me. And my body is changing so very rapidly. Looking in the mirror and not seeing me anymore,.... there's someone with a half decent shape starting to appear... oh and my workout is basically: tue kettlebell swings + cleans (3x10) wed kettlebell swings + OHP bar (5x5) OHP kettlebell (5x5) thu kettlebell swings + front squat + OH squat (3x5 both) fri kettlebell swings + deadliiiiiiifts 5x5 sun - whatever torture my coach decides to put me through.... usually a lot of cleans lol ohhh i got to try a deadlift bar... it must have been about 8 foot long and bendy as f..... knurling that would make your hands weep (almost literally) ... and now i want one... they're only £500 lol
  10. Just an FYI, I don't think you can legally rent to family. I know someone who bought a house with his partner to rent to his dad and brother and it all had to be under her name (they arent married) so that may be a legal sticking point. Could be a weird antiquated law in northern ireland, but its worth checking out the legalities just in case.
  11. I have been lifting again since.... november... was kinda happy but going through the motions and mostly feeling sad at what I was no longer able to do... remembering what I could do 3 years ago (this was consistent heavy ass training 4x a week and more) and feeling a bit of a failure with what I can do now.. but forgetting that i went through a crazy serious bout of glandular fever that ill never really get rid of. relearning certain aspects of the lifts because its a better way of doing it, which results in backtracking further. For example when cleaning i used to go fucking full force from ripping it off the floor, whereas now i've been taught to go half power from floor to hips then the HIP DRIVE is where you turn it the heck up... almost instantly they felt so much easier. But still pathetic weights. I've been putting in the hard graft since new year and i've been improving lots and feeling a lot better. calorie counting on point - i've not seen numbers im seeing now on the scales since i was 18/20ish. When I used to weightlift before I was very lazy about macros etc, lifting for the fun of it and eating what i wanted without gaining weight. Stayed around a solid muscular 19 stone for a long time. Today I am 18 stone on the button, and going down. its a big dent to the ego but im working hard and my body just moves so much easier than it used to. i forgot what feeling strong and active felt like!
  12. ive got a room without any curtains 1.5 years later lol.... protip they actually insulate more than you'd think... im fed up of this weather i want to go out and enjoy my garden
  13. mmm there are some but not many crossfit boxes that advocate good solid reps over speed or #. They don't exactly tell you to have crap form but stand by and watch you do it, which isnt much better. And as well I think a lot of folk doing crossfit are chasing that "prescribed" weight dream and know exactly well that they're doing cheat reps. I don't really believe in "kipping" pullups as good practice as you can pull and damage all kinds of muscles and you CAN learn to do pull ups properly through other means. That said, I love what crossfit has done for the weightlifting community. Its far more acceptable and even COMMON to see women in the weight room deadlifting, and squatting more than just silly small dumbells that weigh less than a water bottle.... Crossfit type training is better for females than males as our bodies are better adapted to recover from a lot more repeated stress than our male counterparts. And bumper plates, strongman gear and all kinds of AWESOME gym kit is getting far more accessible because of it! yay! @Charlie Thats a really interesting approach, what kind of accessory work do you do, and does it follow the same theory? Certainly seems to be good for endurance which is something i'm significantly lacking at the moment...
  14. Yeah my coach has me doing low weight high reps which is very much outside of my comfort zone... its not for technique, but endurance... Especially as I've been out of the game for so long my "fitness" aka endurance is through the floor. OHP is the WORST at the best of times without lots of reps ;_______; I have two complexes to work on: Strict OHP / Jerk Hang clean / romanian deadlift Start with sets of 3, so i do 3 strict then 3 jerk, then increase to 4, 5, 6, 7 to fail....vile. My first session with my coach was crap, i struggled to rep 40kg (what an ego buster) and cleans were just all over the place... turns out i had a fairly severe kidney infection which is now resolving and i came in the next session and got so much more done. Repping 30kg cleans easily, and 70kg deadlifts. Allllll tedious endurance work.... oh my impatient adhd brain just wants to play with new fun things and 1RMs lol @Charlie i think you might just be a masochist - 10x10 sounds like death
  15. ooooh ropes and tyres that sounds like a class wee gym. the place im training at has lots of strongman gear, i cannot wait to be fit enough to get a go on those!
  16. Wow delay worked out in your favour! nice!
  17. Even a couple of kettlebells or dumbells would be enough to do SOMETHING.
  18. I'm so glad to hear you're doing it, way to go @nightwolf I hope you don't need it but if you do it'll at least eradicate one of the risks. Also women who lift are just badass, awesome AF. <3
  19. WAKENED FROM THE DEAD Seriously this time of year is like...... the best time of year to be in the gym. I started coaching sessions again today, he evaluated my form, we talked over weaknesses and training. Had a blast. He's EXTREMELY cute.
  20. that @nekunando hes a dirty hallion lol I have a *huge* crush on my new PT, thats about as exciting as my love life is at the moment.... well i liked someone and met him in person (friends through ok cupid / work) but meeting him in person and the spark just was not there. Oh weelllll.
  21. Oh @nightwolf im so sorry you're going through struggles, love you loads <3 From what I gather you want to try to avoid early menopause for as long as you possibly can.. Hopefully it doesn't have to come to that. I know a few people that have gone through surgical adhesions and see it a LOT in my line of work. its not very pleasant. You have my sympathies, and you also know where I am if you need me xo I have a small piece of advice if you do end up having to get hysterectomy - lift weights, and lift weights heavy. Early menopause has a high risk factor for osteoporosis, and lifting weights will protect your bones. I know women in their 60s with better bone strength than people in their 20s because they lift weights.
  22. I hope you gave it lots and lots of pets!!!
  23. I went into the branch directly, wanted to deal with NW as I have my bank with them, makes it a lot easier, less to prove etc. And my advisor was so helpful when I was looking at an Orlit house (which I ended up not buying)
  24. I had absolutely no problem with nationwide, i think like many banks / b.societies it just depends on the branch. Mine couldn't help me enough!
  25. We're all bunkering down here in northern ireland, waiting for Ophelia to pass.... My sky dish sounds like it might be ripped off at any moment... hae prepared for the electric to go off, candles and matches out just in case...
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