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Everything posted by McMad

  1. Read the title people. My money is on 4 minutes. Which will be 10:07 on my clock. Place yer bets. I will PM the winner with something very nice.
  2. Who said I was complaining? I literally thought this was originally a joke like other people in this thread. EDIT: Well not personally. But you're normally fussy whenever someone discriminates someone else because of their age. This thread bores me now.
  3. God. If I really wanted to write for this place I would have tried ages ago. And you try far too hard with the crass jokes these days.
  4. Wow 'Gaming Target' and 'PSBeyond'? Well colour me impressed. Sorry but I'd just expect this site to 'hire' people a little older and thus a little more qualified now that the newsies take their jobs so seriously these days.
  5. As easy as it seems to become a staffer these days I refuse to believe that someone can legitimately can be a member on here for three days and gain the 'green status'. Especially when they're 15.
  6. Probably the Spice Girls as much as it pains me to say it. lol not gaydiohead Although whether they actually made music is debatable.
  7. Iz u a gurl? Plz be my gurlfriend...
  8. That is THE WORST video I have ever seen. I'm not sure if I want to kill myself or the people that made that terrible song.
  9. How do you measure having good sense though? Is there a simple definition for it? No. Like opinion it is entirely subjective and your perception of good sense is just a wrong as everyone else's.
  10. "Yes I think the Holocaust was a great moment in history (fucking jews)." Opinions: They aren't always right.
  11. I want something that we're not expecting; something unpredictable, otherwise I'll just be disappointed as usual.
  12. McMad

    GTA IV

    The soundtrack is ace. The only problem with the radio stations is the absence of DJ-fucking-Lazlow. Seriously where the hell is he?
  13. Holy shit! That's the Gamestation I buy my games from!
  14. McMad

    GTA IV

    Why the fuck didn't I preorder this? Stupid... Stupid...
  15. So you didn't actually enjoy the gameplay of Half-Life 2 I take it then?
  16. Devil May Cry games have laughably bad narratives. Silent Hill 2, while it actually has a really decent story, is let down because of terrible dialogue and shitty voice acting allowing for poor characterisation, which should really be one of the games strengths considering the narrative revolves around the crumbling mental state of the protagonist. Metroid Prime 3 had such a shitty story that I can't even remember it. All I can remember are it's pathetic attempts to produce cinematic cutscenes.
  17. Klonoa. Look how happy he is. Wouldn't you give him another shot? Fucking Namco.
  18. 1. Ocarina of Time 2. Ocarina of Time 3. Ocarina of Time Or... 1. Ocarina of Time 2. Majora's Mask 3. Twilight Princess I could never really enjoy the 2D ones even though Link's Awakening was my first Zelda.
  19. Jeepers Creepers started off brilliantly. Then it progressively got worse and worse. I find ambiguity the scariest aspect of horror. When a film is clever enough not to paint the whole picture for you - your mind is left to fill in the gaps and an indescribable sense of terror is created. That is real horror for me. The Bogeyman himself may be scary but those unexplainable things that go bump in the night can really fuck with your mind.
  20. Audiosurf.
  21. That's just the motherfucking intro. On a serious note though I think that time is just the length of all the cutscenes. Still I wonder if that time includes codec conversations as well...
  22. Yahtzee Reviews Brawl
  23. New Videos It looks... Alright... EDIT: Argh the new name sucks balls. Well at least I won't have to wait too long now to see how bad it really is.
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