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Everything posted by McMad

  1. I think Nintendo are just playing it safe with the whole shell idea here incase the 'remote' isn't as popular as first thought. But what could then differentiate the Revolution from the other consoles...
  2. EXAXTLY! I mean Metroid Prime 2 was a good game but it was no way better than it's predacessor, but since NOM are such a bunch of queers they gave the game 97%. Then a few months later Resident Evil 4 comes out and they give it 95%! Resident Evil 4 is the best gamecube game by far, it's obvious they're saving 98% for Twilight Princess. And the way they write their reviews is bad. Really bad. . I mean all they write is either: 1.Resident Evil 4 is great because the attention to detail they put into blowing off people's heads is amazing, but you'd better lock the door when playing it or your dad will go crazy!(Nothing about the gameplay, they also basically talk about the plot for a page or two). 2.Pokemon Leaf Green was amazing, even though it's a remake it's still a Nintendo game so it deserves 92%!(They also talk about how Pokemon is still cool). These guys make the people on the Nintendo of Europe forums look like Sony fanboys.
  3. The 'Probable Launch': Nintendo: Mario 128(Goes down in history as the greatest platformer of all time)1 player Wario Ware(The best one yet)4 player Super Smash Bros. 3(The best selling game at release, but has flaws)Online- 4 player Wave Race(Awesome but hugely dismissed)Online-4 player Metroid Prime 3(Hopefully)(Becomes Halo's rival, breathtaking)Online-4 player EA: Fifa World Cup 2006(Dissapointing, just a port)Online-4 player Madden 2006(America only)4 player Need for Speed(Nice graphics, but is letdown by repetitiveness, another port)Online-2 player Sega: Sonic the Hedgehog(Stunning and uses the 'remote')1 player Super Monkey Ball 3(Great fun, 12 new party games that rock too)Online- 4 player Namco: Ridge Racer 6(A port, but a great game)Online-4 player Ubisoft: Splinter Cell 4(Uses the 'remote, turns out well)Online-2 player Capcom: Viewtiful Joe 3(Uses the 'remote to a fantastic extent, sells better than usual) 2-player Square-Enix: Final Fantasy:Chrystal Chronicals 2(Online, cool fighting system with the remote, sells well)Online Activision: Tony Hawks(Another port)Online-2 player Date: Japan: September 2006 America: October 2006 Europe(other PAL territories): November 2006(Hopefully) That's probably it... Well it's just a big guess actually, an accurate one i think though.
  4. Hey i'm new to making signatures too so could one of you please make me a resident evil 4 sig, or a Final Fantasy one, anything will do. Please. :aww:
  5. I just pissed myself in laughter. :lmao:
  6. Merrick did a dumb thing by saying that :no: , because now he has given some sort of idea that the Revolution is going to be quite far behind the other two on the release shcedule. Though Iwata did state at one point that the Revolution will not be released that far behind its competitors. Arggghh!! we need more info and soon. E3 2006 is too far away dammit.
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