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Everything posted by McMad

  1. Where is everyone? Jeez I got drunk especially for this and no one's online.
  2. Just Madworld and maybe Tales of Symphonia 2.
  3. Hopefully, I will. I'm not too sure I'll be drunk though. Am I still allowed to play even if I'm sober?
  4. I've PM'd you a 1 Month code dude. Enjoy.
  5. Again? sarcasm
  6. Congratulations everyone. I hope no one was too disappointed with their results.
  7. Gears of War? Drunk? That might just be the best thing ever.
  8. Fierce have you been drinking again? Don't worry so have i. Anyway something nice to say about Fierce Link... Hmmm. Fuck you're pretty much the soul of this forum dude, never leave. Compliments are niiiiiice.
  9. You people are far too violent. Please don't hurt me.
  10. All I remember about Sonic 2 is Chemical Plant Zone. But damn, the music of that stage alone is enough to make the entire game the best Sonic ever.
  11. Your life burns faster, Obey your master. Happy Birthday Master Tphi.
  12. Until I see some games using this decently I'm going to remain firmly unimpressed with this new peripheral.
  13. The PC will always reign almighty. Except it isn't a console so I'll say the N64 for nostalgia's sake.
  14. Boris. I recommend starting with their album Pink.
  15. Wait a minute... People found Bioshock scary?
  16. Take away 'The Gloaming' and add 'Go to Sleep', 'Where I End and You Begin', 'A Punchup at a Wedding' and 'A Wolf at the Door'. Hail to the Thief is a great album, I almost feel guilty for ignoring it for so long.
  17. Of course it goes with out saying that I have some teeth problems like every other person in this thread although they are only superficial. I also have an abundance of moles on my upper body although they aren't obtrusive and are not causing me any problems. Apart from those two features I am perfectly happy with the rest of my body.
  18. Happy Birthday McPhee.
  19. Personally I think this looks hideous.
  20. There's a lot of differences in the Manga as well such as Kaworu's early arrival and crueler personality as well as Shinji's preference of Rei. I think it's a safe bet in saying the anime, manga and the Rebuild movies are in different continuities/realities.
  21. Happy Birthday doods.
  22. 1. OK Computer 2. Kid A 3. Hail to the Thief 4. The Bends 5. In Rainbows 6. Amnesiac 7. Pablo Honey Well at least that's how I feel about them at the moment. My love for each album fluctuates a lot over time and I'm sure other Radiohead fans on these boards will beg to differ with my list.
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