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Everything posted by McMad

  1. There was that icy corridor wasn't there? Anyway Super Metroid is much more of a remake than Prime is.
  2. Yeah I got bored of Fusion too. Don't think I'll ever get round to completing it. I didn't like the bright colour palette which contrasted with the style of Super Metroid and I hated all the monologues. I hope the narrative of Other M won't be another game-breaker for me.
  3. Ah but if I remember correctly when you held down the analogue stick while mashing A Fox would do that awesome spinning attack with the staff. I was such an impressionable eleven year old.
  4. Aye. I never understood all the hate for Adventures. Sure it was a complete departure from the first two games and it was a Zelda clone but it was nice Zelda clone. Tricky sucked though.
  5. I would personally preferred the game to start a little like this: In comparison this remake just feels a little slow. But each to their own. Opinions aside if you guys are impressed with this (the remake) I highly recommend you check out the first three games of the series. Especially Silent Hill 2 which holds up amazingly to this day. (well, apart from the voice acting...)
  6. You liked Star Fox Command?! That was even worse!
  7. Well you're weird. :wink:
  8. Teehee. It's called 'Space Marine'. Looks pretty sweet actually.
  9. Unless the next F-Zero is developed by AV again a sequel would probably be a disservice to GX. And I don't think the Wii would be able to deliver what we really want from the next F-Zero: 30 player online races. Fuck Yeah And Star Fox? Really? Unless Nintendo decide to finally stop outsourcing the series or give it to someone like Treasure I really wouldn't mind Fox keeping a low profile for a while. So I'll have some of those happy pills too if you really believe more people want to see a new F-Zero or Star Fox than a Mario platformer.
  10. Naturally I want all the consoles but unfortunately I am a poor teenager. Might save up for a PS3 around Christmas. A price drop would seal the deal. I also need to get my 360 fixed after the exams but I really don't want to go through the bullshit of sending it off again.
  11. Until I watched the third video I was about to lose all hope for this game. The chase sequence was suspenseful and it clearly evoked a real sense of danger. Something most games don't do anymore. Still I have some doubts. The pacing was all wrong. The first ten minutes gave no impression that this was horror game at all. It was pretty boring until shit got icy actually. This brings on to my second qualm with this game. I'm not a raging Silent Hill purist but the fog and the rusty otherworld were key visual motifs in the franchise for good reasons. The icy otherworld just isn't as scary or unsettling. There are other things I'm skeptical about but they could be amended within the next few months. Oh well, fingers crossed.
  12. You sound upset at the fact that Nintendo are making a sequel to arguably the best game on the Wii.
  13. The subtitle is lame but the gameplay looks crazy (if that was in-game footage). The story could go either way though.
  14. This looks great. I loved the first one so I really don't mind if it's more of the same.
  15. I've become estranged with video games recently. Although I would say my reason once was to escape from the boredom of reality. Everything is boring now.
  16. I fucking called it. God damn American citizens need to watch better TV.
  18. Just video games for me please.
  19. I'm merely scaremongering, although the ratings have fallen compared to the first season's and it is Fox... Hopefully you're right and I'm wrong though.
  20. Heroes: Yawn. Terminator: Delicious. Too bad its cancellation is inevitable.
  21. I'm attracted to my manga self.
  22. I think he was being sarcastic. And why does he abuse the bold tool so much?
  23. This is a funny post.
  24. Definitely getting the World Tour peripherals over the Rock Band ones now. The £150 deals with the extra guitar are impossible to resist, I'll just buy Rock Band separately.
  25. Team Fortress 2 - 9/10 I can think of nothing more satisfying than trolling snipers and engineers as the spy.
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