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Everything posted by McMad

  1. If you are remarking the fact that the PS3 is selling at a faster rate than the 360 then yes you are correct. If you are remarking that the PS3 has sold more units than the 360 in total then you're wrong. The 360 has been on retail for over two years now and that graph only details the first 18 months of each of the consoles' existence. The PS3 has some catching up to do although it could very well take over the 360 around the release of MGS4 or next Christmas.
  2. Any film with Sean Bean and Christian Bale is a force to be reckoned with.
  3. McMad has returned after two days of no internets. Goddammit... I missed all the fun in the CP thread.
  4. Smells like Karma to me.
  5. http://www.directtvs.co.uk/Finlux_26FLD760_26_Inch_LCD_TV_26fld760/version.asp Damn! This TV looks pretty damn good for the price. What do our technically enlightened members think?
  6. Oh God, I want this so much. There's no chance I'm gonna have the money in time and wouldn't get it then anyway; June 12th is right in the middle of my GCSEs.
  7. Mmmm copypasta from the conflicting idiots of /v/.
  8. Halo has had a huge impact on the modern day shooter. It created the importance of melee attacks, recoverable health (taking cover after being shot at - health/shield regenerates), being only able to carry two main weapons at once (restricting the player's arsenal making them tactically think about what weapons they'll need) and grenades having their own button (instead of swapping to them, leaving yourself wide open for attack from enemies). These are all gameplay traits that can be found in modern shooter classics such as Call of Duty (4). To say the game doesn't have much depth to it is a very naive perception. In competitive play you need to know your guns; sure a shotgun can kill in one shot up-close but from 10 metres away you're going to get raped by someone with a Battle Rifle. Then there is the motion detector (radar) which detects all player movement within a certain range and only the most skilled players can use this to their advantage; if you hide and don't move people won't know you're there. One quick melee attack to the back and you've got yourself a kill. There's probably loads more to Halo that I don't even know about. There are many quirks and techniques to be learnt in Halo, to deny its significance and depth is stupid. The singleplayer of the first two is crap, I agree. The third slightly improved but still had a substandard campaign considering the game's acclaim. Counter Strike has no singleplayer though yet it is still one of the best and most popular team based shooters out there. That's because like Counter Strike Halo's substance is to be found in the multiplayer. I'm in no way justifying Edge's 10s for both Halo and Halo 3, personally I think they're strong 9s like Resident Evil 4 a game that has also had a huge impact on shooters (Gears of War) and videogames (the now widespread use of quicktime events and cutscenes). Wait a minute is this the smash bros thread?... (sorry for going way off topic)
  9. Touche'. A lot of the big series have gone multiplatform this generation; Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Soul Calibur, Devil May Cry and GTA.
  10. Happy Birthday dudes.
  11. Looking at your Solid Snake avatar and sig wouldn't you be happier with a PS3? After 2008 the 360's exclusives line-up is starting to look a little barren.
  12. Care to elaborate?
  13. That fucking rocks soag; Billy Coen doesn't get nearly enough attention among RE fans.
  14. Okay so why doesn't Halo 1 or 3 deserve a 10?
  15. So you don't respect with them because they don't conform to your opinion of what is good and what isn't? The argue their points fairly in their reviews; that alone is enough to respect their opinion. And in all fairness the battle system in Persona 3 is good but can grow tiresome as you persevere through Tartarus, trying to make it to the next checkpoint. The artwork is fantastic yet the low-poly characters and environments hardly push the PS2 so why didn't Atlus fully realise their designs on the hardware? Still the game as a whole is very good and the social aspect can be very addictive. I would have given it an 8 though. They probably gave it a 7 because they aren't weeaboos (not to insult) like us who love anime and games like Persona.
  16. Now guys, try not to rage too hard but Edge gave this a 9 today.
  17. Don't worry Ninja Gaiden 2 will take it back from you soon. So how many months did that take you?
  18. I can't do tomorrow either; I've got friends coming round. Saturday evening or anytime Sunday seems alright though.
  19. Got some Science GCSE module results today: Biology: A* Chemistry: A Physics: A Man I am so good at remembering things!
  20. Annoying People: Everyone. People that make me RAGE: Two faced ***** and people with manufactured opinions.
  21. Entering water depths of 6 feet and above is now fatal. (you know what games I'm referring to) Would be funny. Oh and every girl I remotely have sexual tension with is hot and available.
  22. Discovering my love for video games on the N64 was probably the greatest gaming period of my life. Everything felt brand new for me. At the moment I've had the most fun playing games that offer subversive experiences such as Silent Hill 2, Portal and Persona 3. Everything else either sucks or just feels like a refinement of older game design... Still I've played many amazing sequels in the past few months.
  23. Oh God... Not Double Dash slow? Now that game was fucking slow.
  24. I know they're just big fucking memory tests; "Okay kids lets see how much you remember from the revision guide!". Still, I never miss a chance for self-deprecation.
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