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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Yeah I love this game. i bought Fight Night 2 on the cube cause its got this as an extra AND little mac as a secret character. Though after playing punch out on VC they are VERY similar!
  2. I got the same email, though I dont have the points added yet. Anyone got an update of this?
  3. Yeah it is 2 player co-op. I cant wait to download this, hope its as good as I remember. Anyone know how good Punch out is? I love the SNES version.
  4. Mytical Ninja was awesome, great mini games, great action platformer. How well it holds up is another matter, but I remember loving it!!!
  5. Over rated: Banjo Kazooie games, Tales of Symnphonia, Meteos, online gaming with complete strangers, Grand Theft Auto, Halo..... Underrated: Festers Quest, Zoo Keeper, Touch Golf, Bermuda Triangle, TMNT on Virtual Console , Sonic (wii), Prince of Persia, Another World, Excite Bike 64, Ninja Cop (GBA), Ware Race Blue Strom, Blast Corps, Jungle Beat, Chuckie Egg, Treasure Island,
  6. Rayman is awesome, my girlfriends 2nd fabourite game (bar Zelda) so awesome that I got her a rayman teddy and figurine from ubi's website (which are so awesome I ended up buying myself one too, and 2 Tshirts!). The game is just awesome and I want a full game of the dance rythm game whith hundereds of tracks, just awesome.
  7. Exactly Mayjest, there's a few of us who can see the bigger picture, what baffles me is that the people who seem to think everything is perfect for the other consoles! Also I am over 25.........I hate to admit!
  8. Bought 6000 points in GAME yesterday after they let me buy their entire stock (wish they had more) and I only bought one thing - great deal though. Bought Zelda and then couldn't download anymore - damn connection. Really want Super Mario World, Kirby, Kid Icarus, Turtles.... Whats splatterhouse like, I remembered loving it, anybody got it? What other recomendations do people have? Already have Gunstar, DKC, Fzero, Probotector and SMB. Whats better super star soldier or Rtype 3?
  9. Yeah this is £20 in the UK. Its tempting for some mindless multiplayer fun, but will it last more than a few hours? I loved the original thoguh!
  10. My generation? Can you please elaborate.
  11. This is a pretty shit thread. How ridiculous to slate the Wii, a console which has as many AAA titles as the 360 and one more than the PS3 - i.e. 1. And if people think SSX, Excite Truck, Sonic, Kororinpa, Godfather, Tiger Woods, Eledees etc is a game drought then....well...I really dont understand. Can you please tell me what games are better than these that have come out for the 360 in the same time period?...................Thought not!! And like others have mentioned Nintendo dont need to combat PS3 launch because nobody really wants that machine and Nintendo's machine is still selling out every.....single....week!!! Trust me, come xmas Nintendo will have the best selling home console in the world and will unleash Mario and Metroid!! Some people have no foresight whatsoever!!!!
  12. Bought this game for the bargain £25 from gamestation and Im gald I did; I have far too many games already (and people complain theres a drought!!!!) but I had to get it, the game is awesome and could be even better than Monkey Ball!!
  13. Only 4 player is such a ridiculous move. This means that what was once a must buy for me has become a no-no. Surely 4 player would have been stupidly easy to implement. The DS has single card 4 player!!!!
  14. Very surprised to see this 4 pages in considering its coming out friday, looks amazing and has been getting great reviews. Thought the gameplay pre-orderers would be chatting about their order status. Can't wait to get this game (Ive preordered from gameplay ), but I'm so busy til sunday Anyone else getting it?
  15. Explain the logic in teasing an april fools joke. This is real people....
  16. I'm loving it so far, got to Dino Jungle, think it's awesome, haven't got to any frustrating sections yet though so I may want to destroy my wiimote soon with it, but I'm very very impressed and so glad I picked it up for the bargain £25, would really recomend this, even the multiplayer is really solid, better than Monkey Balls.
  17. Hang on, remember elebits uses the system code, stop worrying. WHeres that lee nutter guy gone then?
  18. This game is amazing. The controls seemed easy from the very beginning on this game, and awesome. The the sense of speed, the SD card feature, the courses, the star system all add up to an awesome experience. Even the grpahics and multiplayer are really good! Obviously the multiplayer could be better but its still fun. Also feel the star system is pretty much perfect, and offers the right amount of points to reward coming in first place that you really want to AND that it doesn't mean you autmotically win aswell - great balance. If that doesn't make sense then the equivalent is on Donkey Kongs whoever wins the drum roll at the end wins, no matter what happened in the song!! The only problem I have with it, and its becoming a worryingly common place in Nintendo games (Wii play and sports suffer) is the highscore system - why can't aren't everyones highscores in a table? Why cant we compare? It really annoys me because this game has so many highscore challange opporunities and it ruins it by not just having one chart with the best ten and only your own personal scores - argh!!!! Awesome though!!
  19. Truama Centre and Pangya golf were the most upsetting for me, two great games that I would have snapped up. Ninty could have lost a sale on Pangya now Tiger Woods aint too far away - silly buggers! I didnt know Koroinpa was coming out a week after Excite Truck! Is it coming out at a cheaper price? Too many games looming that I want to buy, I'm glad the DS has no games coming out soon
  20. I love the Wii and has rekindled my love for home console gaming (like the DS did with gaming in general) Zelda was incredible and is very close to my favourite game ever. Rayman is awesome, Monkey Ball single player is awesome, Red Steel and CoD3 are flawed but the controls make them so much fun to play, I love play and sports multiplayer, Wario Ware is great fun too, even Madden is a great game. I havent played a bad game yet! I dont understand how people cannot like the Wii. I also love the fact its accessible, my girlfriend loves the Wii and we have so much fun together on Rayman and Sports - thats a HUGE plus for Wii. All my mates love the Wii and we have 3 wiis in my house and we're always playing - no other console could compete! And the machines only been out a couple of months!! People seriously need patience - Excitetuck loks fun, sonic looks awesome, as does SSX and even the dreaded PS2 ports of Scarface and Godfather look great with some good wii mote additions. I think the Wii has started ridiculously strongly and its only getting stronger now 3rd parties have caught on. With guitar hero coming to Wii my gaming needs are nearly in one white box - if only Konami would release Pro Evo........ PS And I havent even mentioned the awesome extras - VC, Mii's, channels, future demo channels etc. The Wii WILL take over the world and if you can't see that then thats a shame
  21. The game looks awesome, and the gameplay vids clearly show the fears of it being on-rails was completely unjustified; though it looks the type of game that when you know the levels really well, it will be incredibly fun to go through as fast as possible! The only negative is that girl voice - not only is she very annoying, but she also seems to hold your hand WAY too much!!! "Try grabbing the horns" - really? Ive never played the game and I could see that t just takes that homing move! Hope you can turn her off!
  22. With the Wii controller? Are you joking? We need the guitars too!!!! I cant wait!
  23. I'm really considering getting Guitar Hero 1+2 for PS2 as its my kind of game (love Kongs, Band Bros., EBA etc.) but I may wait and hope they do an ultimate edition for the Wii. Actually this is one game I wouldnt mind them bringing over for the Wii as a 1+2 combo!!
  24. Is Dancy dance the monday revelation, or should we exect aomething else?
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