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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Great topic idea but yeah too many. And I'm always stupid enough to say I'm going to finish all my games before buying an epic one player game!! But it never works, I get every game I think looks good, play it for 10 mins and then put it away!! I have stupid amounts of games I want to finish but never have the time. It's so easy to whack Mario Kart on or Pro Evo; Ive started Metal gear 4 but it's borderline a chore just to put it on I'm slowing ploughing through Resistence, I can only do one level at a time because i find it pretty boring, so samey!!! Some really nice moments, but generally distinctly average! I have about 20 games on the DS, 4 games on the PS3, about 15 on the Wii and 3 on 360 that I haven't finished, and I'm talking one player games not including multiplayer games.....
  2. Maybe if they gave us a bigger fridge we may buy more effing games!!! I know I would! I have a back cataologue of games on VC and Wii Ware I want to buy, but haven't because I don't want to delete anything yet. To help me delete Strong Bad and get Bomberman, is there any point in collecting everything in Strong Bad!?!? The comic book, the snake manual etc. Don't know whether to do it, or to delete it and buy Bomberman. BACK ON TOPIC. I would cry blood if they unveiled Punch Out!!
  3. Ha ha In all seriousness, surely Famitsu should have a review this week!!!
  4. Bit gutted about this, love rhythm games, and it seemed a perfect fit for the Wii.... Maybe a sequel next year with Wiimotionplus. Though I would like to know if 2 wiimotes are good enough; if so then thats okay by me. Think I'll wait and see what you guys think.
  5. STOP IT!!!!! At least I'm already sold and whatever is in that video I will witness when I play the game and thus have a sense of wonder and enjoyment you guys will never have!!!!
  6. I have Rock Band, it's a great game. But I would seriously advise everyone else to get GHWT. I think the game looks incredible
  7. The Crescent Theatre is in Birmingham. Hope you can make it to one, really appreciate your interest. Thanks a lot
  8. Don't say that Didn't you read the post where I said I DIDN'T want to watch the second one. Don't make it hard for me
  9. I'm seeing too much of the game for my liking. I'm definitely getting it, it looks brilliant! I refuse to watch the second of those videos!!! If Nintendo showed this game off at E3 there wouldn't have been the hoopla!!!!
  10. Whats line 6 tech? The thing is, I'll have to buy Guitar Hero Instruments anyway because the drums are different. Grpahics I couldn't give 2 shits about and I have faith in ye olde DLC I just prefer my Wii, easier to take round to friends houses which I do a lot etc.
  11. I'm tempted by the DS version, completely unimpressed with Pro Evo DS. I just hope Fifa Wii can better Pro Evo Wii's controls. I get a feeling it may be a rushed rip off, hope I'm just being cynical.
  12. How is it inferior? I thought it has exactly the same but with added Mii mode?
  13. I paid stupid money for it to be honest, I got it ages ago and am too impatient to wait, I think I paid about £170...... I'm going to buy a UK game and see if it works I will be pleased if it does, and then cry because I just spent £23 to buy $25 worth of songs from the US store...... Is Rock Band 2 due out this year? I doubt as it's just come out in the UK on PS3!!! I'm getting GH4 on Wii!
  14. But how does separate friend codes stop that? Why can't one friend code still stop his daughter fro meeting peodo's!!!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!
  15. Hey, just to remind everyone my opening night is in Birmingham Thursday September 25th The Crescent Theatre Birmingham, B16 8AE http://www.crescent-theatre.co.uk Box Office: 0121 643 5858
  16. Casual gaming? I'm fine with that. Releasing the same god damn game with little improvements 4 times in a row is a-taking-a-piss!
  17. I still don't understand the logic of not having one friend code per machine! It baffles me! I know Nintendo have security worries but isn't that what parental locks are for? Have Nintendo ever actually explained the need for friend codes properly? I rememebr Iwata saying he didn't think friend codes were very good I'm not a big fan of online to be honest but Mario Kart is just amazing so I play that a lot. Also, Pro Evo Wii online runs LOADS smoother than 360 and PS3 version. Friend codes are a pain, but not a game stopping pain
  18. Okay, I have he US Rock Band and I need a few questions answering if any of you kind people can help 1. Can I download UK songs and it work on my US copy? 2. When Rock Band 2 comes out, can I put my US Rock Band songs on a UK Rock Band 2? 3. When does Rock Band 2 come out in the UK?
  19. I agree they're shit; but I own all three consoles and I go online with my Wii more than the others! Explain that
  20. Maybe thats when they were going to use EA before Nintendo stepped in :P Am I the only one who doesn't really care about Friend Codes? I mean, OBVIOUSLY I'd rather just the one and the adding be simple; but I'm not that bothered. But then I rarely play online anyway!
  21. Everytime I see new scans it depresses me it really does, I'm waiting to see new things but no - it's the same tom nooks, it's the same cafe with KK, the bugs, the fruit on the trees, the fishing, the villagers - IT'S EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME!!!!!! I hope they're holding back the new stuff for surprises but fuck me are th dishing out the same shit every time!!! Why can't we have loads of different fruit trees, why can't we farm? Why can't we....... Oh why bother.......
  22. That is just insane! But the game is amazing don't you agree?
  23. This game looks amazing!! Even if it isn't an epic adventure game I love the gameplay styles; as long as the story is pretty solid I'm going to love it. I loved those game were you just pressed a direction at certain points (e.g. dragons lair) and this has those sections, love lightgun games......just praying it all holds together!!! Can't wait to read some hands on impressions.
  24. What about Tiger Woods? That sold better on Wii didn't it? Also, I think Fifa will be closer, think it will do okay on Wii.
  25. Hellfire is right. Happens with consoles too. Every slagged off the N64 for being too expensive, shit cartridges and hardly any games - the PS1 is amazing!!! Cube came out, N64 was incredible, Cube is shit and looks like a fisher price toy; blah blah. Conclusion? People are fucking morons!!!
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