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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. As a neutral in the north east war, I think Newcastle will finish lower than both Sunderland and Middlesborough, they have a terrible squad of players and a truly, truly, truly AWFUL manager. Some quality individual players though, and colocini is an awesome signing for them, but they need to make way more signings to have any hope of even thinking about the top half. Sunderland have done amazing in the transfer market, as a die hard yiddio I can safely say Tainio is a fantastic player (if a little injury prone), Chimbonda is a also a quality player who can play across the whole of the defense and Malbranque, again is fantastic, I wouldn't of minded keeping him to be honest, but I think we have enough midfielders May I say, and I'm being 100% honest and realistic, I think Tottenham could get top 4 this year. If King and Bale can stay fit then we have an incredible back 5. I think our midfield speaks for itself (though would like a battling defensive midfielder if we play with 4) and our strikeforce has potential though for obvious reasons is completely uncertain. Though Bent has been incredible form - scored 8 goals in the last 3 season friendlies. Always said play the man and he will score, well lat season we never really played him (though still had a better goals per minute ratio than anyone else at the team); but Berbs could stay, Ive got afeeling about it, we'll see. Dos Santos will blow the premiership away next year, again, been absolutely incedible in preseason - its like Gazza or Ginola or Waddle is back Also looks like Arshavin is a done deal....it's looking good for Spurs --------------Gomes-------- Hutton----King--Woodgate--Bale Bentley--Jenas--Modric--Dos Santos --------Berbatov---Arshavin------- Subs: Alnwick, Dawson, Gunter, Zokora, Lennon, Huddlestone, Bent Plus I think we'll pick up a new CB, maybe a DM and AT LEAST one more striker
  2. Why wouldn't you get Fifa for the Wii? Also, I thought Pro Evo Wii sold extremely well.....
  3. Yeah, it's the one Eddie Murphy can talk to animals isn't it?
  4. Begins plot was so weak, the script was weak. It had great ideas of him being a ninja and basing it in reality, but it shouldn't have taken an hour to do that - in that hour NOTHING happens - and I love character driven stories, but it didn't work for me. It was so long because it was setting up Al Ghuls character underneath, but we didnt know it was doing this becase this was the big twist. And a disappointing twist. The scarecrow was vastly underused and there was NO THREAT WHATSOEVER on Batman and to be honest, the threat on Gotham was so underplayed; there was a complete lack of danger or drammatic action in the film. Dark Knight, which I don't think is amazing, has much better plotting, drammatic action running throughout and a much better arc for all characters in the film - Batman, Joker, Dent, Rachel and Gordon ALL had some serious journeys in the film; underneath all the physical action, there was a lot happening emotionally and drammatically. For me, Begins had NONE of that.
  5. A bit of me would rather they just waited until Spetember 2009 too, after the transfer window closes, and spend them time adding modes, tweaking the AI and aking it the best it can possibly be...saying that, I don't know if I could wait that long I wish they could update the game. Ive changed the Spurs team - changed the names of the players who look similar to the ones in the game, got rid of that over rated pile of shit Robbie Keane. But I can't be bothered to do that with everyone, maybe if I could change what they looked like and how good they are, but it's to limited. They can learn from Fifa 09 though, whichi s good. Ultimately, if Fifa 09 is brilliant I wont be as bothered, but Spring is an awful time of year to release a game......just give us that damn editor Konami!
  6. I was born 75% English and 25% welsh. But every cut, gash and bleeding I have had it's been the welsh blood that has come out, so now I am 100% English.
  7. Yeah this is ridiculous! Pro Evo Wii is INSANELY out of date already and its only been aout a few months, someone needs to tell them they are completely retarded releasing it then....UNLESS......UNLESS they have a detailed editor and transfer system so we can update the squads. It puts me off playing pro evo with the squads so old!!! ARGH!!!! WHY IS NOTHING PERFECT!!?!?!
  8. I can give or take IGN, though I like their passion for Nintendo. And although it is unproffessional (the wii music comment) it is funny and the game "appears" to be the biggest joke of E3 and th ebiggest disappointment and for me, if the unleash their gaming fury on how bad it is then thats a good things, Nintendo need to know people aren't happy!
  9. One game only. Akira for the SNES. I waited for that game.......and waited........and -- you get the idea
  10. This is a ridiulcous point, it doesn't matter what it's like in the comics, they have to be ADAPTED so they work in film - XMen for example didnt use the comics costues because they looked stupid when the designed them for real life. The eye and the mouth looked pure comedy for me (except the end), just didn't work and made him to be too comic book rather than the 'real' style to the film as a whole - it jars!
  11. Yeah I get that, but the comics run through MANY stories, thats it, Joker finished, bye bye. For me there needed to be a conclusion to the story, and there wasn't. I love faithfulness to the comics, but you have to adapt to make a film, and for me, it was an unfullfilling ending for what was a really interesting character
  12. SPOILERS!!!! The film is good, nothing more. And maybe its because I make films for a living, but I'm surprised at how surprised everyone is by really obvious moments. The only surprise for me was WHEN rachel died, that was good. But people actually thought Gordon was dead? Huh? And they couldn't have made it more obvious is was the joker at the beginning....this wasn't even a surprise. The film was much better than Batman Begins - the ideas in that were great, the stye was great, but the Batman character setup was WAY too longwinded, for me it didn't work. It took THAT long to set up, purely because under the surface they were setting up Liam Neeson too. But it just slowed it down with NO drammatic action whatsoever. The 2nd half of the film was better but still not much drama, Scraecrow - great character, way underused, and Al Ghul (sp?) was a bit damp, again, no drammatic action at the end.....also, I love Christian Bale, but His Batman 'voice' doesn't work for me. Now Dark Knight doesnt need an hour to set up Batman, brilliant. Heath Ledger is a very good joker, though over used his tongue tick, begin to grate me a little and breakdown the character to reveal the actor. But he was good, should have killed him though, no reason whatsoever to keep him alive and was unfulfilling. On the same note, Two face dying again was unfullfilling, there was some good tension there but for me they blew it with the surprise out the blue Batman knocks him off thebuilding.....also, Harvey Dent was a fantastic characterm but I truly, truly didn't believe AT ALL in his sudden change to killing innocent people, the journey didn't work and Two Face was disappointing, and although I got used to it by the end (the ending two face shot was fantastic) his 'face' was a bit comedy. Overall though I liked it, Bales voice was at times even worse but most of the time better, there were some dodgy moments (ALL the sonar stuff) and I felt they held back on the darkness of the film too much, cut away too early when they could have played out the moments for a much darker film - would have been better. Gary Oldman is amazing and the hanging joker shot was incredible!!!
  13. Argh.....this game better come out this year!! I'm so excited and will take everything back I said after the press conference..... Any news yet?
  14. I have seen and it is incredible. I personally think the Band Bros one is the best Ive used so far, incredible, especially how it works in game too. If this is as good as it looks and when you play the guitar to record you can assign the notes......would be perfect!! I can't wait and will make the absence of no Nintendo developed games a little easier to stomach. This absolutely embarrasses Rock Band 2
  15. Song Creator?!?!?!??! Please don't say that, thats the most exciting bit. I'll have to get the PS3 version otherwise, but I REALLY want to buy the Wii version.....ARGH!!!! For fuck sake, I hate shit like this!
  16. Yeah the game looks incredible and a massive advancement on Rock Band. Personally it's a little annoying as I haven't had Rock band long, spent a lot of money and now this is coming out, so Im going to have two sets of kit in my room......Hmmmm..... But I'm definitely getting this, and getting the Wii version too - it does have EVERYTHING the other versions do doesn't it?!
  17. Tonbe honest he sounds a bit of a dick. Do these people not realise that if you dont put the effort in then OBVIOUSLY the games wont sell. Tell Capcom core games dont sell, tell ubisoft, EA, Sega.... God I hope to fuck Deadly creatures and Conduit and Mad World sell shit loads I really do!!! You dont put the effort or the budget in then you're game won't sell. Dont these people have any intellect!?
  18. But you do Yeah in the grand scheme of things it doesn't appear that important, but it's the little things that can make us happy!!
  19. I want to get back into this game, I can ping most songs on EXPERT on Rock Band so I hope the news kills will help me with GH3 (though its obviously a lot harder). Just got my new stereo copy from Activiion too
  20. dazzybee


    I can't believe I still havent got this game. I went through a phase of buying every game I was even remotely interested in, i ended up not playing a lot because I had too many games. I made a deal with myself that I wouldn't buy games unless they were 1. Very good games 2. Offered a new experience 3. Would be great in multiplayer 4. Was a bargain So most games I wait til there cheap. Anyways, I need to finish off a few games before I get this, which should be soon, hoping to get it for my birthday next month. Either way I can't wait to get into it, if its as good or close to being as good as Zelda than I'm going to have an amazing time. Probably play through this in the great game drought of 2008 that is Wii's xmas period
  21. And it is something they have said for a while, not just now. The thing is, I'm not bothered about the long term Wii releases, I know by the end of the Wii's life, it will probably have the greatest collection of games on one platform since the SNES, if not ever. I'm just gutted how completely devoid of even one incredible game this year!! A bit of me wishes they held Mario Kart back and released that. Should have released Wii Music this spring, psychologically we're all used to the first half of the year to be pretty empty so we wouldn't wouldn't have been *as* bothered as the autumn, which is usually when everyone releases the biggest games.....Expectation determines all feeling......
  22. I think I remember reading that the thing is a devce that acts separte from the Wii - is this true? And does this mean it can be used ALL the time, even in current games? Or does it have to be programmed into the game? EVERY online game needs to use this!
  23. Disaster STILL isn't ready to show yet? Wasn't there a poster at E3 or was that a fake?
  24. I know, I'm just messing about after out little debate and then egg on my face after Nintendos conference I like Dead Rising 360, intrigued by this but not overly excited, it will have to do some good things for me to buy it day 1!
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