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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Just a shame they both didn't actually die! What stupid fucking cunts they are!
  2. If this is the news then it is EXTREMELY disappointing. Why update the DS again and again.... Why don't they just add all this to the DS2??! Also, it's not exactly for gamers; after the backlash of E3 and the self admitting that it was a terrible E3 you would have thought they would address some gamers concerns; namely some bigger franchise games and a FUCKING HARD DRIVE!!!!!!!
  3. It's like Future Publishing having specific magazines for Nintendo, MS and Sony but also mutiformat like Edge.
  4. No it doesn't. You don't need to do any update to play this game.
  5. Still waits for something different in the game.....nope.....not this time...... I know, it's fucking painful isn't it? 6 pages of scans and the only thing with NEW next to it, is some glasses, a couple of TShirts and a fucking duck beak mask (which admitedly cool)......This game infuriates me every time I see new pics and read about it..... I really, really hope I'm wrong and the game has new features; but it really looks EXACTLY the same. The Animal Crossing series is lazier than what Capcom did with the Street Fighter 2
  6. People slag Wii graphics off but they've absolutely nailed Messi's deformed face!
  7. This isn;t confirmed for the Wii though is it? Pretty hard to tell by the screenshots, but SURELY it will be for the Wii; what with their work on the DS... It'll be annoying if it isn't!
  8. Hmmm, I guess it's good for new people as you can't simply go ito a game with new people, takes 10 mins just to explain etc. But at the same time, people are pretty lazy and they may not want to learn a new control system if they don't have to.... Anyays, either way I can't for this. Pro Evo Wii is an incredible game, some really annoying bits but if they can iron those out and finetune the controls to perfection and add the new modes, sounds perfect for me. Gutted we have to wait til Spring though!
  9. Have you moved to Lincoln now then? How you finding it? Just to say the first show was last night in Birmingham, and it was a sell out - yey!!! Really happy with how it went actually - phew...... Now I can finally sleep ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  10. Why dont we do a random long weekend to some obscure european town?!?!
  11. I'd agree with this, but change it to GREAT controls. They add so much. Would also add great story; great powers!!!
  12. I getcha!!! Die Hard Trilogy was an amazing game
  13. I like it on the PS3, can do a little more with the throwing stuff around, but is just missing something that the Wii brings. I'm hearing great things about he story, can't wait till it kicks in. Already some relatively dark moments
  14. It's way more fun on the Wii though. The controls are really great. I've only done the first 2 levels though....Loving it at the minute.
  15. Shenmue was the first game to have them??! I don't think so; there's been games designed soley around the concept, the original Dragons Lair for one and loads on the mega CD (cant remember any of their names though)
  16. Okay, I love that shit. Love the old games where that's ALL they were, love the bits on Res Evil 4, Umbrella Chronicles and more recently Force Unleashed!!
  17. Don't mean to sound dumb, but what is a QTE?
  18. Fuck reality It just works so well in Umbrella Chronicles Yeah I like the grenade idea, holding - will still mean I can reload with the nunchuck! I'll change it accordingly Don't agree with the A B though, I love the trigger feel of the B button. But yeah, in my game you can swap them around Okay, then surely the ACTION button could do this no?!?!?!
  19. My thinking exactly. Really happy I did, really enjoying the motion controls, even the lightsaber swings are great!
  20. Personally I would prefer this: 1. Move Forward/Back - NUNCHUCK 2. Strafe Left/Right - NUNCHUCK 3. Jump/Activate - A 4. Shoot Weapon - B 5. Target Lock - Z 6. Crouch - C 7. Reload Weapon - SHAKE NUNCHUCK (So I can keep aiming whilst I reload) 8. Scope/Binocular Mode - UP + 9. Switch Between Weapons Carried - LEFT AND RIGHT + 10. Switch Between Grenades Carried - DOWN + 11. Pause Menu - + 12. Swap Between Weapon Carried and Weapon on Ground - A (it's the action button so should work fine in this context) 13. Equip ASE (All-Seeing-Eye) / Special - 1 14. Aim Reticule/Turn Camera - WIIMOTE 15. Melee Attack - SHAKE WIIMOTE 16. Throw Grenade - HOLD - SHAKE NUNCHUCK (So can aim with wiimote)
  21. Played the first level yesterday; really enjoying it, great story, using the force feels great, even the lightsabre is really good. Can't wait to get stuck into it. I love Star Wars so maybe I'm a little easily pleased but I would really recommend it
  22. My copy arrived, not played it yet though. Just got back from work and have a few things to do, first half of Spurs V Krakow and then the Mario Kart night!! I'll post up later tonight with thoughts; played the "next gen" version too so be nice to compare.
  23. I preordered so hopefully it should turn up today. Looking forward to it. Ive chosen the Wii version!
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