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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Will definitely be buying this. Loved 13, spent 93 hours getting the Platinum for it. Might be a couple of weeks before I get it though, got a pile of games to get through first.
  2. I'll be back in Drakes world this weekend. Uncharted 3 has sat on my shelf in it's wrapping for far too long. It ends nows.
  3. It may not be sexy but there's very few Cardio based activities that are as effective as running. As Daft mentioned earlier about not settling into a familiar pattern, it's amazing how you're body performs when it's gotten used to something. I've trimmed 2 minutes off my 10km route I ran without even consciously thinking about doing it.
  4. I think the problem with Downing is you're almost looking at it like he's got potential to be good. He is good, much better than he has to be. He used to be a game changed, he hasn't been that for a while and that's what everyone expects him to be.
  5. For phone cases, see Otterbox. You get what you pay for essentially, the best of the best. A couple of pics of their SII case.
  6. You should always rest, especially if these are intense workouts. Rest doesn't mean sit on a beanbag for 24 hours and do nothing, simply nothing too strenous.
  7. Not sure if you're bing figuritve but don't do it every day, especially when you're starting off. You'll muscle fibres will need time to adapt and improve, hence bringing improved fitness and less pain.
  8. There's far too many players in the side playing on past potential and former glories. Rosicky hasn't scored in 2 sodding years, Djourou is being played out of position but he looks genuinely scared every time the ball comes near him. Chamakh is useless, every chance he is given, he does nothing. Arshavin has to go now, I don't give a fuck who he captains, he's a liability on the pitch. Walcott is living off past potential and needs to start being a little more consistent. I do rate Theo but for a guy who has so much talent, he spends far too much time doing nothing with it. It's a sobering thought to think of some of the legends we've had patrolling the centre of the park and down the wing and compare them to the current crop. All the more infuriating when you know it's the same manager who has provided both. I've always believed in Wenger but i'm getting more fucked off with his attitude in the transfer window and his constant backing to players who don't deserve it. No one is asking him to do a Man City but look at all the players he's got before for a reasonable price, Nasri and Hleb spring to mind. It's slightly worrying when a team like Newcastle are out spending £8 million on a player and they're competing with us for a top 4 position. Meh, it's probably just Wenger's sheer stuborness that's annoying me more. Admit you got it wrong and sort it out, before it's too late.
  9. Hard to prove the Balotelli one and Lescott's seemed a bit innocuous. I think the fact that Spurs players were laughing and joking with the City players after both incidents showed they didn't think there was ay malice intended.
  10. Until they rewrite musical theory and how a song is constructed, the guitar is going nowhere.
  11. 700 Calories is a dangerously low amount of food to be taking in. The healthy guide for the average man is 2500 per day, that's a calorie deficit of 1800 calories a day, which over a week adds up to 12600. You need to be taking in more than that. As for the knee, be careful, having had my ACL reconstructed a few years back, I don't recommend it. The rehab was agony and it took me well over a year to get it back to full strength. You've haven't done anything too serious by the sounds of it (no way you'd be walking if you did), but i wouldn't chance it.
  12. Terrible performance from everyone wearing an Arsenal shirt. How many chances is Wenger going to give some players before realising they're not working. Shocking penalty decision but i'm not going to blame the referee no matter how incompetent he was. Look forward to another 16 days of Wenger denying moving for any player that is linked with the club while continuing to convince himself that our squad is good enough. It's a sad state of affairs when he says we're no longer thinking about the title in January.
  13. Yeah, i'm a big NFL fan. The Giants being my team. I saw them destroy the Falcons last weekend and am hoping for similar tonight against the Packers, thought it's a big ask, should be some game. I was surprised the Steelers got beat by the Broncos, Tebow had a good game there. Brady looked awesome last night but it's really hard to pick a clear favourite. Packers are obviously up there but Manning and the Giants have the experience of winning one and Manning has been absolutely clutch in the 4th quarter this season (best all time). The 49er's defence is by the best but they showed they've got a decent offence too. I've also got a bit of a soft spot after seeing him on the BBC coverage of the Superbowl a couple years back, he spoke really well and seemed like a top guy. I really can't see the Ravens or Texans going far but the good thing about the playoffs is the unpredictability.
  14. What a game the Saints vs 49er's was. I'm not a fan of either massively but I was on the edge of my sofa. It's what the playoffs are all about.
  15. I hear the Beer is good YES. I'm off to New York City in March.
  16. To the people who have pre-ordered a Vita, did you opt for a Wifi + 3G one or just a Wifi only one? I've gone for the Wifi only as i've access to plenty of Wifi networks and the cost of 3G isn't worthwhile for me.
  17. HBO make fucking great TV shows.
  18. It almost had to happen. Not the greatest game but comfortable nonetheless.
  19. It's easy to write it off as just being in the lower leagues but look how many players have achieved similar things in recent history and it's pretty slim. He's also a Scottish international which is win because we're shit.
  20. My HMDI cable was 79p from Amazon. As others have stated, it's a digital signal, there is no degradation. It will looks just as good as a £60 cable.
  21. I use the Nike app on my iPod along with some Nike Lunar Trainers with the Sensor. Normally try to get in a couple of 10km runs a week. This was last night's effort.
  22. Get an Otterbox case and you require no insurance. They're simply unrivalled.
  23. Ireland and Greece are half way across the world chump? Bullshit. You can dress it up anyway you like, there's no justification for the failure in that competition. A competition that you've not outgrown.
  24. It showed last season. Spurs did really well in the UCL (by their standards) but couldn't maintain their league form. No matter what squad Spurs fielded in the Europa League, you should have still easily qualified. In my opinion it's pretty disrespectful to think you're way above that level of competition after one season in the top competition. A few years back, Spurs fans would have bit your hand off for any sort of European football. I can understand why Man Utd wouldn't care about it but I can't with Spurs, especially when you were in with a genuine chance of winning it.
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