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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Two minutes until Amazon pre-orders are up. I've set up 1-Click ordering, and with any luck I'll get one before the rush. It wouldn't surprise me to see them gone in a matter of minutes considering how many people lost a GAME preorder/left it to the last minute like me..
  2. I'm waiting out on Amazon before I preorder. Seems like my only option...
  3. HEADSET!!!!111
  4. They seem drastically reduced.
  5. What can I say? I'm disappointed.
  6. Europe got owned unfortunately.
  7. Link for this please?
  8. Dyson

    No DVD

    I remember when DVD players cost £150 a pop
  9. Oh well. I only have 900 stars at the moment so it wouldn't be a major loss. And how'd they find out? :P
  10. Negative. About half of the codes on my list are from people giving them to me before, I don't think there's been anybody that's had their account deleted because of code trading :wink:
  11. Just curious, if anyone has any spare Nintendo VIP Codes on the cards that come with the games/consoles, could you donate them to me via PM? I know it's a long shot but you never know, quite some time ago there was a mass give out of unwanted codes, perhaps it'll be the same for now The codes I have and therefore do not need: New Super Mario Bros. Metroid Prime Hunters Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Pokémon FireRed Donkey Konga Mario Power Tennis Super Mario 64 DS Super Smash Bros. Melee DK Bongo Controller Metroid Prime F-Zero GX Soul Calibur II Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Mr. DRILLER: Drill Spirits Nintendo DS Thanks in advance to anyone that can help by dropping them in to my PM box -Dyson
  12. Something to look forward to if you ask me, and only 4 days away
  13. I really feel like doing a midnight launch thing down at a game shop, dunno why. Too much hassle waiting around with preorders that won't arrive when they're supposed to.
  14. In my opinion, everything about the Wii is going great so far. Except one thing - the online service. I really don't like the way it's going, with reports that only 1st-party games will be able to use the service, and of course the worst thing about it: Friends codes. I understand that it'll a free service, but whenever I think of the Wii this is the only thing that lets me down. Do you think we can see Nintendo going back on their Friends Code system, and maybe just maybe utilizing something a lot more conventional, easier and conveniant such as lobbies? Thanks Dyson
  15. Won't be able to do it. I couldn't even do a day.
  16. I think it has something to do with the questions you get incorrect or correct. If you do well over the board your IQ is probably higher, but if you specialize in a couple of areas it won;t be quite so good. I put my age bracket at 16-??, and I am 16. Therefore, it's accurate enough. I'm not the type to lie about this kind of thing...there's no reason for it :P
  17. Hah! I do believe I just won. :P
  18. I'm doing it online now - Those number squares are tricky..
  19. Lung cancer pwns the pipe smoker
  20. Snake from a Plane Having been the only snake to survive the evil that is Agent Neville Flynn, this snake truly deserves recognition as the greatest super-snake ever. Special Abilities/Powers: As he only just survived being sucked out of a plane window, he has has all of his normal snake abilities removed. But on the way out of the plane, a magical fairy swooped down and gave him the following "powers": Badly Drawn Attack! Using his jagged edges, bright colours, strange straight edges ,and his appearance that resembles nothing of that of a snake, he stuns onlookers in to a simply yet effective...'What the f**k?' Reputation Strike! He can brag about surviving all sorts of stuff in his lifetime, from being captured by a crazy farmer with a shotgun, being put on a plane, and being sucked out of a window at high altitude. If only he had a way to tell you this. Perhaps he will find it out on his path to enlightenment.. Run! Run for your life! [i'm actually super bored, and when I can think of something more inventive, and I've become unaddicted to Snakes on a Plane, I'll do a better one.]
  21. Me too! I specifically remember crying at one episode. Something to do with Sonic's father I think.
  22. We're all in Uzi 9mm though Katie ^_^
  23. N Europe in user created. New room: Uzi 9mm Woot! I'm on a roll tonight! 2 wins in a row! :P
  24. Haha, nice. Joining now.
  25. Ah, another one doing Music Tech. Cool. I'm doing: Psychology [Along with half of the other applicants it would seem] Music Tech Computing And either Media or Film Studies.
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