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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Looks confusing, but, I'm in.
  2. Anyone remember that badass advert where the two women beat the shit out of each other, then proceeded to engage in a frenzy of lesbian action? Yeah, that was hot. The new coca-cola advert is terrible for a few reasons - but at the end, look at the grin on the Santa's face...'I WILL KILL YOU.' Seriously, it scares me. As for the PSP adverts, I quite like them. The voiceover at the end normally wins it for me. I saw a Wii Advert that sucked the other day, something about a family playing with the Dad saying 'How do you play this one again?' Great way to try and get non-gamers playing a simple console, Nintendo. Pfft.
  3. Havn't heard this from anyone, not even chavs! :P It's very nice. I propose that you hit Youtube and search for 'Wii Sports', and check out the videos. Or http://www.wii.com It should really be self evident after watching them :P
  4. Oooh. You're most likely Warezing the files from USa, even though there'll be a 1 week gap maximum, right? As per usual :P I'll be watching them, ads and all. The only drawback.
  5. It's weird going from using the Wii to using a keyboard again. Not sure why - probably due to the lack of arm movement! Loved youtube on the TV, shame YTMND didn't work. No support for plain audio files it'd seem! YTMND on the Wii = Perfect.
  6. You're bloody mental. -Wii By the way, anyone wanting some flash games should check orisinal.com -Wii
  7. Love n-e on here! Yay wii posting ;P
  8. ...If I could connect I'd post from my Wii Edit: Also to the guys that are complaining about features - it's only the trial. Things will be ironed out for the full release.
  9. It's up! Downloading now. Next post will be from my Wii :P
  10. Haha, I discovered this earlier when playing ariound on the menu. Was quite funny watching the pointer fly around the screen. Luckily, my tree is on the other side of the room and only interferes if I point the Wiimote at the tree [or my mirror!]
  11. Dum de dum, c'mon...I want my totally useless living room browsing...
  12. Quite like it. 7/10.
  13. Yeah, shame about the lines. Picture quality is a bit low too - try saving as a differant file type. Liking the idea of the sig/avatar match though. 5/10
  14. Dyson


    Can't stand the stuff. Really want to like it as I'm into all that quirky stuff, but I can't. It just tastes so blergh.
  15. Wii Play for now, SMB and Zelda on Christmas Day. Oh hell yes.
  16. Bah, looks like the straightening route is too much like hard work for me. Might get my hair thinned out a bit though...that could help.
  17. The 2006 N-Europe Member Of The Year H-o-T Thread Starter Of The Year Stocka Best Mod Of The Year DiemetriX Best Admin Of The Year Ashley Most Helpful Member Of The Year H-o-T Most Knowledgeable Member Of The Year DiemetriX [i couldn't think of anyone else!] Funniest Member Of 2006 Meik Best/Worst Negative Member of 2006 Nintendork Most Missed User Of The Year I want more rokhead action. User With The Best Sigs Of The Year Dabookerman User With The Best Avatars Of The Year Moria If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer ........ Who Would You Most Like It To Be Dabookerman The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here The Bard Best Forum moment of 2006 Definately the Wii announcement. The N-Europe 2006 Award For Personality Of The Year: Meik Best User Ever Stocka [Without him I wouldn't know have known about C-E :P / OMG MOD SPOTTED!] Last, but not least: The N-Europe 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award: Jordan
  18. Yeah, you only get skill points from the Computer AI for some reason. I'm sure I'd be in the thousands if we got them for multi too :P
  19. Picked this up for £10 today [along with Viewtiful Joe 2]. Great game, if not a little bit of a mind-fsck :P
  20. Interesting. I'd give them 800 for it.
  21. Have you used the option which isn't Dongle and Scan? I forgot the name of it, but it has a little icon with a signal coming out of it - sorry I couldn't be much more help!
  22. Just seen the teaser for Day 6 of 24.
  23. I didn't even know a new Die Hard film was being produced :P
  24. Happy birthday Smalldude
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