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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Aw. Cute. How long?
  2. It's a natural thing...what else can I say? The first time you ask it'll be close to impossible, but you summon up enough courage and you'll be fine. Just make sure you don't do it in a public area. As for teh penis, it's your call :P
  3. Above all, Tales of Symphonia! But other include: -Zelda OOT and LTTP [For the dark overworld theme tune.] -SA2:B was great, especially for the song 'Live and learn'. I used to play the final boss battle just to hear the music. -Fahrenheit did indeed have a good soundtrack. Plenty of strings used, and at the right moments.
  4. Creditable? It's your call JonSt. Dyson [used to be splan160]
  5. No credits to me then? But yeah, can't wait. Cel-shaded CS.
  6. Hold on, I read a comic archive a long time ago,I seem to remember Mobius and Earth being the same thing in one of them.
  7. I use Up. It just seems right.
  8. Yeah I remember this. Really old news but I do indeed like the look of it. Shame it's a fake.
  9. I cannot wait for this game! I've been looking forward to it for a long time.
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=87734762333217180 Scary :blink: As for this.. If I met him in real life, I'd kick his arse so much. His voice is annoying enough. 'Bullshit! Fucked up!'...He sounds like one of those guys who'll die from an overdose of video games. And about 4-5 years ago I learnt how to play Zelda's Lullaby on the Piano. A couple of months ago I set about learning the Zelda theme, by ear. And I can play it perfectly now. I love playing it, and a couple of people asked me to teach them how to play it. The only thing I'm a tad crap with is chords. I can't use both my hands at the same time without messing up.
  11. Stocka has some, he loves the stuff. He showed me the hair it gave him on webcam, it actually looked pretty awesome, too.
  12. Ooh. Light Drizzle.
  13. Never watched any...it doesn't really bother me to bve honest, but I'm happy for you
  14. Quoted for agreement :wink:
  15. 8/10 for reminding me of one of the best Simpsons episodes ever. Hammocks!
  16. QFE! :p I love it. Alot.
  17. I'd love to play as Miyamoto...Or maybe Reggie? Kick ass and take names fo' real!
  18. Watched 2 episodes...not my kinda thing.
  19. Yes. That's the same way Stocka felt this morning at 6:45. Then he watched the video and fell instantly in love. As did I :happy:
  20. Public opinion tops the sales charts, unfortunately. However, it's their loss, not ours!
  21. Stocka showed me this earlier, it was very funny :p
  22. It's true!
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