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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Fingers crossed mate.
  2. Sure, it was fun.
  3. Keep refreshing
  4. Haha, I'm in. Name will be Dyson. I've made a room: Name: Revo-Europe Password: mario Wordlist: Nintendo Uninventive? Yes. :P
  5. 8 C's and 1 D. OVER THE FUCKING MOON!!!!!
  6. Oh wow 9 hours until I see whether or not 12 years of school was worth it. Actually let me be fair, I already know the answer: Yes. Even if I fail my exams the time I spent at school has been amazing and I'll never forget it. I've made some great friends and I highly doubt that bad results mean a waste of time. Righto, I'm off to bed. I'll post my results here tomorrow. Good luck all!! x
  7. Lamborghini 64. [spelling fooked up....but it was so bad it doesn't justify being spelt correctly :P]
  8. My guess is you don't know who Matt from IGN is.
  9. As much as people say GCSE's are unimportant, they're wrong. You need 'em for College. In my case, I need 5 C's or above to get where I need to be. The grading, I couldn't care about, because all that counts is C or above. Plus, I only had 1 year to do my 2 year GCSE courses.
  10. 42 me thinks
  11. fnjvafnbjsefb Alright, I'll admit it. I'm f**king nervous.
  12. Simply put: Fuuuuuuuuuuck no.
  13. Hadn't seen the adverts or in the shops to tell the truth. Though, the Coco Pops straws are great. I've only had a few, and without milk though...they're nice enopugh to eat by themselves :P
  14. There's not much I can say except.. FINALLY.
  15. 90's and 00's for me. Mainly 00's.
  16. AoE3 and Worms World Party both most definately need to be involved! If Warez are allowed, then I can give you a torrent for WWP.
  17. Wait, what?!
  18. I've only seen Season 1, 4 and 5 [still havn't got around to picking up 2 and 3, although the box sets are only £18 at play.com] but each one has ended up with a pretty bad ending. S4 wasn't particularly shocking, just him having to hide away, but nonetheless not a 'Happily ever after'. Then again, I knew that
  19. Since the 24 thread keeps sinking off the page. That's right, it's over. What a way to finish it off, though..
  20. Mmm....Danish...
  21. I just finished the game for the first time. Sorry to bump such an old thread but I'd like to say I finally found the bodybag!! :P When I opened the red chest and saw it I didn't remember what it was, until it started moving. When it started moving I remembered this thread, and so the first thing I did after completing the game was come here and post. :P
  22. Let me think. F-Zero [i want to complete all the difficulties in GP mode - NOT easy.] Pokemon Colluseum [Actually, I don't think this game will ever touch my Gamecube's disc drive again. Shame it's such an appauling game really.] RE4 [i'm on the island I think. It's just one of those things I never got back in to.] Paper Mario [i'm on the very last boss, but I only have two items, and I can't seem to get out of the fooking castle, arrrrgh!!] Tales of Symphonia [i want to complete it again, that's how awesome it is.] MP and MP2. And probably some other games, too, that I've forgotten. However, today I bought 4 games for £20 from Gamestation: Viewtiful Joe Starfox Adventures Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow NFSU2 So I have more to add to my list :P
  23. Dyson


    Absolutely love Infra-Red.
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