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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. This is great! Keep up the good work!
  2. I agree. Give it a few months time I'm sure I'll be digging this out for a quick 20 minutes of fun.
  3. Oh hell yes, what a day for football. The title race is backio! C'mon you blues!
  4. Ta-da! It's all there.
  5. Hah, looks like they've decided against rebuilding the site then!
  6. LMAO at that football clip! That was hilarious!
  7. I really wanted to dye my hair silver [Not grey!] to see what that looked like. I've always wanted to. Either that, or pure matt white.
  8. Oh, HELL YES.
  9. 1. Muse - Black Holes and Revelations 2. Kasabian - Empire 3. Scissor Sisters - Ta-Dah! 4. Magic Numbers - Those the Brokes [Or whatever the silly phrasing they used is] 5. The Postal Service - Both albums; as I've only discovered them this year :P
  10. I have 2 Nintendo Tees and will probably buy a sweatband thingy. Nobody seems to give a damn at College, which is nice :P
  11. Dunno why people are so afraid at looking like a fool whilst playing - I know me and my family will get right into this game :P
  12. It says at the bottom of the channel that you won't be able to check it until service starts. Weather comes in late December with News coming in January. And in case you're curious, Opera Web Browser arrives on the 23rd of December.
  13. Oh yes, he's brilliant. Thanks :P
  14. Goldeneye is amongst the best games of all time. If not the best. It was just so easy to pick up and play.
  15. Sonic 3 locked on to Sonic and Knuckles. < Is a huge sonic fan. Probably one of the only ones to admit that 75% of Sonic 2 wasn't really that fun. Also, while we're on it...the 3d Sonic games [at least up until Shadow the Hedgehog, havn't played anything past that as I feel a lack of a 360!] really aren't that bad. Are they? One more thing - did anyone feel somewhat disappointed with the feel of Sonic Rush? Sorry to bring these into the retro thread, but seeing as there's a sonic thread.. :P
  16. Epic win etc.
  17. Can I have a picture to recognize him by? I remember people by face - especially comedians :P
  18. Bargain, yes. It's a good game, don't get me wrong. I've spent more time playing it than Wii Sports too due to the extra depth of the medals in single player. It's missing something though, and that's probably immersion.
  19. Ah, fair enough. I'll keep it in mind for the future. Thanks for enlightening me 'O Wise One
  20. Me too - absolutely amazing game. The whole thing was great. Actually I have my PS1 set up now...It's tempting to rediscover it.
  21. Apologies. One of those grammar quirks you pick up and stick with. Never knew there was a difference! Technically he's a representative of the GAME chain right? That's how I figured it anyway :P Official.
  22. Press A+B when the countdown is going on and you can change the shape of the paddles to a circle thing. Found that whilst reading the manual :P
  23. Oh damn you, just came on this thread to pos tthat link too :P
  24. Seeing as I only have Wii Sports and Wii Play....Sports, obviously. that said, I love not having to swing around like crazy for Play. It's really enjoyable until I get another game where I don't need to swing around - IE Zelda - then Play will be relegated to the back of my Wii Games List eventually :P
  25. The only downside about my hair. It gets in my mouth and in my eyes alot - my eyes have actually gotten slightly less responsive since I've had long hair, it's like eye curtains :P
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