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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Unlucky mate. As suggested before, try any of the smaller town shops that sell games. I know of a shop in my home town that 's not part of a franchise, they said they're getting 'extremely limited stock' in. And they weren't taking preorderes either, so it would have been a case of get up at 7am and go line up and wait for the shop to open to ensure I got one. Which I would have been happy doing.
  2. Hmm, odd. I don't have an email, but it's in my order page. Meh, I'm pretty sure mine is safe for now. As for the delivery dates, if you chose First Class, you'll get one on launch. If you chose the cheap one, you won't.
  3. Roughly £2.
  4. Select first class.
  5. Yeah, as I just said to Caris on MSN, the delivery dates are automatically calculated. On the FAQ it said that if you order one you'll get it on launch day [if Nintendo let them, basically]. Thank fuck I finally have mine secured though :P
  6. One click isn't working. Use the basket. gogogogogo.
  7. It's up! # fbfbfbfbfbf Items Ordered Price 1 of: Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports) [Video Game] £179.99 Sold by: Amazon.co.uk thank fuck for that.
  8. Would make me laugh if they kept us all here refreshing until 5pm. Though, if that's the case you may as well go wait in a store line.. Meh, I'll get on the phone to Amazon for you and ask what their plans are. Be right back. Edit: Can't find a number for Amazon, unsurprizingly. Nevermind.
  9. If you want to order using 1-click [iE click on the button and it's automatically bought as opposed to being put in your basket] then you need to set up your account with it. Otherwise you'll have to use the checkout and put your details in then.
  10. Seems to me like you'll be able to order it during business hours, incl. 9am.
  11. It's back.
  12. What, no corn flakes? :wink:
  13. Is it possible that they don't know how many consoles they'll have for launch and can't put a limit on it yet? Someone at Amazon may be getting in a bit of a mess at the moment :P
  14. You think Amazon, one of the internet's biggest companies, is going to trick thousands of potential customers, only to risk losing them all?
  15. No, we havn't missed it, the preorder message keeps reappearing. Don't worry, we'd also have an email in our inbox from Amazon saying it's up [if you signed up for email responses]. They're just taking their flicking time.
  16. Nearly 20 minutes late..I've got an hour or so more I can hold out.
  17. It'll be worth it if you can get a Wii for launch day to be honest.
  18. Preorder message has gone.. Edit: It's back o_O
  19. Probably more than you think :P
  20. It'll be up soon. They're probably loving the hits on their site at the moment.
  21. What's his number? ...Sorry.
  22. Indeed, slow refreshing on the site. Wonder if they're delaying the putting up of the item for some reason? Ho hum, gonna keep refreshing until it's up though.
  23. Oh man, the site just went uber slow :P
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