The most recent thing I won was on the internet. It was a pack of 'A Scanner Darkly' merch, stickers, DS skins etc. Mostly crap but I won it anyway so I'm happy :P
I've been looking for mp3 files of those since I mentioned it just to make sure I got it right but I can't find any. I'll see if I can dig up one on Youtube with the music I mean.
Nah. The exam isn't until Thursday.
That said, I do have BTEC work in for Tuesday that I should crack on with, but I imagine I'll be just fine doing that tomorrow/Monday.
I probably know the friends one you mean as well. Bow, ba-bum, bada, bada, bow badum, bada bow.
...It doesn't come across as well in text. It's fine in Scrubs unless they end a scene with an unfunny joke.
I was hoping it'd be able to detect where it was in 3D space, in regards to it's neutral/normal/starting position, in your hand. Of course you'd have to calibrate it everytime you wanted to play but it'd be alot easier than the pointer.
Maybe they can look into that.
That happened in between all the scenes aswell, normally a guitar bit. Come to think of it, the same thing happens on Scrubs. I prefer it to be honest.
Nah that's fair enough, I understand.
I CANNOT stand sitting next to, or hearing people eat. It's my biggest annoyance, and my Dad is terrible for it. Ugh, it's like the equivalant of scraping nails on a blackboard for other people [Which I don't really mind].