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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Lives near me. +awesome
  2. You like metroid, instant win scratchcard!
  3. If I was to tell you that I acted as the Arwing itself does that make it better? In the middle of college? I was going through a crazy [yet strangely normal] moment.
  4. ..........
  5. Nintendo's current internet exploits have been failures, with the exception of core Wii wifi.
  6. I did a f*cking barrel roll.
  7. Happy birthday to you!
  8. http://www.xfire.com It's extremely popular within PC Gaming communities. I guess it's sorta like a Gamer's MSN :P
  9. Well that's great...kinda :p
  10. It was sarcasm :P
  11. So wait...if there's no point in this, seeing as it won't run, why is this important?
  12. But it's great fun whilst it lasts :P
  13. Dear god it's so close. Saw the advert for it earlier...
  14. I am indeed a ninja. But since you're cool, I can tell you that. Don't mention it to anyone else, though.. Edit: Actually, I have 2 Atari 2600's :P
  15. Just for the record: I hate your signature aswell! Mainly because I don't know what game it's from - naturally I'm assuming one of the Resident Evil's but I've only played 1 and 4. And I never completed 1 - the dog through the window scared the sheets of of me.
  16. Dabookerman is hot. One of my favourite people on N-E. <3
  17. General chat tbh. Err, can't think of one that stands out as such, but one I recall all of a sudden is when
  18. I like Aston Villa's colours :p
  19. Oh dear, morals, morals. :P
  20. How about an Xfire Username box in the User CP, under Edit Profile?
  21. Ergh, Final Fantasy.
  22. Exactly what I was going to say.
  23. Funny how you both have 'anze' at the end of your names.
  24. You have a...long, stretchy username? Also, hello solitanze.
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