So I got CoD3 for the Wii, two Megatokyo books from my sister, a CD Alarm Clock and a new graphics card is coming on Monday.
All in all, a pretty good haul I should say!
Though the worst present has to be our 2-0 loss to Liverpool ¬_¬
I'd like to say thanks to everyone that posts here just in case I'm not here during the day. It means alot to me to know there's a community that I fit in to. My first few hours of my birthday have been really rough [though not to some people on this forum's standards] and it's really not what I want to go through right now. I'm sure that eventually things will turn out alright, though.
I need to rest, so goodnight everyone. I might write up what happened later on or something.
It's fair enough, but I wouldn't want to do it for keepsies. I'd buy the box sets to be honest - but VHSing to catch up on them at a later date is a good use of old technology :wink: