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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Oh my, sudden influx of forum loving without me? But you're the King of Kyrule...That demands respect. :P
  2. Becoming more like me in the way that, you love love as much as me! :3
  3. So I got CoD3 for the Wii, two Megatokyo books from my sister, a CD Alarm Clock and a new graphics card is coming on Monday. All in all, a pretty good haul I should say! Though the worst present has to be our 2-0 loss to Liverpool ¬_¬
  4. Yeah, I've only just kinda gotten active in the community, though I've been here since C-E :P And thanks, it's going a bit smoother now :wink:
  5. That MSN Poker game is pretty cool, tried it?
  6. Really? Maaan you krazeh.
  7. I'd like to say thanks to everyone that posts here just in case I'm not here during the day. It means alot to me to know there's a community that I fit in to. My first few hours of my birthday have been really rough [though not to some people on this forum's standards] and it's really not what I want to go through right now. I'm sure that eventually things will turn out alright, though. I need to rest, so goodnight everyone. I might write up what happened later on or something. Thankyou.
  8. Thanks guys. Anything is better than what I'm going through over here right now. This is the only thing close to lifting my spirits so,,,thanks.
  9. Pasta is so boring...
  10. Duh duh duh duuuuuh!
  11. Well Danielle has thrown away at the least a £50000 photo shoot thanks to this. Way to go! I'm sorry but the accent grates my cheese.
  12. Chelsea tbh
  13. I know...as much as I proclaim my 24 elitist attitude and rank, I've only seen 3/5 seasons.
  14. Owned. Can't wait to see her leave when she realises there's no crowd to say buh-bye to.
  15. It's fair enough, but I wouldn't want to do it for keepsies. I'd buy the box sets to be honest - but VHSing to catch up on them at a later date is a good use of old technology :wink:
  16. Associate this thread with '24'. Realise that page 1337 is uber important for me to post on in the Meaningless thread.
  17. Sky+ itself isn't expensive...the subscriptions costs, however, are.
  18. I have yet to see Season 2 or 3. I hate myself. And I refuse to download them.
  19. What are you like, 500 years old? That's the oldschool way of recording. One tape per episode - sometimes 2!
  20. If you've got Sky+, clear up about 50% and record the entire series. If you don't have Sky+, GO GET IT! :P
  21. I've just checked the episode guide. 6 episodes in 3 weeks. *dies*
  22. Blahhhhhhhh.
  23. Loves to get compliments as much as I do. Maybe. Plus of course all that fuss about being a Moogleviper. :P
  24. Holy shit, I'm agreeing with solitanze.
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