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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. Fridays and Wednesdays. And Saturdays.
  2. It's an independant effort by fans to make one, Tim has nothing to do with it.
  3. Trainspotting. Very hardhitting, perfectly executed film. 9/10
  4. Not I! And for that, the next person to post gets my love, as well as Stefkov! Hurrah!
  5. Points out a very good point. Still, I like that. Custom title ahoy! Oh wait... Tellyn888 is most definately one of my favourite people on this forum. Rawr!
  6. Hey, it's fair enough. I know people who'll worship CAD until the day they die, and others who detest it. I can understand both sides.
  7. Does anyone else have this problem? Whenever I start a new chapter on Call of Duty 3 or get to a part with quite a lot of action, my controls lock up and it send me straight into a wall/enemy/grenade etc. The nunchuk and the wiimote both lock up and stop responding for 2/3 seconds before doing it again. Eventually it fixes itself after 10 seconds or so but it definately destracts from the gameplay. Any ideas would be much appreciated. NotE: This is the only game it happens to me for.
  8. Why be hatin' on a true playa? ...Oooohhh....burn.
  9. True, true.
  10. I must say I agree with you. I've started watching less and less games on TV now. Playing it is fantastic fun, because therte's none of that shit that surrounds it, millions of pounds, notbeing liked by the manager, bad press etc.
  11. Appreciates good Minesweeper Flags players.
  12. I've played Rayman for 7 hours today - which was a right laugh. That's probably to do with the fact that it's a new game for me though. I sometimes take part in the gamedays that Tim holds, they're great fun. BF2/2142 ahoy! :P
  13. I know it's late, but I noticed nobody else had said it, so.. Yeah. Happy Winter-een-mas to you all! (For those of you living under an internet rock, check out http://wintereenmas.com/)
  14. No no, I wasn't wondering why it hadn't arrived. I was merely wondering when they'd get their stock in.:wink:
  16. Nobody can hate on a Llama.
  17. This game is awesome, I got it today. What a laugh!
  18. An (angry) email later: To which I replied Meh.
  19. WHAT THE FLAMING F*CK? Basically, I placed an order for an M3 Simply + a 1 GB MicroSD from Divineo.co.uk. After watching the site for the week to see if the stock status changes, nothing happens, so I decide to email them to find out if they know anything. A very polite letter with a hint of disappointment at the lack of communication. Still, reasonable. I get a reply about 20 minutes later. Now, if you check the website it says that they'll have stock in 10 days. Not, in fact, preorder (Which is a seperate stock status altogether). At this point I'm really confused and not sure if the Customer Services guy has made a mistake or if the website is wrong. So I email them back to ask them: Still not bad right? Unreasonable? I simply want to know if they made a mistake. I go away and come back a couple of hours later, only to find an email in my inbox from Divineo. I think "Ah, great, I'll finally get to the bottom of this." Naturally, this wasn't the case.. Wait, wait. I'm asking you questions about the service and you CANCEL my order for it?! Brilliant - Not only do I have to reorder my product but now I also have to queue up on the website from the back of the queue, so to speak. It's possible I won't get it for 3-4 weeks or whatever. Basically, can they even do this? It's made me as a customer disgusted with their service as not once did I ask them to cancel my order. Discuss!
  20. ...Really? All my school friends call the ones in boxes my brothers. More love for you, even if it is a little scary. :P
  21. I enjoy your motive.
  22. Ehehehehe... It's how I got my name. I suck! :P
  23. Magic Numbers in your LastFM = Win!
  24. I can't imagine what it'd be like losing a friend all of a sudden. I'm sorry to hear this.
  25. Lmao, my Wycombe-supporting friend is so bitter, it's funny.
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