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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. You're damn tasty, and you love Muse. On to a winner if you ask me.
  2. Happy birthday Flinky. If anyone needs a break it's you!
  3. That's damn ugly.
  4. It can't log whether or not you watch a certain video on youtube. That one is a timed event. Everything else is linked by your viewing though :P
  5. I got mine from Chloe :P
  6. They don't, you can read the terms and conditions on the site and it says it's free.
  7. It's 24 viral marketing.
  8. http://www.ctuagent.com This is reeeally quite weird/awesome. Make sure you put your real email and mobile number in, and that you have it with you when you sign up. Oh, as for the passcode... You can find it here:
  9. You made me this awesome sig and avatar! Woot!
  10. I've done Ashley already so I'll do raining_again. You share the name of an awesome song - I expect it's probably where you got it from! Just so you don't feel left out though, Ashley, your skills at Mario Kart are unmatched. If we're talking abourt failing
  11. Avatar winningness ^_^
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. That is a hot signature.
  14. 100% right. It takes at least a year to settle in to a new club.
  15. It makes me chuckle everytime, so random. 6/10
  16. Simple, effective, and I'm sure I recognize it. 8/10
  17. Midna rocks, simple. I think her character is so well developed.
  18. Wins simply for putting that new phrase into my life.
  19. I'm sorry, but Made my day :P The guy seems like he kunderstands the magnitude of what he's done - at least he recognizes that.
  20. It's also green. And tastes 500% better.
  21. I'm easy when it comes to ATi/nvidia, by the way, and this 7600 looks pretty good. Seeing as I can get it Ex-VAT, how about this? http://www.microdirect.co.uk/ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=15105&GroupID=0
  22. Looks pretty good, what detail level does it run HL2/BF2/Oblivion at?
  23. I have between 50 and 75 pounds to spend on a graphics card, for gaming. I'm currently using a Radeon X550 256mb PCI-E, 1gb RAM and a 3ghz processor. It can only run HL2 on medium, and BF2142 with all settings on low at 8fps - anyone got any good suggestions, preferably with links? It's quite urgent, need to know before Wednesday please!
  24. It'd be a waste.
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