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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. You're way too positive and optimistic. I want old guy back!
  2. I was having sex with a girl today, and she gave me permission to cum on her face. I used such a rare opportunity to aim straight for her eye! POW! Now she wears an eyepatch. I call it The Tortuga!
  3. I find that I can only play games that either take about 8 hours to complete and are compelling throughout (see Uncharted 2), or a game that is therapeutic after a day of work at the studio.. In my case, WoW. Therefore I will end up missing many games. Unfortunately, Metroid has further put me off the next Zelda game, and seeing as how the next Zelda will be 30 hours, it's unlikely my interests will remain high for very long if I choose to buy that game.
  4. Hacking =/= Piracy. I'm glad hackers exist. Can't wait for them to do the 3DS
  5. I've never bought this. It even felt like a waste of time to rent. Can't say I'd be excited if they announced some for of a sequel to this.
  6. Yes I agree this would be confusing and unlike anything I had said.. Character =/= humans only... A character can be anything. Unless your tutor instructed that you must do a human... Then in that case he isn't very good at his job. Are you using the graph editor because it really doesn't look like you are. For reference, where I work, there are some truly awesome animators. A walk cycle.. Can take 5-6 hours. This is in a professional environment Have you been reading the animators survival guide? That's fair enough and if it's a personal exercise then that's fine. But I wouldn't make personal exercises take too much of your time. Like I said, it's fine enough for practise, but you won't ever get a job by showing a space scene. Guns are ok.. There are loads out there. Checkered floors is suicide. Things that are done over and over tend to get ignored the quickest. [quote name=Llama Juice;1244054 That being said' date=' I'm not the best animator. It's the most tedious thing ever to me and I absolutely hate it haha.[/quote] I know the feeling. It's one of the hardest things to master and takes years of practise. I still want to be one but I think I'll just concentrate on still stuff for now
  7. Ashley - Why are you animating human characters? What you're doing essentially is trying to jump 50 steps up the ladder. Cube - While I'm aware the spaceship is an old model I would strongly advice not bothering making them. They are one of the most cliched things to model, and unless you are aiming to recreate a spaceship so it looks photo-real or you want to show off your texturing skills, then I wouldn't even attempt it. Nightwolf - You definitely show that you know how to use shaders and renderers, but if you want to do something that can impress.. why not try to recreate an object, or even create a new one, or something completely fictional and try to composite it into a photograph. Even if it's something as simple as a chrome ball, or a fork or something of the sort. For reference, this is something I did a long time ago, and while it is not a composite, and if I had tried to do it now, I would have done 100x better then what it actually is, my goal was to fool a bunch of people into thinking it was a photo, and it worked. The big giveaway is the volume buttons. They're black lambert shaders.. didn't bother with them for whatever reason.
  8. I watched this last night. The film sets out to please the fans. It is very faithful to the book. They left out very little from the first half. Including the forest scenes. So you know what to expect. Bring on part 2 YO
  9. So.. I take it you will be building some trees and adding them to the speed tree library.. yes?
  10. Nationalism and Patriotism is an exercise in ignorance. Americans yesterday celebrated Columbus Day. Referring to the Italian Stallion Christopher Columbus. Who "Discovered" America. He was then responsible for the murder and rape of 3 million natives and effectively became the first slave trader of america. His son was also the first slave trader of african people.
  11. You know. If I went up to a hooded black person and looked at him wrong. I'd probably get stabbed and killed too..
  12. I found highly praised movie very disappointing because I like to be different and/or create controversy.
  13. 2nd highest grossing film of all time to get re-released in 3D? Why? I can't quite put my finger on it. Hmm. Tricky one. This will take a while. Furthermore, the reason why Titanic is a good example of a great motion picture is because it was the last of it's kind. It was a Ben Hur class film. The budget, the sets, waiting a week just to get that perfect sunset, went seriously over budget. I know a lot of males do not like this film because it has what is classified as a simple and perhaps even cliched romance plot as the backbone of the movie, but the movie is a benchmark and a milestone whether you like it or not.
  14. Typical generic shit that little school girls listen to. News at 11.
  15. Yes. Obviously. The most busiest book of the lot squeezed into 150 minutes. Uh huh.
  16. You guys do realize that they are getting threatened because they're pirating the game right? Serebii just hasn't admitted to it haha but it is fairly obvious.
  17. All of these images have come from NeoGAF. View GAF and copy pasta shit onto this forum. It is the norm. And Dante is king.
  18. This isn't Talent per se. Talent is only achieved through hours and hours and hours of practice. No one is "born" with a talent. With that out of the way I might as well post random shit from my site. All of this stuff can be improved in hundreds of ways, but this is simply what I am currently "best" at doing.
  20. A few things signed by Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa, a couple of things by Miyamoto.. naturally, Um, FOTR Complete recordings signed by Howard Shore.. I think that's it in regards to signings. I have a load of other things.. too many to list really. I suppose in terms of things limited.. Gravity Suit Samus figure, only 250 in the world.. annnnd a 22" Polystone Sauron statue that is totally badass. I got loads really, but those are ones off the top of my head. Yeah.
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