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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. This looks like something Internet males will like.
  2. Yeah I am actually.

  3. Wow. What a delightful looking cunt! Look at his smug asshole face and his stupid Hobbit hair. And what is that I see? A threadless T-shirt? Wow. This guy must be utterly broke to spend money on his silly threadless t-shirts and being charged the arbitrary tax. But I have to compliment him on his Primark shirt. I would know. i wore the exact same one today. Damn. But I digress. Nothing as amazing as that shirt could ignore the fact that there before you in that picture, stands a 6 foot tall pile of poo. And seriously! What kind of name is Th...
  4. Man all this talk about Scoop. I surely would love to see how he looks like. I can't say I've ever seen this chaps face before.
  5. I guess it's understandable you wouldn't want to pound her if you don't like women.
  6. Man, I guess that's the end of piracy in the Manga industry!
  7. Well firstly, I didn't say it being a Summer blockbuster affected me. So I dunno where you got that from. I was merely pointing out that it is a Summer Blockbuster (it is marketed as one). What it's bringing "New" to the table is originality, thought provoking topics etcetera. People are talking about it, they are discussing the themes, the plot, the characters and so on. I'm merely pointing out facts. As far as movies that are marketed as summer blockbusters, this is new and refreshing. It seems to be a bit futile to argue against that.. Secondly, I have already seen both The Fountain and Solaris. I am amused that you assume I haven't. But then I know perfectly why you assume I haven't. You have already labelled me as a particular type of movie goer. That's ok. By the way, for someone who enjoyed the film, you do seem to post with an air of vendetta towards the film and practically every other part of it's production. Tell me, when you say you enjoy the film, do you mean in the same way you enjoy taking a shit? Yes. Nolan is on his knees, hands in the sky, employing people to tweet away their thoughts on the movie so it can remain in the top 10 trendy topics.
  8. Summer Blockbuster that's not a sequel/prequel/franchise/remake/adaptation etc. Provoking loads of loads of discussion regarding the plot and so on. Of course this isn't anything new, but then what is? But it is refreshing. But you know. When there's one Armond White, more will follow.
  9. I am a character artist in the games industry. I have a degree and all that, but my university education didn't contribute to me getting a job whatsoever. So yeah. Job is excellent. Continuously learning, life drawing every week, couldn't ask for a better job.
  10. I disagree. Pro Tips if you want to be an Artist/Animator: -Have a portfolio, on the internet, ready to view. -Have good quality work. Be critical of yourself. Aim to be as good as current pros. -Have a variety of work, show your adaptability and your skill range. -Apply to everywhere and to as many places as possible for standard or junior/graduate artist/animator jobs. Book mark every companies job page, check them every second day. If you have a good range of work, you will get an interview. This is how I managed to get in. Furthermore, in general, degrees don't mean much these days. So don't count on that. Also, don't think applying for a Testing job is the best course of action, the likely hood is you won't have time to work on your personal work.
  11. So I went to Expo today and they did actually have a behind closed doors event. I wasn't allowed to go in of course, but it was invite only to select members of the press. I saw a someone with an Edge badge and a Eurogamer one as well.. Awfully suspect.
  12. That's like saying, it's way too soon for another Fifa
  13. I got a code by being awesome. Jet Packs are super duper fun. I also got the Starcraft 2 Beta yesterday. So I bless 29th of April 2010 as Super Beta Thursday Fun!
  14. This game is pretty good.
  15. Man, I sure remember the last time I ate McDonalds last. It was with a chinese friend, and a white english bred friend. He was a bit of a dick. This is absolutely relevant I can assure you. We sat in a dark corner somewhere in London. The passers by would look away in disgust. And we ate our cheeseburgers like malnourished genocide victims. And when we finished, it felt like we had left the room of ironic punishment. I could feel the shit form inside my stomach, hours before it would make it's journey through my bowels. It was utterly vile. And I have cursed that day since.
  16. Being stuck in Poland. My idea of a nightmare!
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