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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. Nice, so now we put a price on piss!
  2. Employers and agencies have said my work is good. Now it's simply the waiting game. And producing more work. I am pretty sure I can do anything that is asked of me. Knowing that means I'm all good. Also looking at other artists who are better than me I notice that they are also older than me, and therefore I know it's only a matter of time before I become shit hot.
  3. According to the BNP. This country is a Christian Nation. Think about that.
  4. It's stealing and rape. Don't forget rape. Everytime you download a Miley Cyrus album, you are puncturing through her hymen. Till there's nothing left.
  5. Yup. This is why at this point of a very hyped games cycle, in this case, God of War 3, the most hyped up fans who are clearly at the peak of the ecstasy of playing the game will accept nothing less than a 10/10 type opinion, maybe 9/10. This is by all means objective and anyone who disagrees is most certainly wrong.
  6. Nostalgia does not have to be a reason to say those were the best games. I know most people who disagree with the "GSC are the best gen Pokemon games" statement are pretty much talking about the meta game.. the whole battling and competitive scene. A lot of people such as myself play Pokemon for the adventure aspect. GSC gen therefore is the best gen in that sense. I won't go through the reasons why since I know you've heard them all. But that is pretty much it. Also with nostalgia, you can pretty much say the same for anything from the past that people think are the best. "OOT is the best game ever - Nostalgia, Sonic 1 and 2 are the best sonic games - nostalgia". It's a poor counter argument. This amused me.
  7. I dunno whether this is the worst, or the most perfect time to mention this. But I predict all the hype and love for this game won't be the same in 6 months time. I understand everyone right now playing this is thoroughly enjoying the stunning visuals, the high production values, and the epic scale. All the makings of what a typical big budget video game is these days, but what about this is so great and different from the past renditions of God of War? Outside of the bigger bosses and visuals I mean?
  8. The queues for this will be enormous.
  9. Hurt Locker won because it was directed by the Ex-Wife of Cameron, and they wanted a David vs Goliath type thing at the Oscars. Before the GG, everyone thought Up in the Air would be the front runner for the Oscar. So there you have it. This is why Hurt Locker won best Screenplay for whatever reason. It's a good film, but best movie of 2009? Not a chance. And before people misinterpret me, Avatar didn't deserve to win Best Picture as well. Director yes, I doubt many Director's could do what Cameron did. But I digress, Tarantino was the one who got robbed, as per usual, that night.
  10. The game doesn't particularly need it. It should simply be expected to have orchestral music because of the obvious success the first one had with it. And regarding midi music. It's not a problem with midi itself. It's simply that lately music that Nintendo has done using midi on a console game has been pretty poor.
  11. Don't see why. They just prefer a much simpler combat system.
  12. I will say it's only comparable to Star Wars as far as Cinematic experiences go. This is how people must have felt when they saw Star Wars back then, type feeling. It won't have the universal appeal on the same scale as Star Wars though. No stand out characters, and the score is kinda disappointing. No Han Solo.
  13. Well Ok, I understand that you don't see the importance on any of the points I made earlier. You just simply asked why, and I simply answered them. I also didn't accuse you especially of wanting the film to fail. But a lot of people do. To many James Cameron is an important factor. And again, to many, a movie beating a huge record that's been held for 12 years is a milestone. I'm curious now as to what a milestone actually is to you?
  14. Well I can argue the opposite, which means this will get us nowhere. The only thing close to proof I can say is the amount of people that keep going to watch Avatar, which there are a lot of. Those singers are mainly aimed at women aged between 8 and 58. And they sell a lot of tracks. Someone who really loves indie music will never like Celine Dion. It's a poor analogy. People mention pretty pictures in the most snide way possible. Again, "pretty pictures" to a film such as this is as important as anything. Nobody wants to see an animated movie if there was no effort behind the art and the animation. No body wants to see a period piece if everyone looks like they're wearing halloween costumes and the sets look like they're made out of paper maché. I'm not complaining really. It's pretty clear that making especial emphasis to the "poor shitty mediocre" plot, and saying how non special the visuals look is just one of the many ways people like to be vocal about their negativity about the film.
  15. Again, I always find it weird when people are questioning other peoples enjoyment of something they personally didn't like. The simple answer to your first question is simple. They enjoyed it more than you, and felt it was good enough to garner a second or third viewing. I think the people who complain at that, deliberately want the movie to fail. It's a shame the 3D didn't work for you, but this has more to do perhaps with where you may have seen it and the unfortunate choice too many of 3D cinemas. The general consensus is that the 3D did work, and was not gimmicky, so it's just a shame you felt the opposite. And the hype is there because: It's a James Cameron Movie. It uses new technology. It's a 3D movie built from the ground up. And, finally, this movie is a milestone. It's the highest grossing movie of all time. Is this not a milestone to you? Again, good point. This was a movie that was supposed to attract a large audience. A movie that is universally hailed as a movie making masterpiece, like There Will Be Blood, would never make the same kind of money as this. Yes, it's a shame, but not everyone wants to see what they may interpret as a "boring Drama". But here's the catch. You go watch There Will Be Blood for the dialogue, the plot and the acting. You don't go watching a film such as Avatar for the same thing. I mean if you do, then it's no wonder you're left with hate and disappointment. The movie doesn't have hype because of it's ground breaking plot, does it? The plot in Avatar, is for the most part, very easy to understand. It's comprehensible. It has universal appeal. Kids won't give a shit about the plot, but they'll sure as hell understand it. Also, what is up with "pretty pictures" being a negative for a lot of people?
  16. That's perfectly reasonable. Regarding the characters, I just think Cameron hasn't gone into the effort in creating new stereotypes. He did invent them after all. Again, he wrote the script 15 years ago, and hasn't changed it much. I am certain there wouldn't have been such a backlash if this movie was released back then. His only mistake was not drastically changing the script. What I generally think the plot provides, is universal appeal. Sure a good vocal subset of the internet will go out and hate the plot. I personally don't think it's terrible or outstanding.. It just worked fine. Furthermore, regarding plot over visuals. How many people here watch disney classics for the plot? I mean over visuals? Disney movies rip off everything. But again, no one really cares. I just think that the hate or general dislike, not necessarily yours because you came out with reasonable responses, but the cynics who generally hate anything popular, will be very vocal about the plot, and are generally the ones who will be posting up the hand written Pocahontas - Avatar script, and it's mainly due to the popularity. I mean it's the same issue with Titanic, let's be honest here.
  17. I'm mainly a spectator on these forums, but as per usual, and rather predictably, we have a massive debate about Avatar. Someone suggested a separate thread should be made so the movie one doesn't get shitted on, and I'm kind of inclined to agree. So let's begin. Avatar, what exactly is it? In the most objective way possible. -It is a technological landmark as far as film making is concerned. -It's a 3D movie built from the ground up. Few will call it a gimmick. -It uses a story that has been told before, like hundreds of other films. -It has the most photo realistic pure cg yet. Not forced CG, but necessary. By pure I mean 100% of what you're seeing on the screen for a lot of the times is CG. You can shout Benjamin Button, but BB will fall more under digital make up. -Finally, I think, it's record breaking. The first movie to ever make more than $2 billion world wide in the box office. I am 100% expecting people to downplay this achievement, almost like how I expect to catch a flu every winter. But what people need to realize is, in the days where the movie industry is brimming with piracy, and there are hundreds of other entertainment options out there, making $2billion worldwide is no easy feat. This should give you a fair idea on what the majority of the audiences think about the movie. Especially considering a large amount of people expected a bomb. So we get into opinions. And again, predictably we have people calling this movie awful. Again in the age of the internet, every movie is a terrible piece of shit in the eyes of at least a small minority. Arguing against them is like trying to punch down Mt. Everest with your mitts. But from what I gather, the reason why this movie is considered awful is because of the plot and that it's a rip off of a few films (again, like so many other movies!). Aaaand the "Blue Smurf Furries". Also, adding the popularity and hype of this movie and the amount it's made, the words awful can be replaced by terrible piece of shit or maybe perhaps, worst movie ever. What is a piece of shit movie? My definition is simply thus; A movie with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. What do I list as a piece of shit? Battlefield Earth, The Happening (if you pretend Zooey Deschanel isn't in the movie) and so forth. I personally consider Transformers 2 as a terrible piece of shit of a movie as well, purely because the best thing about the movie, the effects, went through the Bay-o-Shitter. What isn't a piece of shit movie? A movie with it's only major negative being a poor plot does not equal shit movie. The medium where plot is the most important factor are books. Movies are a visual medium, and I believe movies should be able to tell the story through it's visuals equally so, if not more so, than through it's dialogue. I personally believe that it's the visuals of the movie, 3D or not, that are getting people watching this on repeats, and not the plot. Now I need more vespene gas. BRB
  18. Here's a high detailed version of Scarborough Fair that I modelled. Hope you guys like. I did this as soon as I got my 1000g.
  19. That's Bayonetta's gun ;p I decided to model it after Platinum Games posted some awesome references of the gun on their blog.
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