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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. They're all amazing films. There would be arguments no matter which of them won..
  2. I suppose VIP tickets to Wembley to see all of England's Euro qualifiers is pretty cool.
  3. It's for Shibari. 10 metres was the length. Good fun!
  4. Ash has my bloody job man! Nah he's good. I'm gonna hang around for a bit and see what opportunity arises. PS. Your site is offline atm mate
  5. I like how blizzard get attacked for activisions shitty decisions lol
  6. Crunch period = no time to do work at home. Boo. Actually some of my work got leaked on youtube lol
  7. Sony are pretty lenient right now. I mean really, they should just murder everyone involved.
  8. Oh Resource man, you like Lego? How very interesting.
  9. Nintendo will make games that will sell to the masses. They especially love games that don't cost a lot to make. They tend to off load the more "hardcore" franchise games to other devs. Mario Kart wii and New super mario bros will continue being made for each new console as they sell and sell and sell despite the fact that they are practically the same game as their previous iteration. Nintendo will most likely be the first to announce a new console considering how ancient the Wii is, especially compared to now official competitors of Kinect and Move. Whilst Move is sort of in the background, Kinect has sold very impressively, and despite the fact that most of the games are shit and it costs the same as a Wii. Tis why being loyal to these companies are absurd as ever. They are incredibly corporate and do not care about it's puny loyal consumers. As long as they take your money, as much as it can take, then that's all they care about. I'm just sorry I didn't buy any shares 5 years ago. Oh well. ARM are quite an investment I hear.
  10. It's got three things that transcend time and the 80s generation can easily remember. The logo, like Tranformers, is memorable and iconic. So is the intro and the theme itself. It was a shit cartoon, and this remake or whatever it is, is simply the continuing trend of remaking 80s franchises. Basically the current stuff these studios have are shit, so they will just settle for being creatively bankrupt.
  11. Fuck it. Just sell the shit for £500. People will still buy it. I would follow Nintendo to hell it self. *goes to his Nintendo shrine and has a wank
  12. If it costs anywhere between £300-400 and has an OLED touchscreen with 3G and has power comparable to a portable PS3 and I end up buying it.. At least I won't feel like I'm being ripped off XD
  13. What a fucking asshole. Cunt. I hope he dies, eventually.
  14. Ok so anecdotal evidence vs proven growth of the industry every year. Gotcha.
  15. So your evidence for rampant piracy are people you know IRL?
  16. Doesn't bother me. I get my payslip regardless. Like I said, Piracy has little impact. If someone decides to pirate a game I made, I don't see it as a customer lost.
  17. Why prolong the inevitable? Why piss off the people who wanted to use it for legitimate purposes? And once again, hacking is at the users risk. If they brick it, sucks to be them. Company have a right to ignore this user because by hacking, they voided their warranty. It's really simple. You cannot prevent it. If you want to refuse to do it because of your own principles, then that's your own choice.
  18. PS3 is region locked for movies. For some, that's enough to warrant a hack. And I don't remember the PS3 being abused way back then. Why did Sony even remove it in the first place? That could be seen as a catalyst.. especially people who brought the PS3 with the option for Linux in the first place. Removing it is removing a feature that people paid for. Can you justify that?
  19. First of all. Once someone purchases a product, it is their's to do whatever they wish to do with it. You know why hacking a particular voids the warranty.. that's the price and risk they take when they do so. It's even stevens as far as I'm concerned. Also, I know how so many of you like to attribute hacking to straight up piracy, but put it simply. People will find a way to pirate games no matter what. Piracy will always exist, and every corporation knows this. All they can do is make it more difficult. You can demonise hackers and unlockers all you want, but let's take the 3ds for instance. That's region locked. I can only assume you won't hack it once that becomes possible to region unlock it, because doing so will only make you a hypocrite, but regardless. By limiting customers to that extent, it's only encouraging hacking. And thus it, by your admission, encourages piracy. Also, Piracy isn't that big of a problem as your big companies like to make you believe. It's still only a niche in countries such as this, America etc. Piracy will always be rampant in nations such as China, Eastern European countries, south america etc. But they were never gonna buy most of the games in the first place. Too pricey. Just a bit of perspective for you.
  20. Most black people are thieves and murderers.
  21. It's actually the complete opposite. Someone taking hours of their time so I can happily access features and applications that were not available originally for my enjoyment. What a cunt!
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