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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. Heh .
  2. Movie was awesome. Really really amazing
  3. Watching it in two days. Yay.
  4. If you like waiting in a 2 hour queue for something interesting to happen then you will like this.
  5. The concept of Veganism is ridiculous, and the holier than thou attitude that Vegans have is also annoying. That said, I think there are more important matters to worry about. Like the ban on battery farming and ritual slaughter. A putrid turd on human society.
  6. You can't improve perfection, you can only refine it. Sorry m8
  7. Heh, I knew you'd be the kind of person to rage quit and swear a lot.
  8. oudh oas;hfo\ahfs'\phci '\xpcij p\djf '#apodj \asc[ok ck OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
  9. There's a difference actually. A port is when you take a game from one system, and stick it on a different system. A few tweaks might be done here or there to get it to work, but for all intents and purposes, it's the same game. Zelda OoT would be an example of an enhanced port. It's a port in the same way Perfect dark on the xbox is an enhanced port. A Remake is a game made from scratch, the ground up, based on an existing game. Resi 1 on gamecube is a good example. MGS Twin Snakes is another. Only difference is, it's using the MGS2 gameplay engine, and thus breaking the game in many ways (the difficulty mainly) since the game wasn't designed for a lot of the features that were added in MGS2. Anyway, the "art style" is pretty much the same, but the game ran no where near as well as MGS2 did, slow down etc is to blame in this case.
  10. You want an RTS with a bit more depth? StarCraft 2.
  11. It was actually a remake. MGS3 3D is a port.
  12. I would bum her in the anus and jizz in her eye.
  13. That's the twilight princess link. It's an asset demo afterall.
  14. Something radically different. I'm personally not demanding anything. Its the boring same old look that's designed to make you guys get excited. it doesn't take much really. Hopefully it is simply a tech demo. Skyward sword looks nice, but is heavily hampered because of the piss poor hardware it's on.
  15. It looks like Twilight Princess with sharper textures and a bit more geometry and bloom.
  16. It doesn't even look that great.
  17. It looks like they're going for something completely different. Almost like DmC. Itagaki isn't leading this anymore. They are going for a more simplified western market. This won't be great.
  18. Gameplay footage shows that this game looks like shite. Way to turn it into Ninja Gaiden of War for pussies where we humanize the enemy and climb up walls at a snails pace with a million QTE prompts. Well done Hayashi, have a biscuit.
  19. What's there to hack?
  20. I'm not sure what you're asking? Define N64 style graphics..? Modelling characters like Banjo Kazooie? Or modelling super low poly characters..? Please elaborate.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if the answer was no. Y'know. It's a "boring fantasy lord of the rings wannabee" etc. (It's amazing, will buy ALL the books once series 1 is done)
  22. Wat? Anyway. There's a market in this. Certainly not one I would want to be a part of. And it's not anything they can't do for free.. but what other franchises are they going to depend on? Take out CoD from the equation and all they are doing is hanging on the coattails of blizzard lol
  23. Looks like a launch title. For the DS
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