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Tissue Town

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Everything posted by Tissue Town

  1. Received my iPad. It's the tits.
  2. Yup. Same here. iPad Black Wifi 64gb. Aw yeah.
  3. I work in the games industry.
  4. Awesome! This just became available. So I ordered it
  5. He did say girls.. :P And yeah, that one cost just over £300.
  6. I put them where I please. Never caused me any problems.
  7. Girls think they're cool. I have a good mix. I got this a few weeks back. They were very impressed.
  8. Ordered and paid for. Otherwise.. Shall be getting the ipad 3 (when it comes out..) and a Canon G1X this month.
  9. Giving up chocolate is going to do fuck all. Just saying.
  10. I walked up to two girls and asked them if 'They were alone?' and if 'Anyone knew where they were?'. Suffice to say it worked.
  11. I'd laugh if it hadn't been for the fact that I got myself a VIP ticket. Oh well. I'll find ways to reinvest back that money so that is no matter to me. But if a lanyard is what counts as being the ultimate Zelda fan, then that's hilarious. Oh and guys, please refrain from shouting mid performance.
  12. It's not at all important what you did, or got before university. Well, unless you're applying for peon work. Plus, in my field, CVs are looked at for about 5 seconds. Needs to grab attention from the get go really.
  13. Him not messaging you is probably his way (and the wrong way really) of saying, this probably won't go anywhere. Again, as a female, you need not fret. You truly have the pick of the litter and are much better prepared to be more picky. There are a ton load more guys who are into Pokemon than there are women unfortunately.
  14. Plus, if you really want to get your dick wet, online dating is perhaps one of the most popular options.
  15. The whole point of online dating is meeting new people. By saying it's a last resort, well you're becoming your own hindrance.
  16. My body is ready.. For VIP! Do it guy!
  17. Serious business.
  18. That they certainly are!
  19. Looking for a job at Tt games eh? :p
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