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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. Ah, cool thread. I'll go with: The NINTENDO Miina. I think that all Ninty consoles need to be named something that also comfortably rolls off of the word 'NINTENDO'. Not that 'Minna' does (Japanese→ Minna [jazz it up to 'Miina' ] = Everybody ← Englaís) NINTENDO Wii, NINTENDO 3DS etc etc. Epic Yeah I kind of believe too! Maybe. Just, .... maybe.
  2. Hopefully with online I wonder who'd qualify for being "The Dickheads" out of us N-E'ers? I opt for TheKINGDickhead role but I know who's more fitting for that position than I would be. I hope I'd be labelled what ever Zell labels Samurai Goroh
  3. Well if you could do quick 'n' easy audio posts on this site, I'd go: YYYYEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
  4. Ooh ofcourse my personal #1 fave would 'ave to be The Captain. He's my Hero!! His Blue Falcon just feels like 'IT'. Also it just flaunts style all over the joint I also love Bio Rex because, well, .... T-rexes are awesome!! And its Big Fang looked so cool like Batmans BatCraft Although in GX the Fang looked like it was carried straight out of the scrap yard, the paint work was just yelling out for pimpage!!! Also, the handling felt tampered with, in X it felt super sexy Next up would have to be my lovable Mr. Ead. A real charater he is! And his fancy purple ride; the Great Star. It braced itself immaculately whilst in the air after the jumps. There was no need to hold on to my seat belt because the landing was just so balanced and comfortable. Yeah grooming the right-hand side of the screen with those skulls was such a fulfilling hobby, it gave me feelings of pure ecstacy as my veins began to buldge out The awesome music encouraged me to go beserk and just buzzin'-well lose it!!!
  5. Uhhm,... that'd be hwun woyd followed by a Mexican name!!!! However, '5 syllables' is acceptable. : peace: Ahem, sorry humans. Same as the dude said above ↑ ↑ upgraded versions of "the usual suspects" would be welcome some with a li'l added sum'n sum'n to make the remake more attractive But also like what the other dude said ↑ ↑ I'd also like not only new and improved versiions of ALL 'The Usual Suspects', but also new IP's/Franchises etc
  6. Cute. I was trodding over towards 'the fence', then after I heard that there wasn't game over WiFi I paused (although even if there was online it'd probably suck [as a WiiWare game] - even if it was a full blown 'Wii' retail game with online ), then after seeing that YouTube video I walked away. I like my sci-fi racer to flaunt cheekiness, to be exhilerating, to be, .... F-zer0_o Dudes, does FAST have both tilt-turns and drift-turns, to squeeze through those sexy L-bended or/and double-bended turns? I also luuurve more SPEED (yep, I'm a nutter) and those childish barges and a full fucking blown 360º spin smash attack! (Used wisely :wink: ) I just adore the stylish vehicles (a little more customization would be fab' though ) along with those attractive pilots NINTENDO please provide an F-zer0 for this Café, and please oh please apply HARD LOVE in it (visuals, online [modes, lag-free, player communication etc]). I'm a spoiled brat of a NINTENDO gamer
  7. I know. The "Yo peoples, long time no post" was a good indicator on that 'Tis just that I 'member a particular discussion somewhere around these bits sayin' that the harshness in the 'other bits' around here repelled certain ones away because of it's unfriendliness Yet, if a real new member wanted to join then the harshness shown t'ward this here buddy could be repel them, too. Tiz allz I'z be'z sayzinz zzz. : peace: No. No, not at all. I think this man sees what I be saying.
  8. Such a warm, friendly and welcoming post for this New Member - who means well.
  9. Fused how the hizz did you miss that??? I was creaming in my pants at that stage, way more satisfying ending than the first!
  10. - Conduit 3: Michael Ford's Fellow Destroyer Reinforements for Cafè - Smash Bros. Cafè - MARIO KART Cafè - F-zer0 Cafè & a 3DS version too! (Make up for it's unexplained absences ) - Brand Spanking new Mario & Zelda title for Cafè - Prob a Toon Link Zelda for 3DS (I know we have SS and remakes but 25th anniversary spurgery of Zelda is excuse-worthy!? ) - A powered-the-hizzed-up NINTENDONLINE service for Cafè - A pants-jizzing reason for me to jump of the fence and 'GET' a 3DS when this Cafè is basically just around the decade - Sugoii grafix/vid'drools (for Cafè) - Just plenty of new nerdy shit, including fresh new games/franchises possibly etc Ooh, throw in Rainbow 6 LV 3, NARUTO UNS3, and TEKKEN (third party support?) for Cafè and I'd be officially set for a whole gen life span worth!!
  11. No I've had enough (I was playing since before I messaged you).

    I'll be sure to hit you up when I decide to game :D

  12. join me in conduit mate, do come along! I play with (or they join me) and the sesh is just epic. Hardcore team, Hardcore ffa and sometiiiimes grab bags for the random fun!

  13. Hey mate :D

    We need an extra dude for the MARIOKART festival (one final goodbye race/battles) on MKwii.


    Fancy joining?... Go on lol, just sign up in the Online League Thread, race begins at 8:30pm :bouncy:

  14. It's been a while. :grin: Reunions are for goodbyes :laughing:


    Why not join the funziness tonight at 8:30pm on Mkwii :bouncy:

    Put your name down in the Mariokart wii league thread :geek:

  15. It's been a while. :grin: Reunions are for goodbyes :laughing:


    Why not join the funziness tonight at 8:30pm on Mkwii :bouncy:

    Put your name down in the Mariokart wii league thread :geek:

  16. Headbanger Headset finally arrived. :geek:

  17. It'd be so sweet if you could like switch teams in public games so that friends can be on the same side! Not sure how that works, but even if it was like we're automatically always grouped up. We must try this out to be certain!

  18. Nevermind, if you don't play on it anymore then there's unfortunately no need for the awesome tag Ooh that stings! Y'know, I think I may've even seen worse before
  19. Well however I play a game - whether that be by means of control pads, motes or mouses, the main thing for me is the game (as well as content/features). I'm happy with either motes or the pad, but yeah I prob 'prefer' the mote However, if the software experience is lightyears awesomer on 'specific types' of consoles then I'd settle for a not-too-awful control method. : peace: Kav82, what's your gamertag? You wanna few games on CoD?
  20. Zechs, I'm sure they'd not give a tossed toast which is why they'd have a PS3/360 in the first place Equivalently, I give a tossed.... burger, if CoD looks bettter than Conduit The reason for my dick accidentally poking you through your knickers is because I actually meant that as there are better versions of CoD (which is on the inferior Wii - graphics + online ), I may aswell get full pleasure with having fun on it on the more ideal consoles for that (360 ). As Conduit isn't on 360 (or PS3) then, regardless if HD-Twin fanboys give a "toss", I'll capture it for me Wii and my 'joy' to devour it *Licks Lips With Wet Slimey Tongue* :kiss: And I so happen to be swept of my smooth feet for Conduit so I'll have sex with it no matter how ugly others think of it Fuck it, I.m gonna play it now *Dresses in horny outfit for maximum pleasure*
  21. Pffft. *Rolls sleeves up* I've played Halo ichi, ni and san - including R.E.A.C.H. And, similarly, Conduit 2 is a scifi and still yet 'I' personally don't think HALO blows Conduit out of the water. It's multiplayer on LIVE is hella fun I must admit, but again, doesn't exactly leave me jaw-dropped. Now I seriously am unable to determine which on I had more joy on out of HALO REACH & Black Ops (both 360 version, obviusly Halo but BO I'm talking). Now if I'm enjoying Conduit 2 nearly as much as Halo (yeah add your fancy flying/driving vehicles etc) then.... Each to their own is all I be priiching Also, mirroring F.K, I too have a soft spot for franchises and Conduit got there first (I say 'first' as I'm not a FPS fanatic. Still, put a good/unique one before my eyes [or just a super awesome ome] and I'm sold ) Do you have a 360/PS3, Kav82? Because Wii graphics in general are shit really. So for example, a Wii CoD visually doesn't stack up to a 360 CoD basically... Same with the online to be honest. So CoD lovin I'd do on my bro's 360 :wink: There isn't an 360/PS3 version of Conduit, so that's where Wii come in
  22. Yeah same to be honest. PS360 versions had a dodgey birds-eye view when originally the Wii version was first-person. It looked much more interesting, even if a little typically arcadey (enemies crashing into your screen etc). Am I mistaken in believing that HVS wanted a co-op mode for The Grinder where it was supposed to be upto 6 players (to show off each characters abilities and split up during a level). Could imagine 3DS doing that wth local multiplayer..
  23. Why I Now 'Doubt' That Conduit 3DS Will Happen Because HVS are reacting rather... 'funny', when ever they are asked if we'll see any 3DS iterations of Conduit. They usually respond with something similar to: "An interesting machine that is. We indeed demonstrated Conduit on the 3DS to show how great the 3DS is and how excellent our Quantam engine runs on it. But we won't discuss anything about that for now, but we are working on bringing something over to the 3DS next year." Now I just always personally over-think things and I believe that they want to keep the Conduit universe bound to NINTENDO's home consoles. Wii2 is releasing next year so I presume we'll maybe see a Conduit for that as "They have more stories to tell, it just depends how Conduit 2 does". So I reckon they'll perhaps just make a random FPS (The Grinder?) or maybe also even an RPG for the 3DS. : peace: Why I Believe An HD Console Will All-of-A-Sudden Make Conduit a Better Game Hmmm. How should I put this?... I think Conduit is already a good game. I don't think a "HD console" will simply make it better. I believe that a console with capabilities like Project Cafe is rumoured to have will make Conduit better. Especially seeing a Project Cafe is a NINTENDO console. Also, if I may add+, I believe a console like what Project Cafe is hinted to be like, would make any game better (I'm targetting Wii software). Sexy visuals? Ideal on-line? Probably new gameplay innovations / or sharpened Wii controls? Overall better tech than Wii?... Surely it'd make a game better. Do you think it'd make, say, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Zelda or Metroid better? Ain't this the reason you geeks speculate all and every day about it?
  24. Yeah I noticed that too, but I wanted to unveil the conspiracies so badly that I just remained with the story I rtied to go back and go to the bonus levels (with the question marks) but I couldn't select them as they were not clickable. Do you have a suggestions...? I saved my backup file (just took precaustion.. never needed to really) every step of the way (so that file is completed too ) and besides, all my rivals are on my main file : peace: Word to that!!! Conduit Cafe' or Conduit Feel?.. Because I now doubt Conduit 3DS will happen now.... Also, that dude in armour who hunts you down is such a freakin predator. Just spam countless amounts of headshots as his helmet is the weakest protector he has. It can be quite difficult though as sometimes he approaches rather quickly (jogging? lol) in a zig-fucking-zag kind of way, while other enemies would be sniping and/or blasting at you! As for entering the Conduits at anytime that pleases you, I thought you had to activate switches somewhere first to make that possible?
  25. Sorry cuz, I couldn't hold it. I was in the PilotWings 3DS thread and I saw your new (old'ish, but new to me?) avatar, and it's so special with that Marioness. 'T suits ya :D

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