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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. I'm trying to rearrange this clan war (they upset i said they chickened-out and they're coming up with a suitable time and day for this war to break out on :laughing:)

    I think it should be me, you, dynamo, lost, welsh, japjer/redshell.

    Anyone else you believe should be in this temporary "Hit-You-Upside-The-Head-With-A-Greenshell" Clan? :laughing:

  2. It's cool, i'm in


    (hyeah, one down, now instead of 33.3% chance of winning, i have 16.5% chance more of winning, making it roughly around 50% chance of victory... muuaAHAHAHAAAA)

  3. Ok lol let's do dolphin dashin now but it has to be JUST the one GP coz there is a FEAST downstairs and i want to thief pots of dishes...


    And yes, i'm secluded in my room today lol... LET's GO!

  4. LMBO sorry fused, i'm just doing my homework :laughing:

  5. 7pm, Affirmative.


    It's just i was either going to bed or just woke up and my brain couldn't understand the message, my bad :laughing:

  6. GrrrrWoof? Come again?

  7. :laughing: nonetheless, it sounds epic anyhow.

    Yeah i'll be eagerly awaiting Challenge-2 much like how i do with challenge-1 :yay:


    Anything from fused = epic

  8. me niether... it used to be but you guys went and took so long that i hate it now lol and now i'm used to the in-drift bikes.


    I'll open my room now! WoooHoooooooo

  9. I'm free now, if you want?

  10. Bloody hay was that quick! What's fry'N buddy? :)


    Yes, you understood. When we're in the lobby we'll spam the stages and in order lol.

    What time shall we groove?

  11. Ah sweet! That'll be awesome buddy ^_^

    Us N-europers usually have matches frequently so we def will play sometime pal.


    No worries though, that room that you were in had a cheater/hacker in it anyways... i was capping he's brains out and his health bar stayed at maximum... Also he was moving light speed... AND LASTLY, when i died it respawned 20secs FIVE times in a row... Now that was DEFINITELY a n00b hacker.


    Anywho i see you where it's more fun, in a 12player n-e match.


    peace out Nick

  12. i'll poor you that cool Beverage on saturday at 8pm... then it gets drunk at 9pm GMT.

  13. Hey Fused, Ok... i'll say, saturday at 9pm for The Beverage Challenge.


    And rest assured, my King, i won't spoil a thing... BELIEVE IT! lol.


    It's new, it's fresh, it's a "fused" challenge, and we have to "fight" for it.... WaHOOOOooooo that just made my Beverage even cooler!


    Can't wait, mate :laughing:

  14. LOL heck-yeah i'm ready for some pointless speaking.


    Guaranteed, the King & Beverage will make even the pointless an interesting point lol

  15. Do you do that thing with your WiiSpeak (have WiiSpeak near you and away from TV)?


    Does it lessen or stop the echoes?

  16. I think the Story mode so far is not bad... interesting-ish, not bad, want to see what's next and it draws you IN the game. You feel and see the "effort" that's been put in to this game to make it enjoyable. The controls are amazing! But it must be when i'm aiming out of the sensor bar, my character "jams in a turn" and then he releases and turns normally again... As i said, it's probably just how i'm aiming at the sensor bar. Multiplayer is AWESOME!!!... even more so with dudes you know. Man it has LOADS of online modes to keep you occupied... ASE Football, bounty hunter, free for all, team reaper, three strikes... just to name a few! The games is FAR from awful, and in all honesty and respects, i wouldn't call this game MIND-BLOWING, but it's a game that is HIGHLY recommended to be in your games library. The game has room for improvement in various areas but i'm coming from Rainbow6 las vegas, Kill Zone, Call of Duty, Halo... and i would throw The Conduit in that list. Like i said, if The Conduit was improved in a few areas (not dramatically) then it would be just like any other shooter... just get it a bit neater, although it's nowhere near far-off from other shooters currently. This games is like Halo-ish, but N64 Goldeneye style! EPIC WIN! :awesome: I rate 60-75% IT IS FUN AND DRAWS YOU IN
  17. Game looks epic!... was with it since day-2... i-i mean, day-1. I just HOPE that a "something" that i'm really expecting (for a suprise) from this game is in it!
  18. Yeah this game looks interesting, i hope i have funz with this onez
  19. i can't wait for this game, i hope it's great.
  20. phew LOL you got me... REAL good. First the Cube open page, then the bannage for "no specific reason" LMBO... I thought it was because i owned an Admin on ssbb and this was them getting their own back Lol and to rub it in, saying the reason is no reason
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