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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. I'm a runner-up for the 'online gamer' award I feel like a geek now Best bargain hunter goes to.... Welsh Gamer Only nominee Good shtuff. And C'MON, the best online Wii game o' the year.... MaLiooo Karta ain't even in the runners up... REALLY??? It's SO 2009 doooodes! (Conduit is badass though... ok ok aaaaaand REFLEX)
  2. Hit me up when your confidence has been created into existence :laughing:

  3. Go on, :D you recieved SmAsH uP yet bud? :bouncy:

  4. WaHOOOO dude :D


    Hope next time we can do Kart, Brawl AND KON-DOO-HWIT :laughing: Yearning to hear the voice :grin:


    On SSBB are you the one who uses Kirby, Bowser, Ganon, Ness/Lucas? Lol need to brawl ya

  5. I do hope you were there (MK Wii, were you 'matt'?) just now, coz we had some epic ballon battles & GP's :D

    If you were there, good games buddy :laughing:

  6. Mate, i need you MarioKart FC...

  7. oooh sorry, buddy, what's your MarioKart FC again?

    3 o' my friends will join kk wAAAAHOOO :D

  8. Lol ok doodley-dood :D MK Wii would be epic. I'm kinda down for this anytime... even now :laughing:

  9. You recieved your SHELL-SMASH'N copy yet? :laughing:

    I'll be up for a SmAsH-uP any time buddy, just hit me up and i'll attend class :laughing:

  10. Ok DuDLY :D When shall we does this?

    Let's do MK first, so i can see your sKiLLzzz, then i wanna have a go at'cha on SSBB (to see if 'i've' improved).... THEN :D :D :D Ve Conduit :laughing: (so i can finally here the voice : peace: ).

  11. Oooh sweet :D That copy&paste was impressive, let me attempt to 'cut' your copied FC direct to my MK :laughing:


    I'm afraid I can't play with you tonight... 2 reasons, i don't wanna catch your contageous illness :laughing: Nah i'm gonna be chillin' with my fellow siblings watching anime (NEW EP' OF SHIPPUDEN :o) and movies.


    Tomoz kk, if you're available :bowdown:

  12. Don't mention it buddy :D

    Yeah it shouldn't be sooo... 'business-like', should be adaptable for humongous fun'age :laughing:


    Rest assured bud, Beverage will NOT make your copy o' Kart be put to waste :wink: 0473-7917-3937


    Congrats on the WiiSpeak dude, our games are gonna totally rock out :D :D :D

  13. Soz about the 'sudden' d/c on the end of our Conduit sesh with hoze' lol but my internet connection was being un-endurant (lol yes, a new invention).


    You playing tonight? With NE'ers or public or both? hehe

  14. Lol enjoy buddy :yay:

    I eagerly await the Conduit sesh where your voice is present :bowdown: : peace:

  15. Ahhh my bad bud, I had a movies night with thee ol' fam' :laughing:

    Would tonight be cool? :bouncy:

  16. Lol you sure you should be doing that? Your parents may ground you for abusing the electric bill hehe

  17. I was hoping that either one of us would've joined on MK today. What's the deal, you were just sitting there? :laughing:

    I had two buddies in my room with a few monster rivals mate. Hell would've broke loose if you joined (yes, there was a girl in a kart who drifted insanely awesomely. Snaking, like doubledash, even on straight roads throughout the WHOLE match o' EVERY match :laughing: )

  18. chat, now :awesome:

  19. BLOODY HELL i went on and i saw ONLY you so i picked char, then ur mate join late so i left & came back with proper char (my in-game message says mate first, then you, then FFA's) then it freezes! Did you d/c?


    My final attempt dude lol....

  20. Mate, i WAS gonna do a ffa but we did challenge eachother in meet-up thread so i wanted to FIRST go 1vs1 with you... BUT, your friend volounteered. So i was gonna go 1vs1 with the friend THEN 1vs1 with you THEN epic ffa's.

    I killed myself 'cause i was wrong character for the one i THOUGHT challenge me (you one minuet, then your friend the next) :laughing:


    My bad for the confusions, but i URGE you to get that Ness dude back so we can have a game filled with AWESOMENESS :D:bowdown: : peace:

  21. Lol no problem but c'mon dude hurry it up, i want some fun too :laughing: i'll be waiting kk.

  22. Would you like church to begin?

  23. Anytime buddy :D

    i need me my 360 back A.S.A.P :laughing:

  24. I had a very strong feeling that that was going to happen. When you left the Team Reaps on Conduit yesterday, and i mean AS SOON as you left, things heated up BIG TIME! I was like "if only you stayed for 3 more games".

    It was 2vs3 (me & a random pro-ish n00b vs 3 WiiSpeakers... I KNOW it were so). Their teamwork were too splended. They were all 3 ALWAYS together and surround us individually and perfectly ambush us, individually (yes, my partner thought he was Rambo or Robocop :cool: ). Their head shots were spectacular also. 2 of them had 23 kills each and one had 12. My partner had 10 and i had 4, then my headshot potential got provoked so my kills ascended up to 18... But they were too much for just me :laughing:


    Next time, i'll PM you and any other Conduit'er to join and back me THE HELL UP!!!

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