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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. I know Why do I get the feeling that you N-E CoDers (KAV 'N' ZECHS mainly) are just hardcore fps fanatics? It's like a foozball nut who would put their FiFa or PES' well high on the list because of their addiction to the sport lol! It's sweet to see all the games that everybody enjoys though, if I spot one that truly grabs my heart then I'd go to my local game retailer - or bloody well order eBay or sum'n Oh, Zechs, buddy, is High Voltage Software's Can Du it Too in your top 25?: peace:
  2. Paj if you would be so kind in allowing me to quote that first sentence out of your opening paragraph. I too never researched on, if you like, 'how to play like a Pr0' (if one were to say). I just naturally acknowledged the simple new method of the powersliding which'd have increased my chances of slipping through that finish line first. After I had grasped it I sang a realising "ohhh" for the 'dash' word in the title of the game - as I'd always imagined that technique to be referred to as 'dashing'. But after spending some time on gaming forums I then noticed it to be known as 'snaking', which works for mii, as you are indeed caressing each course in a snake mo im
  3. Dcubed, while I too don't mind a dreadful amount about the snaking being banished, I am still scarred from that course of action. Now it's one thing to cry that "I don't like snaking/unable to snake" but it's quite difficult for me to understand how a powersliding system like MKWii's can possibly be more "strategic" than DD's snaking? Like, the green&red shells were miles better in DD and it was the snaking method to counter this - while making the snake-dodge apart of your snake-boost-rhythm. You could even dodge the infamous blues if you had incredible timing What you could also do, was powerslide into a racer and 'kind of' thief their snake-boost and, at the same time, either slow them down or knock 'em off track So I really would like to be enlightened just how the powersliding system in MKWii could potentially be more 'strategic'? And as for numbering the series all of a sudden, I strangely don't mind it. It would be like, Beverage The Newby: Genesis of Orgasming Rape> Beverage The Newby: The Dawn of Rape > Beverage The Newby 3 > Beverage The Newby: Rape Revelations. Having a numbered title is just being a little different for a change. Why not?
  4. Don't worry, Tales. I wasn't trying to say that you were rage quitting lol. Anyhows, that example you brought up before be fails quite laughably. What you should've said was: "It's like saying you're forced to wheelie when on a bike". In which case I'd then say: "If you aren't capable of popping wheelies throughout an entire race, then so you should be cruising in the n00bunch of the pack". If karters could snake then I wouldn't be forced to use bikes 'for the wheelie' - amongst other great advantages.
  5. I dislike the fact that you can pop wheelies in Mar'Lio Kart'a Wii'hii? Tales, my disconnecting buddy, I said that it was unfair to give bikers such an advantage (on top of the super speed, insane acceleration and conveniently sexy drifts ) and deplete advanatges of karters which'd help keep 'em up with the bikers - namely snaking. I love my wheelies, mate! I guess I just don't dig the idea of 'being forced to abandon certain vehicles just to be able to compete'. The formula to your method of accomplishing this = funky kong + bowser bike (I'm aware that you don't use bikes) I can understand this to a certain extent, which be the reason why I would like a Mario Kart game with no vehicle customisation. Or, perhaps, a mode in which this feature is not included. Also, a Pr0 mode for snakers and, ... wheelyers?
  6. I get it, buddy, you're just being social, ... basically. : peace: Mate how I personally see it as is that you have 'passionate gamers' (people who've been playing games for a long time, or/and who just sincerely loves games and perhaps also has interest towards the industry), whether you prefer to refer to this as 'hardcore gamer' (afterall, your love/passion/appreciation for games is hard to the core, isn't it? ) or 'game addict' (this one can be quite offensive lol but if used in a good way like "I'm addicted to the gym" then it's all good, yis? ) or whatever the title that you choose to use as a substitute for 'passionate gamer' - or someone who loves games :wink: - then I don't really see the huge problem about being catergorised? I obviously understand that these titles aren't really important but it's simply terms used to distinguish particular crowds within the gaming enviornment. Unless it's specificity that drives gamers insane. Ooh, there's another one, ... does the title 'gamer' annoy gamers? Or is it just when you define the word to the bone and recieve several other relating titles? If a horny casual gamer enjoys playing, say, Wii Dare, and plays similar games (party titles) loads and maybe has been doing so for years then wouldn't that horny casual gamer be a horny hardcore gamer? Or would the catergory be a 'Horny Hardcore Casual Gamer'? That gamer loves his/her games just as much as goony geeks enjoy their little Pilotwings, Sims, Sims Pets, Nintendogs + Cats, Professor Latons, Animal Crossings etc etc :laughing: Or are they 'Casual Games'? Well I'll use the usual suspects then which are your Marios, Zeldas, CoDs, FiFas, Pros, Final Fantasys etc etc. Basically I believe that you're a passionate gamer if you play games that you actually enjoy (meaning the art within the game just needs to be supported by your hard earned rupees, not devouring any shit just because that you're a 'games addict' ) and it's a main hobby of yours just as much as - or ultimately more than - other forms of art that you have as your hobby. (Sports, drawing, reading, cooking, movies, history interest, exploring etc etc 'art' can be related to many things!!! )
  7. I must admit that anytime that I boot up Double Dash again it does feel slightly weird because you can't do that little hop - which I love! You're just glued to the ground power sliding away like a luny Debug Mode, do you think that it'd be possible to do like the hop into the snake? It basically was like that in MK64 and even in MKWii (hop to power slide round bends). I think it'd work and feel super comfy if done correctly. Not that we'll ever see it again, .... unless there'd be Snaking Mode? Or perhaps the ability to enable/disable it at will in splitscreen or in private games online? I dunno I'm just throwing guesses around.. Oh a character that I'd love to see playable in his very own kart'd be ShyGuy
  8. On The infamous Bluey - Jeesh just keep it in. How it was used in MK64 was perfect and I do not see why it changed from this way. It would've actually given the New Player (or any player for that matter/the user of the item) more of a chance to win or catch up and get back into the race. Items - Guys this is what makes 'Mario Kart' what it is. That's like saying in a fighting game please grant us with our wish to take out combos and only use basic upper/lower strike attacks. Or in a FPS to disable the use of grenades, it's a feckin' war so let's just bleeding well go out with all we've got. In a real war you'd use everything, radars etc. Mario Kart isn't a real racer. The option to disable them (like in SSB.) would be cool but I'd hardly play that way!! Glider - To float down makes gameplay fun (I'm suggesting), because I'm guessing everyone'll be using motion to control their karts whilst in the air to see who is more skilled to win a better landing to either catch up or get a little further ahead. Some may land awfully terrible off-road lol. Just how it seems to be, look great! DASHING/SNAKING - It is my belief that this was removed so that Mario Kart would be more accessible the the New Player. This belief of mine can not be changed, it's impossible for this to happen. It made the game more fun. More intense. More thrilling. Like, just for a random example, it's like going in a sprinting challenge and then Slower Ones begin campaigning begging for sprinting to be changed to jogging. The sprinters would find it so lame. This doesn't fully explain the point that I'm trying to make. Also, this doesn't mean I dont like driving games, as you still would be weaving through traffic and executing suicidal drifts at tricky turns etc etc, I just think driving games are being developed by shyte developers. I fully agree with that bike example, in MKWii you'd do wheelie anytime possible to speed up. I am happy bikes are gone though and I'm also a bit disappointed about customising the Karts. Now we'll be forced to use the most advantageous Kart. :P Either way, should still be fun though. : peace: And I do love customisation. Battles - I love Fort Block!! My personal fav'. As long as Balloon Battles with this stage is there then I'm all good. Also, Star Thief in Double Dash was quite fun, wern't it guys??? More on Items lol - Leave Blooper, POW, Lightning in there. I love going "ARGH WHAT THE HELL?!?!" again, this is what MK is about fellas!!!!!!!!!!!! Not too fussed about the Feather, hell, its more than welcome, but bring back the Ghost. I just love pinching somebody's luck ^__^ Characters - Bring as much suitable characters from this universe as possible. Options are awesome! Bit of a confession, I'm a bit addicted to Miis. Hell no do not bring Samus, Captain Falcon or any other characters from other franchises up in this joint, save that for Smash Bruvaz :wink: Graphics - What's his face posted something about this although I agree with him I would still put up a weak argument and say it's on a handheld so you can't really expect too much. I'll look forward to this for the MK on Wii U (no, not real life-like graphics or different art style, just nicer visuals ). I shall climb up and set camp up at the watchtower to see if this game seduces my wallet
  9. I'm just an innocent person who likes to enjoy the art of fun - including hardcore video gaming. I'm a legendary hardcore gamer damnit
  10. Some prefer the cutesy-wutesy, fluffy, innocent and childs-play look and some prefer the deep, serious and badass look. See me, I prefer both. They both have their charms and are extremely creative in their own special way. But for the first Zelda game for Wiiu I'm not gonna lie, I want me some seriousness full on with superb Japanese voice acting throughout the entire game (optional!). I'd like to see tons of other stuff but I can't be bothered to divulge at the minute. But yeah, I dig whatever suitable style for Zelda but I think that I personally prefer the 'serious' look. Quite manga'ish too, dare I say!!
  11. -What Sakurai hopes to do is have the 3DS version of Smash Bros. allow players to build up their character through battle and rewards, then take their custom character to the Wii U version to face off against everyone. Iwata summed it the basic idea nicely: players would spend time on the 3DS version, building up their character and collecting stuff, then show off their skills on the Wii U version. I really do hope that this doesn't mean that if one can kick ones behind on any Smash Bros. in general, one now no longer will be able to do so because 3DS owners can level-up and bring their over-powered characters over to the Wii U version - where one would then be at a handicap. Would this be so that the not-so-experienced can feel experienced by cheating the experienced? Or will Wii U-only owners also be able to level-up?.. Though, arguably, 3DS owners would still be at an advantage as they can level-up on the go, where home console-only players can only level-up when they're back at their homes. Or maybe this could be a possible indication of a new mode? Custom Character Mode: You take you custom characters on a little RPGish adventure (SubSpace Emissary sort of thing), levelling up and you can battle it out against other players, similar to how Pokemon online would be/is, but ofcourse in brawl-style? Fuck it, even if I'm at a disadvantage I'd smash my way through them all! Afterall, that is my fun, my pleasure,... difficulty.
  12. I copy and paste this from you reallly. This basically is the general idea of mine too roughly. The bolded part is precisely why I wouldn't want any items ever in F-zer0. Keep that for MARIO KART. FZ is a racer, and it's about piloting techniques and track knowledge. You have the ship-barge and the rotation-wallop to use skillfully to damage or slow down your opponents. But I fear weapons will maybe make an appearance (so a 'certain crowd' will have higher chances to taste victory to enjoy the game ) if an FZ does finally come. If so, then at the very least, very, VEEERY basic weapons lol.
  13. To be brief and to the point.. The revealing of Wii U The new SSB. announcement And I'm not entirely sure if this qualifies, but the confirmation (???) and little tech demo of what's to come of the Legend of Zelda for Wii U. But you all know that you can't just have a 'top 3' when it comes to N, so I'll go ahead on a add some extra top-knotch mo's. *Skyward Sword (I'm now officially highly interested in this game!) *The whole orchestra/choir thing that was goin' down while showing the Zelda clips *Miyamoto coming on stage (and acting out the imaginery opening of the treasure box and finding an item ) *Iwata entering the stage *Reggie entering the stage *3DS software presentation! *Bill Trinen looking as scared as sh!t (I could see his knees trembling, Miyamoto was probably using him for a Vitality Sensor experiment ) *Geoff hammering Reg' *Promising 3rd party support *Yups, and that's a wrap : peace: I think...
  14. If/when an F-zer0 Xu comes out then I promise you, S.C.G, that you will be the first one I target that'll be X'd out of the race :awesome: .... Consider yourself warned! I saw this thread and knew it was a 'What would you like to see?' thread, but when I finally broke in and started reading for peoples hopes, I actually thought "OH IT'S REAL?!?!?!" and I actually screamed out "WOAH SHIT!!" a few times, .... then I thought something seemed rather unofficial, so I calmed down, .... then I saw that you were punkin' us all, then .... I weeped!
  15. Precisely. And Mewtwo Extra characters that I wouldn't mind seeing: Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles Travis Touchdown Micahel Forde Mega Man Blood Falcon Black Bull Bowser Jr (powers-up to imposter Mario ) ll Pantissimo (Yeah-HurHurHurrr ) Just to name a few...
  16. Technically, ok, TECHNICALLY, I was the closest in guessing the name! I said NINTENDO Miina, which 'minna' means 'everybody, but altering the 'mi' part to 'mii' to make it more personal to each individual. Then NINTENDO goes and announces Wii (everybody) U (You = personal to each individual). So the we have it, I wiin. What's my achievement? And it must be just mii, but, I love the sound of Wii! Now WiiU? (would've sucked if it were UWii, it's like ordering somebody "HEY, YOU WEE/PISS!!" )
  17. I swear to you Dante, that clip made me so, so joyous. It literally brought a tear to my eye and my heart is glowing. I honestly feel pregnant from happiness.
  18. I'm going to try and crash by : peace: After watching the NE meetup on YouTube, I've always wanted to get that geeky ReZ all to myself EDIT - Where in the mushroom kingdom is this meet-up anyhows?
  19. Frequency would be an adorable one. Let's see now, how'd that be, ... The NINTENDO Friiquencii? It'd definitely be catchy for Wii 3
  20. Gosh no, anything but Wii: Feel, ... or Wii: Cunt, .... or Wii: Play, .... or anything that makes somebody feel, .... become, awkward when proposing to their family/friends if they should drag out the Wii: ??? for fun. Funk it, now 'Wii' is starting to make mii feel, ... become, uneasy!
  21. Oh yeah, my bad Nyubi My eyes were failing mii and I saw the word differently. *deactivates from mangekyou down to fully awakened standard sharringan ssSSHHWINGGG* In that case, the NINTENDO TickleMii gets a passing grade! Sorry about nearly spoiler punishing you dude, I shall be care from here on out!! ON TOPICNESS!!! : peace: : peace: : peace:
  22. Just out of curiosity, where'd ya get the username from? Was it a fail bijuu from NARUTO that was too much of a n00b to make an appearance in the manga/anime? perhaps it was the 10th tail of the Jyubi that had 0% chakra in it so it perished without acknowledgement Anywho, please enlighten me on the logic behind "TestickleMii"? Coffeè flavoured teabags specifically catered for the so-called 'core?
  23. Yeah that's why I went for NINTENDO Miina 'Minna' again means 'everybody, and it'll be a bit more personal to each individual with the 'Mii' part Yeah I'm excited on what it'll be named and how the thing'll look
  24. If it does turn out to be named Stream, I wonder how it'll be presented as; Striim or Stwiim?
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