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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. I feel you. At times like this, I wish I had an identical twin. I'd pay the cunt a years wage to work and study for me just so I could play through this twice with some reminiscing time.
  2. A true Hero helps EVERYBODY first time, without using a continue. I shall try to accomplish this yet again, as per usual. : peace:
  3. Being able to play any Zelda with my Gold, Sexy, Triforce Mote blingage automatically makes this experience an instant winner. Fuck, I'm gonna feel even more like the Hero of Time than Link himself
  4. Awww how generous :cool: fine I'll generate some psychey hype in the meet-up.

    And yeah I agree that it's more beneficial to groove on that stage with max combatants and items on. If Shadow would've just showed up sooner and Fused King wasn't using Fused Queen's router. :nono:

  5. Brawl wiimatch?.. If you're ↑ 4 it, then you call it. But as I said to calvin: I'm P'd-off and ready for round 2. Any time. Any place. Any where.


    A stage I was hoping for was Wario's one (forgot the name.. where it'd say "everyone roll!" then whoever does it correctly powers-up)

  6. Brawl wiimatch. Any time. Any place. Any where. You call it...

  7. Yeah I've also downloaded this demo quite recent. While I'd agree it's accessible and a nice (quite solid, even) attempt especially for Wiiiware, it's just too soft for me. If anything it just makes me yearn an all-new F zer0 that much more. I gave it one quick spin (the tests then the one race) and I didn't do too greatly lol but I was really just testing in out (3 races) and I was like "meh, even if it had online, .. meehhh!" I appreciate it's efforts of trying to be original - taking into account what they were working with.
  8. Hey no I was joking haha. Well a light amount of my opinions were translated into the humour but I wasn't serious at all. And if a Zelda style 3DSLite does come then you can always trade in :D (and hopefully transfer your data).


    You're still a sell out though! :cool:

  9. Oi. You better sort out your connection presto eh buddy, your kind of the main one I wanna dethrown. As King of the Comp, you ARE my target. Not to mention that I acknowledge you as my friendly, personal rival in gaming in general. :D


    Be there - fixed!

  10. ok let do this. It's been a while *cracks fingers*



    OMG same finisher haha. That's it!!

  11. I commend your use of winneration. I personally relate to that last, little highlighted bit at the end. Well obviously at the end or else it wouldn't be "that last bit", would eet? RLosalina can'a BEAT'ita, but I've sevd mii PICH in Mario gamezes FARLA too many'a timeza. So Fuck U-HUuuuuu!!
  12. lostmario reminded me about going private with you. N-No, not that kind of privacy, yoo noe wot eye meen, do not you?

    Anydirection, we're both rusty on SSBB, so what do you say you train up until after the 24th (after the MK tourney) so you'll be sharpened-up and I'll remain out o' shape, then we make eachothers tv's moan?.. You know our rivalry is worth it!


    You are like the Dynamo of SSBB. Wait, are you Dynamo? What were you really doing in the MK thread?? :idea:

  13. Yeah I know but like I didn't wanna appear to be anti-cod lol. And wind-ups ftw!! :D

  14. Look mate, I swear it's just I'm not really into shooters alright. Moreover, I don't buy games left, right and centre, the game just need to pop at me sort of thing and it's usually the usual main titles that do that for me - not really even those too much these days anyway!


    Maybe Nintendo should do demos to give people a chance not to purchase a full blown disappointing game. Believe me, I do get to try MANY games at friends/fam and stuff and those are my demos!


    I'm sure one day well find the grey area on the battlefield to have our stand-off. :cool:

  15. Flipped and reversed haha! Nice. What level is your Sharringan?.. Or is that Mangekyou you have awaken? As the most feared and unique troll around these bits, I do feel incredibly urged to fuck some of you up. Kav82, feel like going Hell in A Cell match, all items disabled apart from grenade and knife, 7 and a half minute match? 360, gimme your gamertag if you accept. If you want, get LAc bodycount and his fellow troopies perhaps with MoKong on your team. T'should be even then. It'd be a bit of a cheat if you had lost, Zechs and the whole squad. Just you guys'd be fine...
  16. Oh shit, don't get me horny please! Not more than a Wii fucking U one!!!!! I have been longing for these for a long time now. Bloody decent, original ones...
  17. Yo Double D, I suggest that the FPS audience that you're referring to should reembark on Agent M. Forde's adventure in The Conduit. They are then advised to continue unfolding the dark conspiracies within that cruel universe in Conduit 2 in order to be upto scratch on the third outing which should inevitably debut as an FPS exclusive during Wiiu's launch window, I'm imagining. If I were to proceed in my current imagination, then I begin to accumulate hopeful feelings of HVS possibly offering the trilogy. That'd be the perfect opportunity for @kav82, @zechs and the beloved @lostmario. There's only one direction for that dark horse, babies. And that's UP. : peace:
  18. What the fart? I need my ώÃ…ΓΨØ kart! Lol I hear and feel you, father.
  19. If I were to point out small, differing features of the current Wii and the newly-configured Wii design then it'd be that the new design would have landed in grey paint when it fell on its side. Also, it looks to be a bit more square and maybe slightly sharpened. Add to this that the 'cube ports are gone and the power, reset, eject and Wii labels have been shifted a little. Am I also correct in suggesting that perhaps on the newly configured Wii box it'd may have 'redesigned Wii' sribbled over it somewhere? As for the Wiiu, it'd be exactly like the redesigned Wii but this time with 'Brand Spanking New Iteration/Successor of Wii' on the box and it'd look a hell of a lot more rounded and smoother. I am aware that it is quite likely that it'd get a little tweaking as the main focus was on the upad and "we all can roughly have an idea as to what's in the box" so it wasn't really being bigged-up. So maybe E3 '12 it'd be the machine in the spotlight with it's all important styley case. I think the casuals'll be chuffed to know that the Wiiu will be fully backward compatible with all their current Wiiz.
  20. LOL yeah that's the one! You may as well play big or there's no point in playing at all!!
  21. Splendid idea, dazzy! 'Tis just that I don't own a 3DS so perhaps you all can bring your best games to let me try them out, if I likey then alrighty (bring SSFlV, Ridge Racer/Asphalt, and PES)
  22. Spot Mii I'd be the dude in a black tshirt with the Legend of Zelda logo printed on the chest, grey shorts, cap twisted back, and sassy blue&white trainers, being accompanied by a super hawt asian chick xD
  23. Well the rupees that I had stored for the Skyward Lord and that sexy, gold, ZeldaMote is now going to be going to towards this. This'd be quite a romantic date for the ol' Bev SS will just have to wait until Wiiu launches. As for that powerful, special mote, ... I have 4 anyway so I was just being greedy.
  24. Yeah for real. In the FPS genre for the Wii, what I see from my guns-eye view (from experience of fully pimping such tites), I would say the rankings are as follows: 1. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - Gotta love the sci-fi'ness 2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex Edition (online was a it weak, though! ) 3. Conduit 2 - Sorry haters but HVS made an FPS that's differennt, interesting, FUN and just not so same ol'-same ol' with the whole 'troopeys on a battle field with boring weaponry runnin' 'n' gunnin' all somewhat gruesomely' 4. Red Steel 2 (a bit too short and too easy but creative and fun nonetheless I do hope swordplay in Skyward Sword is more... complex/strategic/immersive etc lol) 5. Call of Duty: Body Odour - Ok, ok, it IS the shizzy, but compared to the 360 version it just sucks on hard, cold wood!! Didn't even bother to fully complete the campaign and the online multiplayer was just a bit mehish. More wii games need coop though, gotta admit .. Mario Kart Wii's online setup was more creative and fun for me though. Maybe slap a few added online features (communication, easy befriending, room/player history and team-switch in battles and that'd EASILY be the best Wii game [only if SSBB was not utter perferction... which it ain't ]) 6. The Conduit - Not great but actually not bad. Some parts were a bit more natural and better than the sequel. Also had some legendary echo-fest nights with NE too Edit - MKWii would easily be the est online wii game i meant bwahahahaowzzzerrrr!!
  25. I see your point, I see your point. But I still don't think that that'd make the powersliding more 'strategic' than DD's way of executing it. And you can dodge a Bluey in Mario Kart Wii by powersliding?.. Or only when you're on a series of boosts - or entering into a ramp for a big jump? If you can avoid that blue kamikaze by powersliding then I have some unfinished business with that there game!! LOFL
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