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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. ..................... Conduit 3DS
  2. Linkage. http://gdc2011.nintendo.com/
  3. I hope not man. I wanna hear Iwata-Sama's voice, raw Japanese dub and Dutch subtitles
  4. Does anybody know the time that it begins?
  5. I predict to see quite a few inventive peripherals to be used with this active piece of software Not entirely sure if this qualifies as being a 'game.' Perhaps an 'horny activity'... thing. As for Kinect, things could become rather wild if a bunch of friends of the opposite gender got together for an activity...
  6. That was a cool piece of footage, L.O.T. Does anybody know if splitscreen is also in the online mode? I don't mind, too much, if it isn't but it'd be quite insane if you could at least go duo on WiFi - MKWii style!
  7. Constant bad headaches, then a tumor. Let's allow the 3D effects from the NINTENDO 3DS to provide the headaches & tumors for now, eh?...
  8. He probably sacrificed life and sleep time by hiding and caged himself in store at closing time just so that he could play all through the night.
  9. We can have more than 3 games btw. Play 'til wii bored mang! :laughing:


    ... Just, my 3 proposed matches first, eh? And 'Spurm' is a failed attempt at demonstrating signs of aggression t'ward that chump, 'Sprout'!

    It's a friendly beef lol. On my side anyways :laughing: I like to piss him off so he plays raged so I can win. Cheap but strategic. : peace:



  10. I do trust that you still remain rustly!? In Hwhich case, maybe we could go 3 games, for ol' times sake? :D


    Perhaps round 1 will be: Captain Falcon 'B' vs Kirby 'F.K'? (3 stocks no items, Final Desti')

    Round 2: ??? 'B' vs ??? 'F.K' (3 stocks, no items, ANY stage)


    Round 3: ??? vs ??? (items on! Any stage!) :yay:


    After, how about, straight up, go against SPURM & ???, then the team you said, then those Shadow & Flame dudes? :bouncy:


    Please note - Beverage vs The Kingly Fusion, IS & ALWAYS WILL BE friedlies :hug: (even if you do always end up comin' out on top :mad: )

  11. Blasthemous blastheme which is riddled with blasthemousness. What choice of words... Blasthemy! *Engages in thousand-year prayer to The Sovereign One for mercy upon humanity*
  12. You know I, too, am still trying to figure that one out Just to help big scary Oozaru to turn back into little cute Goku, I'll say this... I can't recall myself or anybody else saying that The Legend of Zelda game should be like any other game on any cnsole. I, Beverage, am just simply saying that rather than having the awesome gameplay + shit graphics, why not for a change take advantage of technology and make LoZ with the same awesome gameplay PLUS++++ the sexii visuals? (obviously when Wii2 comes out) Now I think along with the powerful visuals, a more serious look would suit the Zelda theme. As previously said though, just what 'I', Beverage, dreams to experience. Just think how magnificently adorable it'd be seeing Link fuck his Master Sword into Ganons butt ugly face!
  13. 't is a new dawn, 't is a new day, 't is a new life, hooOO hoo-hoo-hooOOooo hoo, ..... And I'm feelin' goohood. *In Simon Cowell's voice* Sorry for having an opinion.
  14. Don't worry Burny, not aiming this at ya But it's funny you should say that. Because if my memory serves correctly, I said that I'd like to see a more "serious" looking LoZ game more on the lines of OoT (obviously with the gorgeous graphics and a woderful+convincing art style). I don't recall specifically saying that I wanted to see a flat out "real" version. Also, in WW I adored the creative and naturalness in general (art style & gameplay). I also found it amazing how it differs from say your OoT's, MM's & TP's. Which is why I'd also love to see another LoZ title in the same style of WW, too. .... WITH 'NEXT GEN' CAPABILITIES! (thought I'd take precaution and be specific this time :wink: )
  15. Oh NO you di'n't!???! Well I have 'no' knowledge at all on the writing side of things. But I think I'm qualified to show off when it comes to speaking it. In any case, you've mistaken "showing off" for 'La Passioné.' Jádorè au Japanese & jai joué au la game! BAKA!!!
  16. Yeah my bad, I meant The Twins. The HD-Twins. The game consoles, that is. Y'know, the Microsoft SeXbomb Three-Sixty and the Sonii Playstion Two... I mean Thrii... The Sonii Playstation Thrii. Please don't tease my want. Just dreaming about it almost made me pregnant from happiness.
  17. Lol nah Twilight Princess was epic but 'I' feel it lacked the originality, naturalness and specialness that OoT has. Also, not to be mean, the visuals in Twilight Princess hardly absorbed my attention into the world of Hyrule! There were tons of moments that had me thinking "If only Wii was as powerful as..."
  18. Yeah to me SS looks like a 'mixture' of TP and WW. I am hotly anticipating E3 and SS cough and 'C2' ahem cough Not gonna lie though, I dream for a more serious looking LoZ game with the 'style' of OoT but with super powered-up graphics/visuals. Perhaps on this "Wii 2", maybe? Ooh, one final thing. It's a bit of a random question, but who thinks there'll be a new F-zer0 title? And if so, do you think that it'll: Ichi. Launch on the Wii? Ni. On the 3DS? San. On Both?
  19. You have no idea on how much I actually feel your etamio ('etamio' = 'pain' in Japanese - not sure if spelled correctly ). But the two cutest Legendaries I've always wanted - Celebi & Mew - I've NEVER EVER imprisoned in my Pokè-ball. I rid my bycicle off of the road of being the World Best Pokemon Trainer a long time ago but I 'may' re-embark on my unfinished journies when Pokemon-3D comes out on the 3DS.
  20. Yeah man, those are the kind o' features that make gameplay exciting. At the shooting gallery, where I costantly aim straight in a forward direction (lowering my weapon every once in a while), I usually get an itch behind my ear and use my strap to itch it. They should consider putting this feature in FPS'. :wink: Oh, and when I get an itch in my ear, I unload my strap and use the shell caps to rape my inner-ear. Dude would that be a taunter during online play!
  21. KavEighty2, my friend, relax. I wasn't targetting you. I'm sure you're epic with the Mote as you said that "you prefer it too". : peace: I was aiming my comment to those who prefer the mouse purely because of the 'ease of stability'. And I'm positive that the mouse is 'easy' to keep fixed on the screen. That's why I prefer the Mote because, like a real gun (playing a FPS), you need to steady yourself in order to have pr0-level aimimg!
  22. Answer #1: I prefer to seduce my point across in the form of a sing-song, rather than have opinionated wars which causes global... war. Answer #2: Correct. Games are not books. But the metaphor was executed magnificently. Oh, you are entitled to an opinion regarding 'The Conduit' then, as you've displayed you've done some homework. Although you should experience it! : peace: Answer #3 (to the question; "Should I have said it looks generic and unoriginal instead?"): Yes. Well as the main issue boils down to "stability" then I'd say that's why it's 'WiiMote>mouse' all the more. Shooting with a real gun you need skill to keep a steady hand and aim. 't is just as so with the WiiMote. Though, I guess, 'those' who find it too challenging to do such a task would enjoy the mouse method of play.
  23. Relating this to FPS then I'd personally go WiiMote>mouse WiiMote would come in more like, say, how you'd imagine holding a real gun, maybe?
  24. *The first highlight Don't judge a book, NO NOT BY IT'S COVEEEEER You can't go to war, NO NOT WITH YOUR BROTHEEEER IF YOU WANT WORLD PEACE YOU NEED TO HAVE LOVE FOR ONE ANotheeeeeeeeeeeeer! *Final highlight You not being NINTENDO makes mii proud, chuffed and everything pleasant. My dreams are still.... dreamable.
  25. C'mon, KavEightyTwo. Wouldn't you at least be a wii-bit phsyched to see just what High Voltage Software could pull out of their unpredictable bag on NINTENDO's next home console? Riimember, it'd be a brand spanking new console with all kinds of crazy possibilities (I hopefully imagine), so they'd have plenty to toy around with! ... That's why I am looking forward to Conduit 4: The Begining of A New Generation. :bouncy:
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