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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. My life feels like it's default on 'hell' difficulty. I've felt like rage-quitting in hope of respawning in a proper game (maybe firing back some 'hell' before I rage-quit ), but, like a pr0, I'm enjoying this difficulty and I wanna use my skillz to 0wn my way through as many of my awesome achievements as possible! .... I hate when hackers spoil my flow though... THEY, are my side-quests.
  2. Appreciated! : peace: Hmmm would make for an unscruffy board game for mii and my fellow sibs, with online being a nice added bonus.... I telyawot, any time I'm out with my pregnant wallet and I see it, if I get the "... fuck it!" gut-feeling then I'll collect it.
  3. Thanks foohad. If this was on the Wiiu then they could've had a permanent live Boomberg broadcast on the uPad to give us a bit of insight to make it easier to predict which districts are most likely to BOOM.
  4. @Hero\-of\-Time that was a decent personal impression of the game, but I would've enjoyed the read more if you could upload a better photo of Links in your avatar. It'd be bearable if you were Retro Link, but you're not, so get a more awesome, modern one. Fuck! Also, H-o-T, as quoted from Steven Reign (The Rich White Man) from Rush Hour 2: "Greed, shall imprison us all". :wink: @Josh64 you need to be currful with the japanese burr, but it tastes sugoiily oishii!! I love both Mario Party and Monopoly, so I should enjoy this. But I dunno what this hesitant feeling inside of me is. For sure I'd pick this up in a heart beat if you could go Wi-Fi with at least 2 players on the same Wii and if it had HeadBanging (.. maybe Wii Speak, too) so I could use my sexy voice to manipulate my opponents to give me bargains in rough times. How does the shares/stock market work? And what kind of advantage does that give you over the more novice players? Did you say the game ends when ONE out of the four players becomes bankrupt? Are there match time limits?... I want answers, people!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Yeah I appreciate most of those uppers that you mentioned. But I can't for the life of me add up while peeps dislike the flying so much? It's quite cool to me! When you think of it, birds fly by 'flapping' their wings and so you mimick the way how you ride your Loftwing with that similar 'flap' motion. Unless you wanna look like a total goon by having both your arms out flapping your chuck and mote lol. I like how you flap the mote quite subtley, straight after controlling your mote to neutral position to keep your Loftwing 'in the zone' (mind you, it takes a little skill/steady hand to enjoy riding a Legendary Loftwing ). Things that weren't impressive were other ways how they lacked innovative motion gesturing. Birds, simple enough - just flap. But the legendary harp (a freaking musical element of the series!) and each and every song is the same motion swing. I'd 've preferred if the tech understood when your gesturing holding a real harp, and you played different rhythms for each song (maybe even making YOU use STRATEGY and figuring out you must play a song for whatever the situation [trials etc] and also using logic to figure out WHICH song/rhythm to play). This would've been more engaging. More strategic/puzzle-like. More immersive. Sword duels were good, could've been better (enemies also doing an offensive rhythm for you to block with your shield 1:1 motion tracking... not being SO obvious with their goofy attacks for you to spot an easy opening etc...). Controlling the beatle was good. Use of the bombs were cool. Using your bow&arrow could've been tweaked a bit and I was hoping for some Loftwing battles (using arrows on the 'wing - when you use your bow then the Loftwing continues in current direction, so the player chooses wise timing to use bow, also having to be quick sharp & precise to fire...). I think the shield, harp & swimming could've been overhauled. The flying/flapping seemed fine for me. @darksnowman I basically second your post.
  6. You fuckin beat me to it, you really did mate. Last thing we need is some sort of futuristic looking paperbin/vagina that isn't as satisfying as it looks. As for the general public, I'm sure they'll see a Wii**U** WITH the new controller and underfuckinstand. There're also the sales team for any reaaaally slow ones.
  7. Psst. Don't give up! There's surely a way to become acknowledged as an fullly fledged SSKnight of SkyLoft!!


    There must be a way to catch Beedle on his premises..



  8. ^Likewise. The spirit tests were epic and tense. It literally felt like you were growing with Link, like the player was gradually becoming the Hero! I definitely thought there'd be more fond memories with the Loftwing. :p
  9. @Captain Falcon in all respects I think it's a little unfair to be so judgemental towards the inhabitedness of the sky life. When you think about it logically, the Goddess used her remaining power to hide the Triforce securely in that chunk of earth, and raising the said piece of land skyward to safeguard the power and the people (including both the container of her reincarnation and the chosen tool). So bearing this in mind, you can't really expect it to be like some kind of parallel earth. The atmosphere up there was believable, a few extra pieces of land sucked up there following Skyloft. In the Thunder Cloud had even more reason to be less populated - desserted, even. The Isle of Songs was another sacred location (only meant for the Courageous One... Bug Boy was just stupid, not brave! ) not to mention the dragon which was lurking around in there (causing the storm?... Quite Legendary indeed ). So I think in those regards the atmosphere was spot on. It's different from the likes of say The Wind Waker, where 'on an flooded earth' there's many islands to discover etc.
  10. Bevereview The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword was a joy to play and has indeed been a rather special trip, especially with it being the series' 25th Anniversary! But don't get too high on your horses (or loftwing's) as there are flaws which make this game fit into the 'bloody-good-but-could've-been-better' catergory.' This game has an adorable story setting and it presents the story in a heart-warming way (maybe a little clumbsily exagerrated at times, but hey, that is Zelda!), but I just can't help to feel that it can be demonstrated rather cheaply at times. For example, at the end when Ghirahim (who I'm totally in love with, by the way) was doing the ritual on Zelda - couldn't they've made it weird 'n' zainey (like it was and which I love) but in a more exciting way? I mean, the way he kept teleporting seemed like he knew a camera trick was being done on him to make him disappear and re-appear, it looked so editted. Character animations in general seemed quite sloppy at times - which dissatisfies even more during the more serious scenes. Speaking of the devil, who loves Ghirahim? He is SO badass! From his effortless swag, to his cheekily evil giggles, even his feminine side is charming!! Seeing how he serves his master equally to how Fi serves hers - maybe with a lot more noticeable passion - was a little intimidating to say the least. Who do y'all reckon would get serviced out of Ghirahim and Fi? Ghirahim took down quite a few formidable opposers, but I reckon Fi would take it because she's a calculating type and Ghirahim loses his cool far too quickly. Fi also seems quite formidable herslef! The humor within this game strongly appeals to me, I must say. Countless amounts of times I found myself chuckling out bursts of laughter. One thing that irritated me though was when I took on Fledge as a pupil only for him to surpass me - The Legendary Hero - within a matter of weeks. Being optimistic though, you could say that is how great of a teacher the said SShero is! It's just this Link felt somewhat out of shape. Fledge was like a machine and lifting up those barrels with one freaking arm?!.. You see how Links struggles with both of his arms, even while putting his spine into it! Don't evem bother say it's because Fledge was on the green stuff because wii all had our fair share of the fix. What made me chill though was when Link threw that huge Fruit of Life into the Thunder Dragons gob, I was thinking he outdone Fledge's pumpkin toss!! But in all seriousness, I appreciate the RPG-like formula, but the Hero is really so out of shape it's embarrassing. His stamina is middle-aged. Come on, after a legendary scene, Links would spin around all awesome like he means business, like "I'm heading to so-and-so destination and I shan't even spare a second!" (e.g. like in the Isle of Songs). It would have a powerful affect on me and actually psyche me up, I turn around and dart up the isle all cool, only for him to lose breath and gain a stitch around 2/3 of the way. C'mon it's not a long run! So this hero is drug-reliant to lengthen his stamina. Legendary! More on the RPG-like feature, it actually is a good thing for us gamers that this kid is an unhealthy bastard because it gives rupees even more value this time around. Usually there's no need for having a rupee bag and very little need in there being rupees at all to be honest. Everything thing you desire can be found in grass. Go on, you name it. Hearts? Yep. Arrows? Of course. Bombs? Without a doubt. Rupees?... Now you're just being silly! Even though it's the same this time around, you actually feel the urge to try your luck at Fun Fun Island, or to lose some steam by slicing the stem thingmabobs at that cool dudes island (something about him is SO awesome - you know the item-check chicks pups? Yeah, him!) and even gambling at Thrill Digger (that thing is a cheating cunt,... seriously) all so you can upgrade all of your items for the hell of it (though they are beneficial - the Flying Beatle was so sloooow) and even to make use of those new genius potions (yah, an unexhaustable badass demeanour. well, at least for three minutes.). Another ingredient which complimentingly fits itself into this recipe of brilliance of giving rupees purpose thus also keeping the RPG-formula necessary, is that in order for you to upgrade an item (I don't repair, it's fuckloads cheaper to get the potion which also gives health and saves the journey) or potion, you'd need bugs or those other ingredients so that's even more exploration and collecting there. Which also means your bug net will be very useful!! Ok now I think I should go more in depth about gameplay. Gameplay is great yet terrible. Like motion+ is really very incredible and I see 'the potential' of the greatness which motion-controlled gaming can provide, .... but Skyward Sword just didn't land the arrow in my eye! Like I see Nintendo's idea with making each strike on an enemy a musical tone (if you notice what I mean?) in an attempt to perhaps make the action seem more fun but, I dunno, it can be quite a flaw even if it is a charm of Zelda/Nintendo. Maybe you guys don't get what I mean..? The tone that comes after you've hit an enemy encourages the player to waggle quickly to keep the combo going until you've pawned the enemy. Moreover, although it's motion+ it still feels like there are limited input commands, which aids the inaccurate motion sensing (because it's like there being a set boundary within the 1:1 motion tracking). There has been quite a few stunning ideas that would've blown me away but the poor motion controls sadly took away from the overall experience of each stunning idea - ultimately taking away from the overall experience of the entire game in general. Please forgive the lack of memorized boss names, but The Giant Octopus, the part when its snake-like tentacles are coming at you; magnificent idea but rather than hopping around skillfully to avoid them and slicing WHERE YOU WANT TO SLICE, you instead had to be planted in one spot while waggling your wrist (gesturing as if your doing a fail martial-arts nunchuck demonstration) to beat the tentacles successfully with losing any health. Really disappointing. Fighting say, Ghirahim, wasn't half bad as he seemed to be programmed to take advantage of the available motion input commands, so it felt more natural I suppose. Fighting him at the end was terrible stuff, for starters he was so in beserk-mode he exposed his own weakness (COME ON NINTENDO, CHALLENGE US!!! THE SECOND-TO-LAST FIGHT FFS!!!!) and you're generally just waggling him off the edge to then deliver the final blows three times. The hardest bit was trying to deliver the final blows with the inaccurately, poor motion+!! ... Seriously, to give myself a challenge I completed the game with as little waggling as possible. For instance, Demise, you could waggle the shyte out o' him but that'd be too simple so I played trying to overcome the inaccurate controls - meaning being at an fatiguing disadvantage to each boss! So I didn't regret or feel cheap in using the help of the people of Skyloft (potions etc) who I made an oath to save lol. I think the motion gestures in this game (all Wii games to be honest Wii Music, *coughTheOverlyHypedDISASTERDAYOFCRISIScough* and a few others - Another Code R?) was utterly weak. Like playing the harp was like a mastubation tutorial, you're just basically wanking your wiimote back, back, forth & forth. Why not make the gesture more engaging like, for starters, holding the harp like you really would in real life maybe? Hold the nunchuck as the harp and the wiimote as your hand playing the strings. It would've been even more exciting if YOU yourself manually learned/played songs. So instead of EVERY darn song being the masturbation gesture, make there be rhythms for each songs, like OoT and WW!! The difficulty of this game is extremely underwhelming it's unbelievable. Each puzzle was just so uninspiring and at times making me think "Why shall I even bother?..." I like to be brain-fucked. To be struggling for weeks (months, even) on a problem only to finally beat it and feel the glorious victory in my belly. But maybe those problems were so hard for me in previous Zelda's because I was an overly confident kid ("yeah, yeah, I don't need to read" *taps on the 'A' button to skip the useful hints* ), so maybe they weren't genius puzzles either. But SS is just ridiculously simple. Ok, what else 'ave we got? Oh, the dungeons setting! In all honesty Zelda games are usually really kind of based around searching for clues to solve so-and-so mystery etc etc. But sweet Mary Skyward Sword takes it to the next level toward the skward direction which has no pissin' end. You'd be searching for this and searching for that (which are all in different fucking corners of the globe), to find a clue which'd enable you to undergo a spiritual test in turn to lead you to a damn song which is scattered in to three locations.... bloody hell! What got me is when that bitch dragon flooded the entire forest then to confess it was really basically for her enjoyment and then dries the water away right before my eyes after I went through all of that crap!! Oh, and when the windmill thingy somehow manages to coincidentally fall below the fucking clouds?!?! So basically in an artificial/generic way, the dungeon settings were just done in a time-consuming manner to keep you having to visit each place 3-5 fucking times. I would prefer many new creative dungeons rather than revisiting the same dungeons over and over with some future dungeons being a bloody replica of dungeons you've already done! Unmotivating, BIG time. But, being the humble gamer that I am, I actually took pleasure in it. It felt like the Zelda team were testing the players' patience and I enjoyed stubbornly taking up that challenge - no matter how grouchy I seem about it Oh no, I'm not finished! Again, I'm in complete love with every aspect of humour within Zelda games, from the clowny image characteristics to the clowny personality characteristics of villagers, enemies, bosses etc etc. But some times I yearn for seriousness, I really do. It'd captivate me even more and by a significant amount. Do bosses have to look SO clumbsy for crying out loud?! I don't mind some sub-bosses and even some bosses with the clumbsy humour and look, but try make SOME more serious, eh!? Demise, the ultimate Demon King is as laughable as he looks - he looks like the rock dude from Fantastic Four *facepalm*. Characters like Ghirahim is perfect. Someone like Zant, I preferred how he was before he was unmasked and exposed that those weren't even his powers, then you saw the clownly pathetic weak personality of the pawn. Actually, during the boss fight he just lost respect from me as he seemed so... clowny. But to stick closely to the point I'm trying to make; a well-balanced mixture of humour and seriousness would work like magic. Look at The Imprisoned. Another neat idea but oh lord it looked so clumbsy. Sealing it was awesome though! And the Groosenator was pure genius! If I could jump a few steps back onto the terrible character animations, does anybody know why the hell Fi feels the urge to do ballet like she's on Dancing With The Stars and why she ski's on the water as if she's on Dancing on Ice any time there is a message for me from the goddess? It's so annoying. Scenes like this and like when that hilarious Scrapper robot appears just seems like a cheap WiiWare game. Surely the quality of it all can raise a little!? Back onto the simple difficulty. Although I wouldn't use hints even if I was stuck to tears, there's far too many unavoidable and avoidable hints within this easy game. For instance, any time you needed the help of Scrapper, it'd be fantastic if Fi didn't automatically communicate with him telepathically to call him for the task - thus solving the puzzle for you. Quite frankly, their relationship made me jealous. Why not allow us to call him 'when WE think we have to' and perhaps mapping him to either the left or right directional button, as if memory recalls both them buttons were vacant. The game IS a good game but I'd like to see Nintendo tend to the following: *Improved/more accurate motion sensing and to utilize it in outstanding intuitive and inventive ways for the ultimate gaming satisfaction. Don't get me wrong, the motion controls are suprisingly good, you have to angle your attack and follow a defensive rhythm of the enemy, but maybe it would be even more exciting if we could also defend ourselves with our shield/nunchuck with 1:1 motion tracking too, for an even more strategic duel! Using your wiimote to mimic the sword when stabbing it in the ground or machine was just magical!! *Humor and Seriousness - Maintain the Zelda (and Nintendo) charm, but don't be afraid to add a huge dose of seriousness. Magnificent voice acting as opposed to weird orgasming moans would be totally brill! More badass characters (or less clumbsy looking bosses) to enhance the feeling of the 'serious' atmosphere which we sense. I understand why Demise/The Imprisoned looked like they did, but I'd prefer the SERIOUS version of those exact models, if y'all follow mii? *A powered-up difficulty setting - That's right, increase that shit! Also make more genius-like puzzles. This is a 'strategy' game for puke sakes. *Dungeon setting - Less generic. Prevention of putting the gamers on pointless and random wild groose chases as a cheap method to extending the length of the freaking game. CREATIVITY is needed! But I do applaud the 'actaul' dungeons to a reasonable extent as they were amazing. *Visuals - Next Zelda needs to look jaw-dropping. I'd personally prefer a more serious looking Zelda, be that a cross between mangarish/realisticish. But I think which ever style they decide to experiment with, I hope it's more on the serious side. :awesome: *Evolve - The game has evolved more times than Poket Monsters but briefly put, I'd like voice acting at least optional with of course even greater cut-scenes to keep you engaged and also to beautifully highlight the compelling story! So I think that's an enormous load removed from my broad shoulders and with that I'd like to reward The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword a Bevereview score of 6/10. Don't be upset, I'm not easily pleased and I still rate it higher than average. Just that it has plenty of room for improvement (please note that the remaining 4 marks is of value that's unfathomable ) Will you guys play SS several times over & over (100% or speedrun) like you did/are OoT or WW or any of them other ones like the Minish Cap or whatever? Will I?.. Maybe not. I may do the last Ghirahim/Demise part a few times though lol. : peace:
  11. :laughing: Awww I love U :love:

    But for getting a few over on mii, take mii on an SSBB date. I'll be Lucario and I'll confuse u even more with my Confusion Ray before I make you blast-off like Team Rocket! :cool:

  12. Nevermind what the first thing they showed was, what matters is you never needed to be three seconds into the vid for you to know it - the controller - was for the Wiiu. Not even for a split-second. Why? Teehee. Because if one were listening, then one would needn't anything other than what they were already told from a wealthy man in order to gain the thorough understanding that the upcoming footage was for the Wiiu's (the successor to the Wii) 'controller.' When I saw the NSMB thingy, I personally was thinking that it was a mere demonstration to show off how the Wiiu's controller could be used and also that it's fully backward compatible with the Wii, like what was promised : peace: . But once I saw the Mii's I must admit that I thought it was a new game for the Wiiu to appeal to the masses. Moreover, I didn't think that one would've had their mighty hopes crashing through the roof of the E3 building to see the box, as surely they would've known before the footage, as previously mentioned, that the footage was dedicated to the ass-grabbing controller However, I do agree that the confused ones would've not been upto detail of such. In any case, I had a powerful prediction that the box would've been white. Me and my friends gambled on it but none of us sorry fellows won a dime as we all betted on the same thing, so we all kept our ka-ching. It was quite obvious the box would've been white what with Nintendo expressing their little console-colouring strategy etc. I wish that the controller is able to expand off of the 3DS' Mii-Face-Capture-Thingy... Depending on certain things I'd slap 1000rupees down for this whore machine.
  13. Hmm I never understood what "confusion" that 'Nintendo' have apparently made with "getting the point across" that Wiiu is the successor to the Wii. For crying out bloody loud, does "This is the controller for the new console, the successor of the Wii, the Wiiu!" convey that point in the form of a wizard-levelled riddle or sumink? Jeeweez I think it was a mixture of unprofessional journalists doing a failtastic job of suck-reporting and wiitards yelling in orgasmic moans thus missing the build-up hype - which would've given them that "point" very clearly - of the Wiiu reveal. Daaah c'moooon, 'Wii 2' would be so dull/generic/bland! Wiiu is unique. Unifying, even. I think the sky's the limit with how jiggii u can get with it Wii = New Nintendo (0wn The W0rld Pr0ject )
  14. Howdy, bud. :D

    I have a lil theme suggestion for when you wish for the Big League to commence in 2012.


    I know it may be a bit obvious but how about a theme where all racers use the steering-3DS control method (what ever it be called)? I think that'd be fun, just one small prob; people may cheat. :laughing: So do ensure you're able see which control method that players are using - much like MKW with the Wii Wheel etc - before you make the theme a go-go. : peace:


    .. I think I can hold out until 'Will U Marry Your Kart?', or rather, 'Wiiu Mario Kart?' (or if a revised 3DS model is unleashed). :bowdown:

  15. *Mario Kart Wii - Normally would go on once in a while (play for a month, pause for 2 or 3 etc). If guests (friends, family or 'other') comes around and they won't say 'no' to a nice game session then that's play time there. Either way, me and my bro's would either do all 4 of us doing all stages with all cpu's and battles after, or we'd just go 2 on my wii and 2 on their's and jump worldwide together. Hackers kill the joy, usually. *Conduit 2 - Sadly, only once in a while I'd go on for a quick blast on Hardcore FFA (love it! ). *SSBB - Same as Mario Kart Wii to be honest (bar Wi Fi brawling : ) *Mario Party 4 - My most fave MP game hands-down. Although it's a cube game and we don't play it ANY where near how much we used to, we'd still every now & then insert the disc and memory card in and have a crazyfunzilywacky board game sesh! (always wanted one of these along with a Super Mario side-scroller to go online ) *Mario & Sonic at The Olympic Gamezez - Again, me and The Br0'z would sometimes challenge each other in certain events and try to make our victories memorable record-breakers (best game within its series, just needs tighter controls and lag-free online IMHO). Fun and muscle exhausting game though! *Bit Trip Beat - I love this right here. Usually get taken away on it before I go to bed. I've mastered all the rhythms to be honest, but it's quite an often thing for me to get cocky, make one or two slip-ups (which spoils my goal to let NOTHING passed me ) and I curse like "Oh sh!t!" Brilliant stuff though, I love this game. *F-zero Gx & Mario Kart: Double Dash - Really, just for reminiscing sakes, we'd ONCE IN A BLUE MOON slip these momma's in and go at it. Although VERY engaging and fun we still always finish up with chatting among ourselves "This game is so dope yo, in the next iteration of both these franchises we'd defo like new & fresh but we'd dig a few gorgeous spices that these honeyz bought to the table!" : peace: (Respect to ya mootha ) *Super Mario Sunshine - I rather frequently tend to dive into some random and catchy missions and get funky to some of them groovey bonus stages (sorry guys, as much as the Galaxies had a brainstorm of quite terrific ideas all desperately blobbed together, I just sadly didn't warm to them. So please, no more for Wiiu, just sling 'em on the 3DS if anything lol). *Arc Rise Fantasia and Monado: Begining of World - I wanted these so bad at a stage. There's just something in my blood that just yearns for a wild, long and rough RPG adventure. But Arc Rise Fantasia, is it out?... The exclusion of the Jap voice-overs and the inclusion of the painful English dub did put me off a little. Xenoblade I may get sometime though. Looks quite alright/interesting I suppose. Can anyone recommend to make me eagerly want it to be a get? *The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword This is where it be at, homies! This be where it is AT. Woah sh!t yo... So there you have it. In my spare time, gaming or, more specifically, 'Wii' is providing appreciative amounts of multiplayer experiences (same-room and/or online) and worthy, engaging and captivating single player experiences so I wouldn't consider the Wii to be concked-out just yet. I'd imagine the gamers who whores out their Wii's to any and every ol' game (and casuals who love their thangs - my sis loves her some Sims, Just Dance, Guitar Heroes and Another Code R series and Mario/Zelda etc...) would have a much more youthful Wii than my own. Combine this with Mr. Fils-Aimed constantly stating the plan to shift million more units by allowing it to sell side-by-side with Wiiu then I don't think Wii'll be dead just yet. But, that's just mii.
  16. Yeah no contraception is needed for this tradition. I must say, with this year being the Legend of Zelda's 25th Anniversary and all, I think that this is the most specialestest way I've ever began an adventure as Link (although I always name him 'Beverage'). Happy play, play peeps!
  17. Awww I hate them ones bro. Where I live is like a concrete jungle of flats (although they're all used as normal houses) so the 2 times that that's happened to me I went out in my slip-slops and morning get-up and hunted down the cunt with the 'you were out' slip Yeah I don't get the waiting 24-48 hours, if you're in the mood then you could try going in but I'm a lazy bastard and just fatigue Royal Mail by re-delivery Edit - Not with Zelda!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN THERE ASAP!!!!
  18. Haha 'I' should be the one going FFFFFFFFFFF- because I left hanging out in the cold. I also felt like saying SHHhhhhhhh- too :laughing:


    Ok tomorrows a no-go as I'll be watching Naruto (fillers I know, but I swear there are TEENIE signs for you to work - although I dont want spoilers lol) and socialising with my peeps.


    Sprouts usually on, also try Fused King, CalV and maybe Shadow. Oh and Ine.


    But please hear this: I do want to see if the shmit wiil be smashed out of me, or if the piss > sperm > intestine-blood will be supered out of you :cool:


    Oh and that's your amigo, I remembereded iim, .... flamekid & flameboy! Weren't you two a duo?

  19. Flamekid didn't show. U wanna go?

  20. That is true and thinking about it now, that is an enormous possibily for you to do so However, I am very stubborn/determined to get good enough grips with controls, so I wouldn't admit defeat so soon!: peace: In any case, I don't think I'll be getting it so your chance has been eliminated Well not if it's like how it was used in MK64 - which it is, isn't it? Wait, sorry for my laggy brain at the mo. But are you saying each racer will have a unique abilty (have one item [e.g. Dynamo has bananas, lostmario has greens, Redshell has Reds and david dakota has blues] throughout the race plus their '7' power-up or whatever)? Interesting yet gay. might be good to be honest, not sure I totally remember that! Classic Haha you had to quote friendcodes as shyte twice! I'll do the third - IT'S SHMIT!!!!!!
  21. Nintendo hasn't fucked shit up. MK is different from SSB in my opinion. SSB is a competitive fighter with and without items, just that with the latter it slightly alters to a party-like game (increases the advantage/luck, although still very fun). MK on the other hand, wasn't designed to be a serious racer like that of Burnout, Juiced, Grand Turismo, Forza or what have you, it was created to be a competitive party racer. Items make Mario Kart. So to disabling a couple of items would really just make the races more boring. Besides, ain't you ballz at MK anyway, Mr. Dakota? When you're in 8th places getting karted-out I bet you'd start moanin' 'N' groanin' that there's no bluey for ya to launch! You wonky bastard!
  22. That's a date then. :hug:

    Don't forget to treat me with some fireflowers, flamey. :love:


    Oh an the chat area seems to be out of service, at least only for me anyway.

  23. Yeah that was the norm for me in Double Dash too
  24. Ahh my bad flamey I was occupied today. I tell ye what, you call a time and I'll catch ye.

  25. @Adthegreat - Nowaydude! NO WAY!!! I'm so jealous right now. I literally mean that. How is it, is it good?
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