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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. Oh well I just suggested that Mass Effect should be a little more similar to Halo because they're both similar games but ME's stories more there but Halo's gameplay is more in-your-face. So maybe the perfect game for Mass Effect would be to be in first-person view, more mini race-wars in epic locations but not so Haloey in regards to weapons and unrealistic super jumps etc. You want both games to remain unique and believable in their own pov. Not sure if I explained that well, but hope you get what I mean a li'l. Hero-of-Time you're ripping my abs with those giffy gaffy thingies, that pokemon themed one was great. keep em coming
  2. Precisely. This is just me but that's why I think it'd be more fun if game-play was Haloified (not too crazy mind you), but keeping the third-person view for taking cover and other sort of things. It may aswell've been a friggin' movie, man.
  3. @david\.dakota I kinda understood his calculations, for he broke it down kinda dopely. Are you gonna take that?..[/size] But remakes just for HD and a few additions, hmmm probably. But I'd be up for something miles more grand, yet definitely completely original (not fiddling with something already good... but rather exaggerating/highlighting/expressing things more magnificent than when it couldn't be done. Adding in more ideas to that fits in naturally - almost like those ideas were always meant to be! Yessss, that is art )
  4. WOAH SH!T, AN E3 TIMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY THE TIME THE TIME IS UP, SO WILL MY DICK AND THAT'D THE THE 'DING' NOISE YOU'' HEAR AS AN NOTIFICATION THAT E-MOTHER PHUCKIN' 3 HAS COMMENCED. Let's just hope I don't get a thong-block to prevent the 'ding'
  5. You ungrateful bastard. Well to show our appreciation to have been granted the honour and privilege to catch our highness that is Nintendo at the biggest event, like ever, I shall stay in-the know regarding the royal highness' Diamond Jubilee up until the point the E3 music begins and you can see camera-view of eager bastard steaming around the building like hype trains. All attention will then be on E-frwii - thanks Queeny. 'Ow 'bout all that creativity is reserved for F-zer0, Metroid or even some kind of Star Fox (or all fuckin' 3) and it'll only be on Wiiu?
  6. You lucky bastard. I admire ya, I really do mate. @Sheikah you make some decent points, keep 'em comin' because I feed off of you guys' passion. It's just that D.D is one of the many that I love seeing in a good ol' friendly debate! But Beverage agrees that focusing heavily on being Wiimake-reliant isn't the most rewarding of strategies, so Nintendo should indeed do it in the most cost-effective and time-effect ways that they usually do. I just have a sincere dream that even if 2 or more (but under 6 games) got a 'perfect remake' treatment. Heck, even if just one game did:love: All you fuckers care about is moneeeeey. It's not about money, 'tis about sending a message: "Fans, we will demonstrate our appreciation for your long-time support and shall entertain you, who be our audience, with artful remakes of the classic shows which captured your interest, using it - your interest - as an conduit to channel joy into your spirits." Fuck the money, .. which I'm pretty sure they'd make some bread if they'd just put in maximum, loving effort.
  7. Is that Reggie Fils-Aime' son? It looks like he was front-row at the most legendariest E3 ever and witnessed his fathers company own the show, thus why my awesome lip-reading skills can capture him saying: "I, .. *takes deep breath* LOOOOOVE U POPSSS *then cums fireworks Brock Lesnar-style*" Most excellent.
  8. Dude, step off. And that goes for all of you! Name's not changing. I'd wager my virginity with a random, one-bosomed, hot chick on it. That's a want! I also want Miis to take part is numerous games, like in F-zer0 (design and personalise your own ship and costume etc). Or even in Zelda, to make the hero more me-ified (or mii-ify Link ) so it feels even more like it's mii on the adventure and each Link on Wiiu's look different... perhaps you could warp over to friends' universes for some good-ol' co-op while seeing eachothers goofy heroic faces Other games too!! Mind you, Mii's would potentially kill and take over Nintendo Leave such engines or graphic styles for the home consoles. Dump the skatoony styles on the handhelds. Though once in a while (after we're super satisfied by a serious style) let us home console owners taste that style too. LMFAO LOL LMFBO LOLZ LOLZ LOLZ Nah I do see your point, for I adore this here game. However, that's some asian myth Fair enough, "myths are born from truths" but Mass Effects Scifi/fantasy story is more of a metaphoric reality. Hmm gameplay-wise.... Phuckit, they're in a league of their own. I do need to get around to playing teh Okamiden version on my cousins Ds
  9. Now, now! Now you listen on here, ME is a really interesting game and the story is quite super good! Personally speaking, though, when I play a 'GAME', I'm after 'FUN', so I'd personally prefer if ME, gameplay-wise (story's brill), was 'kind of' like Mass Effect/Halo sort of. But I do understand why certain games present the atmosphere etc the way they do, though - to make the journey/adventure in whatever story universe seem convincing etc. But the game's a good, good game!!
  10. Yeah I agree. I think that shields (especially the sacred, legendary high-rule one ) should of course still remain in but most definitely shield-damaging needs to become a standard. Maybe when you get your Hylian shield later on in the story then, if possible, situations should occur which results in your items - namely the defensive item - being confiscated, thus making gameplay even more insane. The area should be riddled with elite swordsman and other brutish giants/trolls/goblins with their clubs, staffs and what not (and their shields) and then you need to use your sword skills (and any other items which may aid you in battle) to worm your way out of that predicament. To make it 'fun' though, I think that they should really work on enhancing the motion precision and also making the enemy A.I more intelligent - i.e. make them be able to predict (to a certain extent) your attack rhythm (not to mention that they also have shields ) and they should also have a couple of unique 'attack rhythms' of their own (each enemy type has maybe 2-3 attack patterns each) so that it mixes up gameplay a nice amount to where you don't just use your sword to attack and trick the enemy, but also to parry - and counter - their series of attacks. I do realize that this probably wouldn't be casual-friendly, though. Hey you were sending it to [email protected] right? Don't worry I'll download it later, but thanks dude! : peace: Yeah there were a few catchy melodies in Skyward Sword and there were a little mmmm okaaaaayishhhhh ones on the orchestra cd, but three tunes that stand out to me is that place where the windmill thing fell down to (forgot the name of most of the places lol), Ghirahim's theme and also, no doubt about it; the opening soundtrack (this ones quite a classic I reckon!)... The final melody which was apart of the Zelda's 25th Anniversary Ochestral Performance at E3. Loved it:heart:
  11. Retro Link oh my gawd you're a knob! No I know there are some annoying things but you'll get used to them - like it seems that you already have. Has anybody downloaded the Ghirahim theme? If anyone's got it can you email it to me please? Many thanks - I want to have it suddenly play at my brothers wedding when they're saying the vows so I can crash the wedding and make it a no-show (I don't want my big bro getting married just yet, he should take it slow )
  12. Two things: Numero uno - Long time fans most-likely have old classics that're laying around somewhere, plus, for both them and the new audience, VC and this eShop has thankfully been set in motion. So everybody should still have huge opportunies to experience such experiences. Numero dos - I think that only a selected few big-hitters should/would eat the Mega 'Shroom if Nintendo did ever decide to power-up any of their titles. Ya done-know, fam! I always wanted a nice little online tennis game with no fancy items or anything (maybe a mode for it) so that you could have a nice little skilled game. Maybe even a two on Two mode - oh sh!t!
  13. Well just like I said a few dayz ago, I wouldn't buy a HD version of a game that I already own. I bloody have the N64 cartridge of OoT (I always use this game for examples ), the disc that came with Wind Waker (you can kind o' count that as three OoT' if you were to include the Master Quest ... but it was a neat deal since the Wii hasn't any cartridge slots ). Not to mention some may have it on VC and the 3D version on the 3DS. Graphics, waggle or little little depth-perception tricks won't get me to buy the same thing twice. However, if the enitre thing was re-animated with more 'origional ideas being able to be fitted in' (with the addition of the new controls, power, graphics etc etc) the hizz yeah will I buy that shizz! It'd be like, it'd be like old feelings travelling through time making you feel like an infant again. ... But generally speaking; new games, please.
  14. I would find that totally amusing! I think lap records would constantly be getting smashed because all the racers would be eager to get to the 'smash area' to change a brawlers luck lol - firing items or knocking their smashin' shoes off!! ("it was Pokemon Trainer who got in my way... you wait 'til I go round there again! *saves bob-omb") teh second idea was tasteful two
  15. My King, you made a common error. Is not the 'soul' the container for the active force (or spirit) which be inside of uz? i.e "There was not a soul in sight" and "That beautiful melody uplifts my joyous spirit" Sorry everymember and everyguest for this casual talk!
  16. My guess of the definition of 'graphic whore' is; merely wanting all games to merely look goodness-gracious-me awesome with not much focus on anything else. To be fair to graphc whores, though, I would say that us consumers use our own hard-earned money to pay for products that has evident hard-work put into it so if the game has not much focus on anything else (and the game is still not too bad) then if at least better visuals would provide a better experience (I'll explain "better experience" later) - giving the consumer the most out of their money - then by all means make us consumers be able to use our video games with our HD TV's! I'm going to quote @Ronnie from another thread which he posted quite some time ago but it relates to this 'graphic whore' topic. Ronnie was preaching that there are far more important things to focus on before focusing on the graphics, which I do agree with. His post is as follows: Now, when you look at it, all these things that Ronnie was talking about all fits under any one catergory - creativity/imagination/effort/enthusiasm/expression. Smash all of those words into one and what do you get? Art. That's what the Nintendo and Zelda Charm is. Not sure about any of you, but to me, the reason why Nintendo games don't seem so great nowadays is because they are using minimum art because they don't have to - people buy and get a fix any old software thus allowing Nintendo to milk your nipples' dry. But sticking to Zelda, Ronnie was mainly talking about three things: Magic, exploration and a sense of adventure - all of which fit under the catergory of art. If maximum effort was put in from start to finish in all aspects of the game then of course it'd be a masterpiece but one'd need a hell of a lot of creativity and imagination to apply these things for every game within a series while also making each installment unique and different. One'd have to be a true genius for that, which now I have developed the eyes though age I can see Nintendo isn't a true genius of art but a top player of hustle So to accept Zelda games the way that they are and will forever be, which is still very good, I'd love to see as much effort and enthusiasm as possible - including the visuals. But I'd just like to point out that visuals are not merely to make things 'look prettier', they aid art in numerous amounts of ways. Firstly, good graphics is art in itself! I won't even start explaining what makes drawing and animation magnificent pieces of art since there's way too much to explain, the sky is the limit with those pieces of art. Basically, if a simplistic style was used with those arts, you could put in bags of efforet, creativity, imaginatioin, effort and enthusiasm to keep the subject fun, lively, attractive, captivating and a bunch of other words which desrcibes an outcome of superb art. But in say, Zelda, splendid graphics (maybe even accompanied by high-end voice acting and top quality music) would convey all emotions (ah, character animations would need to be on top form too!) thus making the captivating story much more compelling. We all expect Zelda (and obviously games in genreal) to be creative, like random things happening at random times blah blah blah but that's just all depends on how much effort Nintendo (or any game dev) puts into a game I'm afraid. I honestly truly believe that utilizing the bleeding technology that is available these days to make outstanding use out of the visuals would be a sweet motivator to form the best piece of art. Just think about drawing a picture, drawing a simple picture you're probably going to keep it short and sweet. But putting maximum detail even in the most simplest of pictures, ideas are just going to keep coming into your mind and you're not going to be able to resist adding that extra detail on the page. In games, detail could be in the form of anything, not just visuals (detail = ideas in general).
  17. I've always wanted a Wavebird, cube controller. Back when it was new, I ordered my bro to pick one up for me while he was going to get his game - the little bell-end went and got me one of those buffed-up white chunky things (Logitech, is it?). I settled with it because we just gamed on! But anyway, the real motive behind me quoting you is because, if OoT and/or WW got a true Wiimake (to cater for u this time..), then rather than add on more dungeons I think they could put more effort and enthusiasm (aka 'art') into expressing what's already on display. In addition, ideas that they once had but was impossible to put into the game at that time, now, they could show the player their ture-enough vision of what they had/have in mind. Don't get me wrong, this would be the chance for them to add as many other side-quests - and perhaps more dungeons - and the like to make it a complete game (I personally think that some stuff from MM, WW, TP & SS were ideas that were inspired by the ideas that were originally meant for OoT but couldn't make it in the game). Besides, after playing it several times on the 64, then the cube, then even the Wii, .... and the 3DS just because of the little 3D effects, and fans are still screaming out for more - I thinks that such a LEGEND would be rewarded by such efforts. Could be (most-likely) wrong, of course!
  18. ^ l This may be the winning post at current, in regards to Fused King's game rules. I'll edit my post later to try to score some points instead of typing hypie junk
  19. Hizz no will I let Nintendo get away with it! I loosened my buttons during the Wii period and while I'm glad that I did, I wasn't blown away. So I've buttoned up my shirt to the neck and made an oath that only hot software will fully strip me! As Dcubed and darkjak said, it could ruin the gameplay and if I were to by a true remake then it'd have to be an evolved yet 100% faithful to the original. I'm mainly talking about The Lagend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time here. As in ideas that I know they had for that game in order to make it 'complete' masterpiece, they could have utter fun and pleasure inserting them to forge ir into the supreme, legendary classic. Ever! But in general I just want new games and for them to be done right - with love. Why have a HD Metroid Prime when you can have a new one with more story, not experienced before, and (hopefully) deeper gameplay/fun? TLOZ: OoT gets special treatment EDIT 1 - Also a WindWaker remake! EDIT 2 - Nintendo better play their AR Cards Right. 3DS weren't up to standards so I didn't buy it. I'll bloody do the same with any game console from this moment onwards. I'll just have more time with my other hobbies!
  20. Now, now!! You know darn well that's one of the tasteful experiences of E3, the disappointment - which makes the unexpected surprises (when they finally fucking cum) almost stop our heart beats. e.g. "ARRGGGGH NEXT YEAR!, ... NeXT yyEeeaarrrR!!! :gambling face: So rocket your expectations sky-high and brace yourself for that awesome disappointment that all of our subconscious' love.
  21. I know that's my point lol, but I Hero-of-Time is right that they'll re-hype us with false promises. / EDIT - Miyamoto-sama looks ready to pawn the war in that poster >__<
  22. We've had that false 'strong 3rd party support' promise already. Nintendo probably under-armed them a quarter mill' each in Mushroom Kingdom & Hylian currency to hype their loyal crowds to build momentum.
  23. @david\.dakota I totally forgot about the Wii design, but I'm also banking on it having far more rape to it. Hopefully we'll be paralized by the hardware that the sex becomes one-sided! @Grazza I oppose you, pal. No motion controls? Wait, ... well you do have a point, even more so what with the evolved Nintendo Control Pad. We need a refined (or perfected) Remote/Nunchuck. @lostmario I am pillaring your Super Mario Bros. 4 and Metroid Prime 4 predictions! @Jamba your post doesn't seem like a prediction as much as a bleeding prophecy, especially the part about Nintendo's online and them "rubbing their own genie lamp" And lastly: @Mike I'm sincerely happy for ya mate, ya fuckin' lucky cunt. EDIT - Everybody, please use Fused King's Nintendo colour coding routine when posting your predictions, hopes & dreams!!!!! Show some N-fUse-i-gasm with this annual tradition!
  24. Fused King I don't think a question mark would go down well. It's like Nintendo are uncertain if their customers will be fit after using their product. But inserting an exclamation point afterwards is like a statement of confidence that U'll Fit into anything after 100%ing that there game.
  25. 1. A. Announcement of a Super Mario title for the Wiiu (full 3D, looking like the ultimate dreamland, with a shitload of new & fresh ideas - open world, but at times, goes 2.5D ) - Followed by footage/trailer. B. Mario Kart for the Wiiu - refining some ideas from the 3DS game but with bucketloads of new - followed by footage/trailer. C. F-zer0 - followed by the epicest cum-fest footage/trailer ever to cum in the history of gaming. D. Removed 'New Franchise' becuase there's too many possibilities of what Nintendo could choose to do..... and we already know of 'New Franchise(s)... I think? E. Somewhere, at sometime, in some moment: Conduit 3 - followed by a complete and utter hype trailer of some kind... fuck I'm getting exhausted just thinking about it. I was gonna make this an Outrageous & Unlikely claim, but I'm feeling lucky! *puts both testiballz AND dick on the betting line* F. This one's inevitable: U Fit :P I know that this one is kind of confirmed already (I think?) but I'm more talking about the title... meaning Wiiu is here to stay! 2. 1. The one's a wild guess, but probably possible -no matter how unlikely, but: Some kind of Wii Sports Universe game... Maybe Mii Universe of something (I shan't go into detail, but the said software would be for the purposes of Hardcore (land) + Casuals (ocean) to live happily under Nintendo's world ) 3. Yes, Super Smash Bros U????... teases.
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